H. Ströher

Photoproduction of neutral pion pairs from the proton

Double neutral pion photoproduction from the proton has been measured at MAMI for photon energies between threshold and 820 MeV. The reaction was identified by an invariant mass and missing mass analysis. From threshold up to 370 MeV the total cross-section does not exceed 30 nb. For higher energies it shows a smooth rise until it reaches a maximum of about 10 μb at Eγ = 740 MeV. Dalitz plots of m2(π0π0) versusm2(p,π0) for seven bins of incident photon energy have been analysed. For Eγ > 610 MeV, a strong contribution of a sequential decay is observed with the Δ(1232)-resonance as intermediate state. A comparison to model calculations shows that these sequential decays presumably originate …

research product

Compton scattering from the free and bound proton at backward angles above π-threshold

Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the free proton at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 130.7 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 410 MeV and far quasi-free Compton scattering from the proton bound in the deuteron at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 148.8 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 290 MeV have been measured. The free proton data are in agreement with dispersion-theory predictions based on standard parameters. The difference of the proton polarizabilities has been extracted from the quasi-free data. Our result, - = [9.1 +/- 1.7(stat + syst) +/- 1.2(mod)] x 10(-4) fm(3), is in reasonable agreement with the world average of the free proton data if the backward spin polari…

research product

Test of Low-Energy Theorems forH1(γ→,π0)H1in the Threshold Region

The photon asymmetry in the reaction H-1(, pi (0))H-1 close to threshold has been measured for the first time with the photon spectrometer TAPS using linearly polarized photons from the tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The total and differential cross sections were also measured simultaneously with the photon asymmetry. This allowed determination of the S-wave and all three P-wave amplitudes. The values obtained at threshold are E0+ = [-1.33 +/- 0.08(stat) +/- 0.03(syst)] x 10(-3)/m(pi+), P-1 = [9.47 +/- 0.08(stat) +/- 0.29(syst)] x 10(-3)q /m(pi+)(2) P-2 [-9.46 +/- 0.1(stat) +/- 0.29(syst)] x 10(-3)q/m(pi+)(2), and P-3 = [11.48 +/- 0.06(stat) +/- 0.35(syst)] x 10(-3)q/m(…

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An Isotensor Dibaryon in the $pp \to pp\pi^+\pi^-$ Reaction?

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free $pp \to pp\pi^+\pi^-$ reaction have been carried out at WASA@COSY by means of $pd$ collisions at $T_p$ = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region $T_p = 1.08 - 1.36$ GeV, which is the region of $N^*(1440)$ and $\Delta(1232)\Delta(1232)$ resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by $t$-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor $\Delta N$ dibaryon resonance with $I(J^P) = 2(1^+)$ produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.

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Radiation resistance and optical properties of lead fluoride Cherenkov crystals

Abstract Optical properties of large size lead fluoride (PbF 2 ) crystals of three different manufacturers and their degradation caused by 60 Co γ-radiation have been investigated. Transmission losses have been systematically studied at absorbed energy doses between 0.1 and 7 kGy. Several radiation induced absorption bands have been observed. Optical bleaching with light of wavelengths ≳365 nm has been found very effective to restore the original characteristics even after repeated irradiations. This observation together with the high density and the ultraviolet extended transmission make PbF 2 an excellent choice for high rate and high resolution e.m. calorimetry.

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Near threshold photoproduction of eta mesons off the proton.

We have measured precise total and differential cross sections for the reaction $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\ensuremath{\eta}$ from threshold to 790 MeV at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz with the neutral meson spectrometer TAPS. Resonance parameters of the ${S}_{11}$(1535) resonance and the electromagnetic coupling $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{S}_{11}$ have been extracted from the data. Contributions from the ${D}_{13}$(1520) resonance to $\ensuremath{\eta}$ photoproduction in the threshold region have been identified for the first time via interference terms in the angular distributions.

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Measurement of the p(γ,π^{0}) cross section at threshold

Differential and absolute cross sections for the reaction {ital p}({gamma},{pi}{sup 0}) have been measured with energy-defined photons in the threshold region ({ital E}{sub {gamma}}=131.4--157.2 MeV). The {ital E}{sub 0+} amplitude has been extracted out of the data. The values found are in disagreement with predictions of low-energy theorems.

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Krusche et al. reply.

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Differential cross sections for coherent and incoherent neutral-pion photoproduction from calcium

Differential and absolute cross sections for the coherent reaction $^{40}\mathrm{Ca}$(\ensuremath{\gamma},${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$${)}^{40}$Ca g.s., as well as for the incoherent reaction $^{40}\mathrm{Ca}$(\ensuremath{\gamma},${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\pi}}}^{0}$${)}^{40}$Ca(g.s.), have been measured with monochromatic photons in the threshold region (${E}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}$=157--169 MeV). The differential cross section for the coherent process exhibits a diffraction minimum due to the nuclear mass form factor while the incoherent cross section is rather structureless. The cross sections are in good agreement with recent distorted-wave impulse-approximation calculations.

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In-Medium Properties of theD13(1520) Nucleon Resonance

The in-medium properties of the ${\mathrm{D}}_{13}(1520)$ nucleon resonance were studied via photoproduction of ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ mesons from nuclei (C, Ca, Nb, Pb) with the TAPS detector at the Mainz Microton accelerator. The inclusive (single and multiple pion production) data disagree with model predictions which explain the disappearance of the second resonance bump in total photoabsorption via a medium modification of the ${\mathrm{D}}_{13}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\mathrm{N}\ensuremath{\rho}$ decay. The exclusive single ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ production data show no broadening of the resonance structure beyond Fermi smearing. Both results together cast doubt on attempts to expl…

research product

Search for Mesic He with the WASA-at-COSY facility in the And Reactions

We report on the experimental search for the bound state of an η meson and He3 nucleus performed using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup. In order to search for the η-mesic nucleus decay, the pd→3He2γ and pd→3He6γ channels have been analysed. These reactions manifest the direct decay of the η meson bound in a He3 nucleus. This non-mesonic decay channel has been considered for the first time. When taking into account only statistical errors, the obtained excitation functions reveal a slight indication for a possible bound state signal corresponding to a $^{3}$He-η nucleus width Γ above 20 MeV and binding energy Bs between 0 and 15 MeV. However, the determined cross sections are consistent with…

research product

Cross section ratio and angular distributions of the reaction p + d -> 3He + eta at 48.8 MeV and 59.8 MeV excess energy

We present new data for angular distributions and on the cross section ratio of the p + d -> 3He + eta reaction at excess energies of Q = 48.8 MeV and Q = 59.8 MeV. The data have been obtained at the WASA-at-COSY experiment (Forschungszentrum J\"ulich) using a proton beam and a deuterium pellet target. While the shape of obtained angular distributions show only a slow variation with the energy, the new results indicate a distinct and unexpected total cross section fluctuation between Q = 20 MeV and Q = 60 MeV, which might indicate the variation of the production mechanism within this energy interval.

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Search for narrow dibaryon resonances in neutral pion photoproduction from the deuteron

The reaction γd↦π0 X has been measured with TAPS at MAMI in the energy range E γ = 140-300 MeV. Using the Glasgow tagging spectrometer a photon energy resolution of 0.8 MeV was achieved. The energy excitation functions of integral and differential total cross-sections show no structures of statistical significance > 2σ. Upper limits for the production of narrow isoscalar or isovector dibaryons with masses m? 2100 MeV/c2 were deduced. They are in the range 2-5 μb averaged over the 0.8 MeV energy resolution.

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Coherent and incoherent π0 photoproduction from the deuteron

Differential cross-sections for the reactions d(gamma,pi (o))d and d(gamma,pi (o))pn have been measured at MAMI with the TAPS detector setup in the energy range 140 MeV > E- > 306 MeV. By use of the Glasgow tagging spectrometer an 0.8 MeV energy resolution for photons incident on the target was achieved. The (o) missing energy resolution was sufficient for a reliable separation of coherent and incoherent channels. The data for the break-up channel exhibit very strong final state interaction effects, whereas the observed angular dependence of the inclusive process d(gamma, pi (o))X is in quantitative agreement with predictions for a quasi-free process. The observed absolute d(gamma, pi (o))X…

research product

Exclusive πo- and η-meson production in 40Ar + natCa at 800A MeV

Abstract The impact-parameter dependence of π o - and η-meson production is reported for the system 40 Ar+ nat Ca at a beam energy of 800 A MeV. Scaling of the meson abundances with the transverse mass is observed. The experimental results are compared to calculations within the BUU model.

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Mass and Γ3π0/Γγγ decay branching ratio of theη-meson from the p(γ, η)p reaction

Near threshold photoproduction ofη-mesons from the proton has been measured at the MAMI accelerator with the TAPS spectrometer. The mass of theη-meson was deduced from the threshold energy forη-photoproduction. The result of m η =(547.12 ± 0.06 ± 0.25) MeV supports the low value of theη-mass reported from a dp →3Heη measurement at SATURNE in 1992. Theη-decay branching ratio Γ3π0/Γγγ was measured to be (0.832±0.005±0.012).

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Measurement of the $pn \to pp\pi^0\pi^-$ Reaction in Search for the Recently Observed Resonance Structure in $d\pi^0\pi^0$ and $d\pi^+\pi^-$ systems

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free $pn \to pp\pi^0\pi^-$ reaction have been performed by means of $pd$ collisions at $T_p$ = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region $\sqrt s$ = (2.35 - 2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure. No ABC effect, {\it i.e.} low-mass enhancement is found in the $\pi^0\pi^-$-invariant mass spectrum -- in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics that the isovector pion pair can not be in relative s-wave. At the upper end of the covered energy region $t$-channel processes for Roper, $\Delta(1600)$ and $\Delta…

research product

Measurement of coherent and incoherent π0 photoproduction off the deuteron with tagged photons up to the Δ region

Coherent and incoherent pi(0) photoproduction off the deuteron has been measured for incident quasi-monoenergetic photons in the energy range from pi(0) threshold up to 300 MeV using the TAPS setup together with the Glasgow tagger at MAMI. Integral and differential cross sections over the full angular range have been obtained. Coherent and incoherent production are found to exhibit very different angle and energy dependences. The sum of both processes, the total pi(0) production off the deuteron is quantitatively extremely well described by a pure quasifree model, whereas the data for coherent and incoherent channels necessitate strong FSI effects for their description. Finally upper limits…

research product

Low-energy Compton scattering and the polarizabilities of the proton

Differential cross-sections for Compton scattering from the proton have been measured at the MAMI tagged photon facility using the TAPS setup. The data cover an angular range of θlab γ = 59°-155° and photon energies ranging from 55 MeV to 165 MeV. Our results are in good agreement with those from previous experiments, but yield higher precision. Using dispersion relations the proton polarizabilities have been determined to be = [11.9±0.5stat.±1.3syst.±0.3mod.] . 10-4 fm 3 and = [1.2±0.7stat.±0.3syst.±0.4mod.)] . 10-4 fm 3. These results confirm the Baldin sum rule which was re-evaluated to be + = [13.8±0.4] . 10-4 fm 3. We can also conclude that there is no significant additional asymptotic…

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Detection of charged pions and protons in the segmented electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS

We present the characteristics of the segmented BaF2 calorimeter TAPS for the measurement of charged pions and protons. The method of particle identification exploits the relation between the kinetic energy of a particle, its mass and the time-of-flight required to reach the detector. The detection efficiency is calculated using GEANT-GCALOR simulations. The analysis method is applied in the reaction Ar-40 + Ca-nat at 0.8A GeV. The simultaneous detection of charged pions and protons can be used to search for correlated pairs signalling the de-excitation of the Delta(1232) resonance. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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Two neutral pion photoproduction off the proton between threshold and 800 MeV

Abstract The photoproduction of two neutral pions off the proton has been studied for incident photon energies between E γ = 309 MeV (threshold) and 792 MeV with the TAPS photon spectrometer at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. Both 3γ- and 4γ-events have been analysed in order to deduce the total p ( γ , 2 π 0 ) p cross section. The total cross section is less than 300 nb between threshold and ⋍ 460 MeV, beyond which it starts to rise to a maximum value of about 11 μb at around 750 MeV. For the highest energies it starts to decrease again. The 4γ-sample has been used to reconstruct 2 neutral pions from the above reaction channel by an invariant mass and a missing mass analysis. After reconstructio…

research product

Observation of a unitary cusp in the thresholdγp→π0preaction

A rigorous multipole analysis of the recent $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}p$ cross-section measurement is presented. The data were taken using the photon spectrometer TAPS at the tagged photon beam of the Mainz microtron. The $s$ and $p$ wave multipoles were extracted using minimal model assumptions. The predicted unitary cusp for the $s$-wave multipole ${E}_{0+}$ due to the two step $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}n\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}p$ reaction was observed. The results are consistent with one-loop chiral perturbation theory calculations for which three low-energy constants have been determi…

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Charge Symmetry Breaking in dd->4He{\pi}0 with WASA-at-COSY

Charge symmetry breaking (CSB) observables are a suitable experimental tool to examine effects induced by quark masses on the nuclear level. Previous high precision data from TRIUMF and IUCF are currently used to develop a consistent description of CSB within the framework of chiral perturbation theory. In this work the experimental studies on the reaction dd->4He{\pi}0 have been extended towards higher excess energies in order to provide information on the contribution of p-waves in the final state. For this, an exclusive measurement has been carried out at a beam momentum of p=1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. The total cross section amounts to sigma(tot) = (118 +- 18(stat) +- 13…

research product

Exclusive measurement of quasi-free η-photoproduction from deuterium

Quasi-free photoproduction of eta-mesons from the deuteron has been measured at the tagged photon facility of the Mainz microtron MAMI with the photon spectrometer TAPS for incident photon energies from the production threshold at 630 MeV up to 820 MeV. In a fully exclusive measurement eta-mesons and recoil nucleons were detected in coincidence. At incident photon energies above the production threshold on the free nucleon, where final state interaction effects are negligible, an almost constant ratio of sigma(n)/sigma(p)=0.66+/-0.10 was found. At lower incident photon energies the ratio rises due to re-scattering effects. The average ratio agrees with the value extracted from a comparison …

research product

Single and double πo-photoproduction from the deuteron

Photoproduction of neutral pions from the deuteron has been studied for incident photon energies from 200 MeV to 792 MeV with the TAPS detector at the Mainz MAMI accelerator. Total and differential cross sections covering the full angular range have been obtained for coherent and incoherent single πo-photoproduction. Good agreement between model predictions and the data was found for the coherent process. The incoherent cross section in the energy region of the Δ(1232)-resonance is overestimated by existing models. A comparison to model predictions indicates that final state interaction effects are much more important than for the coherent reaction. However, the angular dependence of the da…

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Radiative Pion Photoproduction from the Proton and π + Meson Polarizabilities

We study the possibility of investigating radiative pion photoproduction from the proton at the microtron MAMI-B with the aim to obtain an experimental information about the π + meson polarizabilities. It is shown that an exposition time of about 30 days will allow to determine the π + meson polarizability with quite high accuracy.

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Double- π0 photoproduction from the deuteron

The photoproduction of two neutral pions from the deuteron has been studied for incident photon energies from 200 MeV to 820 MeV with the TAPS spectrometer at MAMI (Mainz Microtron). The total cross-section was determined and used to deduce the cross-section from the neutron. Due to the good statistical quality of the data Dalitz plots for the three particles in the exit channel (pi (0)pi N-0) could be constructed. The invariant mass distributions derived from them are presented in this paper. They indicate that the important reaction mechanism in the second resonance region is a sequential decay pattern involving the population of the Delta (1232)-resonance as an intermediate state.

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Compton scattering from the free and bound proton above π-threshold

The differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the proton have been measured at MAMI with three different detector setups. There is a good agreement among all the results. The theoretical calculation based on dispersion relations shows that there is no drastic change necessary in the parameters of this approach.

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Direct Observation of aρDecay of theD13(1520)Baryon Resonance

The reaction {gamma}p{yields}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}n has been measured at MAMI for photon energies up to 820MeV. Invariant mass spectra of the particles in the final state ({pi}{sup +}n) , ({pi}{sup 0}n) , ({pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}) have been determined for several bins of incident photon energy. Differences in {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0} and simultaneously measured {pi}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0} invariant mass distributions are assigned to a {rho} branch of the D{sub 13}(1520) nucleon resonance.

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Near threshold photoproduction of η mesons from 4 He

Photoproduction of η mesons from 4He has been measured for the first time. The experiment was performed at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) using the TAPS photon spectrometer and the Glasgow/Mainz tagged photon facility. η mesons were identified in coincidence with recoil nucleons. Total and differential cross sections are presented in the photon energy range between threshold and 818 MeV. The exclusive data are used to determine the ratio of the elementary production cross sections on bound neutrons and protons, σn/σp= 0.68 ± 0.02 ± 0.09. In addition, upper limits for the total coherent cross section have been derived.

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Threshold enhancement in η photoproduction from 2H and 4He

The photoproduction of η-mesons from 2H and 4He has been studied for energies close to the production thresholds. The experiments were carried out with the tagged photon beam of the Mainz MAMI accelerator. The η-mesons were detected via their two photon decays with the electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS. Total cross-sections, angular and momentum distributions of the η-mesons have been determined for both reactions. The total cross-sections in the threshold region show a large enhancement over the predictions of a participant-spectator model, indicating significant final-state interaction effects. The results are compared to recent model calculations taking into account nucleon-nucleon and nu…

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"Table 1" of "Compton scattering from the free and bound proton at backward angles above pi threshold."

No description provided.

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"Table 1" of "Test of low-energy theorems for p(gamma(pol.),pi0)p in the threshold region."

Polarized photon beam.

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