Managerial competencies, innovation and engagement in SMEs: The mediating role of organisational learning
Abstract According to job demands-resources theory, resources promote positive attitudes, which results in several positive behaviors at work. However, there is little research that examines the effect of managerial competencies on positive attitudes at work. Our research proposes a scale of 7 managerial competencies that evidence to be connected with a particularly relevant attitude at work, namely, engagement. We find that the proposed managerial competencies scale overcomes the required psychometric properties, on the basis of a sample of 204 managers of Spanish SMEs. Following job demands-resources theory, our study confirms a direct and positive effect of the 7 managerial competencies …
Entrepreneurial orientation and new product development performance in SMEs: The mediating role of business model innovation
Abstract In the current business context, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has been highlighted as key to improving firm performance. Despite the overall positive evidence on the association between EO and firm performance, scholars have stressed the importance of taking into account and properly managing intermediate capabilities. The present study analyses the link between EO and New Product Development (NPD) performance, considering Business Model Innovation (BMI) as a mediating variable. A sample of 400 Spanish SMEs is used to test the proposed research model through structural equation modelling and partial least squares analyses. Results reveal that EO contributes to BMI and NPD perfo…
Well-being-oriented management (WOM), organizational learning and ambidexterity in public healthcare: a two wave-study
Drawing upon positive psychology and organizational learning literature, this study examines the relationship between well-being-oriented management (WOM) and unit-level ambidexterity. Building on the social exchange theory, our multilevel model sheds light on the relationship between individual perceptions of WOM, organizational learning, and unit-level ambidexterity in public hospitals. Based on the two-wave data obtained from 507 medical specialists, from 151 medical units, our multilevel analysis provides support for our two hypotheses. First, a positive relationship between WOM and unit-level ambidexterity was found. Second, organizational learning capability (OLC) moderated the relati…
Happiness at work: Developing a shorter measure
AbstractThe notion of happiness at work is becoming increasingly important for human resource management research. Despite the widespread existence of different constructs that capture positive attitudes, a comprehensive measure of individual-level happiness is necessary. Starting from Fisher’s conceptualisation of happiness at work, Salas-Vallina, Alegre, and Fernández developed a 31-item scale to measure happiness at work. This scale accurately captures the different dimensions of happiness in the workplace context. However, it is a long scale. Shorter scales provide major improvements in efficiency and efficacy. Our study, conducted with two diversified samples, conceptualises and measur…
Liderazgo femenino y felicidad en el trabajo: el papel mediador del intercambio líder-colaborador
Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es examinar el papel del liderazgo femenino en la felicidad en el trabajo de sus colaboradores. Además, se analiza el papel mediador de la relación entre el líder y el colaborador, entendida como el intercambio líder-colaborador (LMX). Método: se ha utilizado la encuesta como método de investigación; se analizaron datos cuantitativos a nivel individual a través de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. La muestra está compuesta por 292 empleados no directivos del sector hotelero español, para los que se analiza su percepción individual acerca de las variables objeto de estudio. Resultados: los resultados revelan que el liderazgo femenino ejerce un papel …
The human side of leadership: exploring the relationship between servant leadership, organisational facilitators and happiness at work
Although human resource management (HRM) research has established a significant relationship between leadership styles and different attitudinal outcomes, few studies have considered the important role of organisational facilitators as a more proximal outcome of servant leadership to explain happiness at work (HAW). This paper explores the relationships between servant leadership, organisational facilitators and HAW, based on the leader-member exchange (LMX) and job-demands resources (JD-R) theories. Individual-level analyses from a sample of 189 machine operators revealed that organisational facilitators fully mediate the relationship between servant leadership and HAW. The discussion revi…
The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW)
Abstract Leadership has received significant attention over the past years. Now is the time to refine how leaders impact on followers and their attitudes. This study examines how inspirational leaders influence follower characteristics (FC), and in turn, their happiness at work. In this study, the mediating effect of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work was specifically examined. Data was gathered from 389 frontline banking employees working in Italian and Spanish banks. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a positive partial mediating role of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and h…
Organizational learning capability and organizational citizenship behaviour in the health sector: examining the role of happiness at work from a gender perspective
Both researchers and managers are interested in finding the factors that raise organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), particularly in the health sector. In this complex context, characterized by a high workload, it becomes essential that physicians voluntarily contribute beyond their official job description. Our research aims to evidence the working conditions that promote OCB, considering the role of organizational learning capability through happiness at work. Our research was based on a sample of 167 allergists at Spanish public hospitals, and by means of structural equation models, interesting results were found. We offer to hospital managers both a tool and an explanation for the…
Happiness at work in knowledge-intensive contexts: Opening the research agenda
In today's business environment, management of knowledge-intensive workers has become one of the most challenging elements to consider. To sustain a company's competitive advantage, highly skilled workers who are perfectly aligned and motivated in the organization are essential. However, happiness becomes essential for these type of employees. Happiness at work is a research topic that is growing in importance among academics, but requires further attention. Through a narrative synthesis method, we review, clarify and suggest future research lines to develop research on happiness at work in knowledge-intensive contexts. JEL classification: J28, I310, M120, Keywords: Happiness at work, Knowl…
From individual to team ambidexterity: the moderating role of collaborative behavior and international experience
The present study examines whether individual ambidexterity affects students’ team ambidexterity. In addition, the moderating role of collaborative behaviour and international experience is examine...
Fostering the healthcare workforce during the COVID ‐19 pandemic: Shared leadership, social capital, and contagion among health professionals
Summary Health professionals managing patients with COVID‐19 disease are at high risk of contagion. All medical personnel involved in caring for patients need coordination, knowledge and trust. Empirical work on human resources has tended to focus on the effects of human resource practices on performance, whereas leadership and social interactions have been overlooked. Based upon interviews with medical staff working in specialised medical units, this study uses the social capital theory to examine relationships among shared leadership, social capital, and contagion rates. First, shared leadership was found to positively affect COVID‐19 contagion among health professionals. Second, by shari…
Altruistic leadership and affiliative humor's role on service innovation: Lessons from Spanish public hospitals.
Despite literature identifies aspects that might promote innovation, the relationship between the leadership style and nurses' innovative behavior still remains unclear, and little research has provided evidence of this. To help advance in knowledge of effects of leadership on nurses' innovative behavior, we researched the effect of altruistic leadership on nurses' innovative behavior. In addition, the mediating role of affiliative humor in the relationship between altruistic leadership and nurses' innovative behavior was examined. Questionnaire survey method was followed with a sample of 324 nurses working in public hospitals in Spain. We used structural equation models, to check the resea…
Are Happy Workers More Productive? The Mediating Role of Service-Skill Use
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between happiness at work and cross-selling performance in the banking sector. In addition, the mediating effect of service-skill use is analyzed in the relationship between happiness at work and performance. Confirmatory factor analysis is used by means of structural equation models to assess the relationship between happiness at work, service-skill use, and cross-selling performance. A sample of 492 financial service employees is examined. Results reveal that happiness at work positively and directly affects cross-selling performance. The study also shows that service-skill use plays a partial mediating role in the relationship betw…
The challenge of increasing employees' well‐being and performance: How human resource management practices and engaging leadership work together toward reaching this goal
Towards a sustainable leader-follower relationship: constructive dissensus, organizational virtuousness and happiness at work (haw)
This paper examines how leaders and followers can interact positively under complex and bounded conditions. For this purpose, this paper conceptualizes and measures the concept of constructive dissensus. Constructive dissensus relates to a mutual understanding leading to a situation of coregulation. In addition, the relationship between constructive dissensus and happiness at work is examined on the basis of affective events theory. Furthermore, the mediating role of organizational virtuousness is assessed. Through structural equation modeling, a multilevel analysis was performed. Data from 130 bank branches and 606 employees were gathered. The results reveal a direct effect of constructive…