Biagio Lenzitti

Internet and Mathematic Education (E-Learning objects and tools for Mathematics Education)

This paper analyzes some e-learning objects and didactics tools for improving mathematics education. The learning objects and tools analyzed are Videos, Applet Java, Geogebra, Wolfram|Alpha with his Widgets, Google Spreadsheets and Wiris. The analysis has been based on the parameters considered more suitable for didactics of mathematics. Such parameters are: interactivity, shareability, availability, applicability and feasibility. The paper presents a brief description of how the didactics is changing with internet, in particularly the didactics of the mathematics. It then shows the objects and tools selected with some application examples. Finally, it illustrates an comparison of the objec…

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A distributed architecture for autonomous navigation of robots

The paper shows a distributed architecture for autonomous robot navigation. The architecture is based on three modules that are implemented on separate and interacting agents: the target recognizer, the obsta90cle evaluator and the planner. An adaptive genetic algorithm has been studied to identify mechanisms for reaching the target and for manipulating the 2-directions of the robot; the distributed architecture has been embedded in the DAISY (Distributed Architecture for Intelligent System). Experiments have been carried out using a LEGO intelligent brick.

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An Online Multilingual Medical Vocabulary/Thesaurus/Dictionary (MED-VTD) for Facilitating Understanding of Medical Texts

Medical texts (e.g., reports and medicine leaflets) are usually written by professionals (physicians, medical researchers, etc.) who use their own language and communication style. On the other hand, they are often read by health consumers or other medical professionals who do not have the same vocabularies and can have difficulties in text comprehension. Thus, to help a generic user in understanding a medical text, it would be desirable to have an online medical vocabulary/thesaurus/dictionary that he/she can easily look for finding the plain equivalent of any medical (technical) term and a definition of the term with the same kind of language. In this work, we present an online multilingu…

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Characteristics and Subjective Evaluation of an Intelligent Empowering Agent for Health Person Empowerment

Empowerment is a process through which people acquire the necessary knowledge and self-awareness to understand their health conditions and treatment options, self-manage them, and make informed choices. Currently, few stand-alone applications for patient empowerment exist and people/patients often go on the Web to search for health information. Such information is mainly obtained through generic search engines and it is often overwhelming, too generic, and of poor quality. Intelligent Empowering Agents (IEA) can filter such information and assist the user in the understanding of health information about specific complaints or health in general. We have designed and developed a first prototy…

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A web search methodology for different user typologies

Search engines and directories are the main tools used to find desired information into the ocean of digital contents that is the Web. However, they are not presently able to understand the user specific needs and starting knowledge because their inability to simulate the processes of human mind. Natural Language Processing, Folksonomy, Semantic Web and Serendipitous Surfing are some of the recent research fields towards understanding of human natural language and in general of real user needs. This work aims to add one step more to this evolution path by presenting a new search methodology that allows users to create new knowledge paths on the web based on their specific requirements. Thus…

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Structuring didactic materials on the Web (Struct)

There is an universal agreement that the structuring of didactic materials helps the student in his/her learning process when dealing with such materials. It is then important for the teacher or a student to choose among different structures so to use the one that best conveys the desired knowledge. This need is nowadays a priority also in the e-learning world since several e-learning courses exist on the web and many more are created every day. Unfortunately, most of the existing e-learning platforms offer just a single way to organize the course contents (book structure). Whoever is interested in organizing the course contents in a different way (e.g, with a concept map) must use specific…

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Proposed use of a conversational agent for patient empowerment

Empowerment is a process through which people acquire the necessary knowledge and self-awareness to understand their conditions and treatment options, make informed choices and self-manage their health conditions in daily life, in collaboration with medical professionals. Conversational Agents in healthcare could play an important role in the process of empowering a person but, so far, they have been seldom been used for this purpose. This paper presents the basic principles and preliminary implementation of a conversational health agent for patient empowerment. It dialogues with the user in a "natural" way, collects health data from heterogeneous sources and provides the user wit…

research product

U-search: a meta engine for creation of knowledge paths on the web

The main tools used to find digital contents in the Web are search engines and directories but they are not presently able to understand the user specific needs and starting knowledge. This work presents "U-Search" a new meta engine that allows to create knowledge paths on the Web based on specific user requirements and knowledge levels. To this end, we consider different searcher categories such as a "basic searcher" who knows little about a topic and will look for more information, a "deep searcher" who will look for specific details on a topic that he/she already knows and a "wide searcher" who will look for expanding his/her knowledge domain with topics that are loosely related to the s…

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Searching the internet for learning materials through didactic indicators

Internet offers a huge amount of didactic materials that can be used in creating new online courses. However, those materials need a deep analysis to understand their context and contents before their potential use. As a consequence, the search of didactic material in internet is often quite tedious and time consuming so the searcher usually limits his/her analysis to the first found web pages . To help users in finding efficiently and timely the most appropriate online materials, we have developed a system, called SAXEF (System for Automatic eXtraction of lEearning object Features), that is capable to automatically extract the didactic indicators (a sort of DNA) of any web page (or group o…

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Facilitating Access to Health Web Pages with Different Language Complexity Levels

The number of people looking for health information on the Internet is constantly growing. When searching for health information, different types of users, such as patients, clinicians or medical researchers, have different needs and should easily find the information they are looking for based on their specific requirements. However, generic search engines do not make any distinction among the users and, often, overload them with the provided amount of information. On the other hand, specific search engines mostly work on medical literature and specialized web sites are often not free and contain focused information built by hand. This paper presents a method to facilitate the search of he…

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STDIO.D(STrumenti per la DIdattica On line.Docenti)

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Coding or programming is very important for a number of tasks and this is true not only in problem solving but also in the computer science and over. Many skills have to be acquired before to have a high familiarity degree with this science. In the studies for methods of coding, students have a great problem for understanding on how to solve and to develop algorithms in a rational way, thus the expertise on how to solve and to develop algorithms is the most difficult to acquire for all students in whatever age. This paper introduces the prototype of a framework able to running in the web space and to be supported by different devices and browsers, useful to integrate a number of collaborati…

research product

Visual dynamic environment for distributed systems

Algorithms, based on information fusion, are often embodied in visual perception systems. Distributed architectures have been recently proposed to perform integrated computation. The complexity of distributed systems regards both their design, and the software environment to develop applications. Visual and iconic programming style intends to provide expressive tools to implement, to debug, and to execute programs in distributed environment. Multi-layers graphs languages seem suitable to handle such complexity. This paper describes the design of a visual dynamic environment (VDE), which is based on a graph-grammar. A new class of dynamic visual interfaces is also introduced, and its propert…

research product

A Framework for Opening Data and Creating Advanced Services in the Health and Social Fields

Open data is publicly available data that can be universally and readily accessed, used, and redistributed. Open data holds particular potential in the health and social sectors but, presently, health and social data are often published in a ‘closed’ format.There are different tools that allow to ‘open’ data, clean, structure and process them in order to elaborate them and build advanced services but, unfortunately, there is no single tool that can be used to perform all different tasks. We believe that the availability of Open Data in the health and social fields should be greatly increased and a way for creating new health and social services should be provided. In this paper, we present …

research product

An Intelligent Empowering Agent (IEA) to Provide Easily Understood and Trusted Health Information Appropriate to the User Needs

AbstractMost members of the public, including patients, usually obtain health information from Web searches using generic search engines, which is often overwhelming, too generic, and of poor quality. Although patients may be better informed, they are often none the wiser and not empowered to communicate with medical professionals so that their care is compatible with their needs, values, and best interests. Intelligent Empowering Agents (IEA) use AI to filter medical information and assist the user in the understanding of health information about specific complaints or health in general. We have designed and developed a prototype of an IEA that dialogues with the user in simple language, c…

research product

Design, development and validation of a system for automatic help to medical text understanding

Abstract Objective The paper presents a web-based application, SIMPLE, that facilitates medical text comprehension by identifying the health-related terms of a medical text and providing the corresponding consumer terms and explanations. Background The comprehension of a medical text is often a difficult task for laypeople because it requires semantic abilities that can differ from a person to another, depending on his/her health-literacy level. Some systems have been developed for facilitating the comprehension of medical texts through text simplification, either syntactical or lexical. The ones dealing with lexical simplification usually replace the original text and do not provide additi…

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An Integrated Environment for Dynamic Processes in distributed Image Analysis System

Distributed systems, sharing same network, are composed by multiple high-performance microcomputers. To improve the performance of such system is necessary to distribute the occurred processes following a suitable approach. To do that, a set of parameters and two composed objects (Tablet and Bonnet: in brief, an extended task and an asynchronous worker respectively) have been defined to satisfy the distribution the tasks. These objects allow to arrange the distribution of processes and data, on the processors, in static and dynamic way. An high level interactive iconic environment, with a set of visual tools, has been developed to improve the management of the resource and to execute the ac…

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Finding the best web medical content for different learner categories

In the age of Internet where any kind of information can be easily found online, it is becoming increasingly evident that more and more people use the World Wide Web to seek health and medical information for understanding and learning. Different users have diverse needs, even when searching for the same topic. This is certainly true in healthcare, where a patient, a physician or a health executive might look for information on the same topic but have different necessities and bring different levels of reading ability and prior knowledge together with a different vocabulary. Generic search engines (like Google, Bing or Yahoo) work on the whole web but make generic searches often overloading…

research product

SAXEF: A System for Automatic eXtraction of learning object Features

New online courses are often created by using existing materials on the net. However, those materials are usually proposed without information on their aims and the typology of users which they are destined to. Moreover, the contents are not clearly synthesized so that a complete analysis of the whole materials is often necessary to understand their relevance to the new course. Using our experience on the creation of online courses with existing web materials, we have thought how to help teachers in finding the best materials for the creation of new online courses. To this end, we have developed a system, called SAXEF (System for Automatic eXtraction of lEearning object Features), that is c…

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A Medium Level Language for Pyramid Architectures

In the paper a Parallel C Languages for pyramid architectures is described. The concept of context is introduced in order to handle concurrence between processes in massive parallel machines. Feature implementation on the PAPIA-machine are given.

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Language complexity in on-line health information retrieval

The number of people searching for on-line health information has been steadily growing over the years so it is crucial to understand their specific requirements in order to help them finding easily and quickly the specific in-formation they are looking for. Although generic search engines are typically used by health information seekers as the starting point for searching information, they have been shown to be limited and unsatisfactory because they make generic searches, often overloading the user with the provided amount of results. Moreover, they are not able to provide specific information to different types of users. At the same time, specific search engines mostly work on medical li…

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Creation of on-line courses using existing e-learning objects

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Dynamic interface for machine vision systems

Iconic programming intends to provide expressive tools to implement, to debug, and to execute programs. For this purpose, visual languages need pictorial constructs and metaphors to guide the design of algorithms in interactive fashion. In the paper a new class of dynamic visual interfaces, named DIVA (Dynamic Interface for Visual Applications), is introduced, its properties are described, and an application to visual compilers in a multi-processors system dedicated to image analysis is given. Moreover, a formal definition of dynamic icon (DI) is also given.

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Facilitating text understanding for e-learning users

Web information on different disciplines (mainly technical ones) is mainly created by the different experts (engineers, scientists, physicians, lawyers, etc.) who use their own 'technical' language. On the other hand, this information is often read by general users who do not have the same skills and vocabularies of the experts and have difficulties to understand and learn it. In order to allow e-learners to use any document available on the web and understand it, it is desirable to have a system that takes a text written with technical terms and automatically translates it in a plain language and provides additional information with the same kind of language. In this work we present the me…

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Comparison of different cooperation strategies in the prey-predator problem

The paper describes two cooperating strategies among several homogeneous agents to reach a given target. In our case we used the prey-predators paradigm in which a set of agents (predators) have the purpose to reach a target (prey). The problem is addressed as an optimization problem that has been faced with two different algorithms (a genetic algorithm and a particle swam optimization algorithm). The two approaches are evaluated by using a simulator for each strategy and the results show that the strategies are very different in terms of prey-predator successes. Genetic algorithm can be used by the prey to solve at the best the problem to reach the lair, otherwise the Particle Swarm Optimi…

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Iconic framework for cooperative coding

The description of an innovative framework built on top of Web-based visual programming environment is the primary aim of this contribution. In the last decade, many frameworks oriented to visual languages have been introduced in literature to improve the skill on programming languages, but at the best of our knowledge, no framework has been specially designed to support collaborative work on heterogeneous distributed environments. Therefore, SIRENE introduces a new framework in which beginners and experts can cooperate to develop algorithms by using a visual and iconic paradigm. Students, in the classroom or connected from everywhere, can be involved into the definition of the algorithm, c…

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A heterogeneous and reconfigurable machine-vision system

This paper describes a new machine-vision system, a HERMIA heterogeneous and reconfigurable machine for image analysis. The architecture topology of the HERMIA machine is reconfigurable; moreover, the integration of its special modules allows a search for optimal strategies to solve vision problems. The general architecture and the hardware implementation are described. The software environment of the HERMIA machine provides a full iconic interface and a pictorial language oriented to vision in multiprocessor architectures. The preliminary system evaluation and applications are shown. © 1995 Springer-Verlag.

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An Iconic Framework for Learning the Art of Programming

The integration of programming teachings, in all levels of education, highlights the need to acquire the art of programming for each individual student through versatile tools based on specific cognitive methods. Diversified linguistic metaphors have to be adopted by the developing frame, in order to highlight the qualities of each student. Therefore, a framework, oriented to learning the art of programming, must foster polychrome constructs representations, a number of data structures and an intuitive interfaces in order to make easier to understand the evolution of the algorithm that have to be developed. The following contribution will present a theoretical formalization of a framework f…

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Virtual Laboratories at Computer Science degree in Palermo University: A case study

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Prey-predator strategies in a multiagent system

This paper describes the prey-predator multiagent system which can be considered as an abstraction of more complex real-world models. Both the prey and the predators are considered as autonomous agents with their own behaviors and perception of the environment. In particular, we propose a simulator which lets study different strategies such as cooperation and individualism. An extensive experiment has been carried out in order to prove the effectiveness of the latter.

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Provision of tailored health information for patient empowerment: An initial study

Search of "right" health information by patients/citizens is an important step towards their empowerment. The number of health information seekers on the Internet is steadily increasing over the years so it is crucial to understand their information needs and the challenges they face during the search process. However, generic search engines do not make any distinction among the users and overload them with the amount of information. Moreover, specific search engines/sites mostly work on medical literature and are built by hand. This paper analyses the possibility of providing the user with tailored web information by exploiting the web semantic capabilities and, in particular, those of sch…

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ULearn: Personalized Medical Learning on the Web for Patient Empowerment

Abstract. Health literacy constitutes an important step towards patient empowerment and the Web is presently the biggest repository of medical information and, thus, the biggest medical resource to be used in the learning process. However, at present web medical information is mainly accessed through generic search engines that do not take into account the user specific needs and starting knowledge and so are not able to support learning activities tailored to the specific user requirements. This work presents “ULearn” a meta engine that supports access, understanding and learning on the Web in the medical domain based on specific user requirements and knowledge levels towards what we call …

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On-Line Retrieval of Health Information Based on Language Complexity, Information Customization and Information Quality

Abstract. A patient, nowadays, acquires on-line health information mainly by means of a search engine. Generic search engines have been shown to be limited and unsatisfactory, at times, because of their generic searches that overload users with the amount of results. Moreover, they are not able to provide customized information to different types of users. At the same time, specific search engines mostly work on medical literature and provide extracts from medical journals that are mainly useful for medical researchers and experts. As a consequence, the found health information may or may not help a user (mainly a non-expert one) for a full comprehension of what he/she is looking for (e.g.,…

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An automatic system for helping health consumers to understand medical texts

Medical texts (reports, articles, etc.) are usually written by professionals (physicians, medical researchers, etc.) who use their own language and communication style. On the other hand, these texts are often read by health consumers (as in the case of medical reports) who do not have the same skills and vocabularies of the experts and can have difficulties in text comprehension. To help a health consumer in understanding a medical text, it would be desirable to have an automatic system that, given a text written with medical (technical) terms, translates them in simple or plain language and provides additional information with the same kind of language. We have designed such a system. It …

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MIS: Macro Icon System to generate macro algorithms for image analysis in parallel processing

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A new heterogeneous and reconfigurable architecture for image analysis

In the paper a new architecture for image analysis: HERMIA (Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Machine for Image Analysis) is presented. It has bt:en developed at the University of Palermo, inside the Progetto Finalizzato of the ltalian Council of Researches (CNR): Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo. The architecture of the HERMIA-machine is reconfigurable, moreover the integration of heterogeneous module, oriented to the solution of specific problems, allows to salve complex problems by search of optimal strategies. Signa! processing units allows the user to handle and integrate multi-sensors signals (from video, scanner, music recorder). Here the generai architecture, the hardware impl…

research product

DAISY: a distributed architecture for intelligent SYstem

Distributed perceptual systems are endowed with different kind of sensors, from which information flows to suitable modules to perform useful elaborations for decisions making. In this paper a new distributed architecture, named 'Distributed Architecture for Intelligent SYstem' (DAISY), is proposed. It is based on the concept of co-operating behavioral agents supervised by a 'Central Engagement Module'. This module integrates the processing of data coming from the behavioral agents with a symbolic level of representation, by the introduction of a 'conceptual space' intermediate analogue representation. The DAISY project is under development; experiments on navigation and exploration for an …

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A visual framework to support collaborative coding activities

In this paper, we present a framework named SIRENE, a Web-based visual programming environment, where teachers and students can collaboratively interact, using a flexible and versatile definition of visual programming code instead of pre-established rules. After the description of the architecture of the SIRENE framework, the preliminary results of a pilot trial with secondary school students will be presented; these results will lead to the final remarks and directions for further developments.

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Text analysis module of a System for Automatic eXtraction of lEarning object Features (SAXEF)

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Development and Practical Use of a Medical Vocabulary-Thesaurus-Dictionary for Patient Empowerment

Health empowerment can be obtained through an informative and educational intervention to increase one's ability to think critically and act autonomously. Medical texts are usually written by professionals and can be difficulty understood by non experts who do not have the same skills and vocabularies. Thus, it would be desirable to have an online medical vocabulary-thesaurus-dictionary that can help a non expert to easily find the consumer equivalent of medical (technical) terms and additional consumer information. To this end, we have developed an online multilingual medical vocabulary-thesaurus-dictionary by interconnecting different online sources, i.e., medical vocabularies to create a…

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Tailored retrieval of health information from the web for facilitating communication and empowerment of elderly people

A patient, nowadays, acquires health information from the Web mainly through a “human-to-machine” communication process with a generic search engine. This, in turn, affects, positively or negatively, his/her empowerment level and the “human-to-human” communication process that occurs between a patient and a healthcare professional such as a doctor. A generic communication process can be modelled by considering its syntactic-technical, semantic-meaning, and pragmatic-effectiveness levels and an efficacious communication occurs when all the communication levels are fully addressed. In the case of retrieval of health information from the Web, although a generic search engine is able to work at…

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A web search methodology for health consumers

Nowadays, many people use the World Wide Web to seek medical and health information but different users, such as providers (e.g., physicians) and consumers (e.g., patients), have different needs and bring different levels of reading ability and prior knowledge. Generic and specific search engines and specialized health sites either do not exploit the whole web or overload users with information. This creates difficulties mainly to consumers who often do not exactly know how to find the desired information. Thus, an information retrieval system for the web that 'drives' the user in finding the relevant information would be very beneficial. This paper describes a web search methodology for he…

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On-Lab: A web environment for On-line Labs development

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Rule-guided identification of cosmic-ray patterns in PLASTEX

Some techniques devised in the computer science fields of pattern recognition and expert systems are being applied to the interpretation of EAS responses in the PLASTEX experiment. An attempt is made to codity in a set of rules the expertise of trained researchers who are able to recognize and classify different hit patterns even in the presence of noisy background, and in spite of imperfections in the detector response. The patterns expected to be useful include, but are not limited to, track patterns. The software described here, as a progress report, automatically finds patterns corresponding to isolated tracks, and patterns composed of tracks that connect with each other in a layer of d…

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U-MedSearch: A Meta Search Engine of Medical Content for Different Users and Learning Needs

More and more people use Internet to look for medical information for understanding and learning but different users, such as experts (e.g., physicians) and consumers (e.g., patients), have different needs and bring different levels of reading ability and prior knowledge. Generic and specific search engines and specialized health sites either do not exploit the whole web or overload users with information of different nature. On the contrary, it is important for a user to immediately find the information on the topic being explored that has the 'right' amount of information and level of complexity. This paper presents a meta search engine of medical information on the web, U-MedSearch, that…

research product

Improving Communication in Risk Management of Health Information Technology Systems by means of Medical Text Simplification

Health Information Technology Systems (HITS) are increasingly used to improve the quality of patient care while reducing costs. These systems have been developed in response to the changing models of care to an ongoing relationship between patient and care team, supported by the use of technology due to the increased instance of chronic disease. However, the use of HITS may increase the risk to patient safety and security. While standards can be used to address and manage these risks, significant communication problems exist between experts working in different departments. These departments operate in silos often leading to communication breakdowns. For example, risk management stakeholder…

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