Ana M. Cervera
Cloning and characterization of a cDNA coding forCandida albicanspolyubiquitin
Immunoscreening of a Candida albicans cDNA library in the expression vector lambda gt11 with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against the 37 kDa cell surface laminin receptor of C albicans resulted in the isolation of a cDNA clone of 0.9 kb. Sequencing of this clone demonstrated a full length open reading frame encoding the polyubiquitin, which contains three tandem copies, head-to-tail spacerless repeats, of the 228 nucleotides coding for the 76 amino acids of the ubiquitin protein, which is identical to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The third copy possesses an extra C-terminal amino acid which is distinct to that found in S. cerevisiae. Northern blot analysis revealed a single mRNA popula…
Hemin induces germ tube formation in Candida albicans.
Hemin induced germination of Candida albicans blastoconidia when cells grown up to the early exponential phase were shifted from 28 to 37 degrees C (70 to 75% of cells exhibited germ tubes). N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc), another inducer of myceliation in this fungus, caused a similar effect. The combination of hemin and GlcNAc resulted in a higher percentage (95%) of blastoconidial germination. These results suggest that in addition to temperature, hemin levels and carbon source may coordinately regulate the expression of subsets of genes involved in the yeast-to-mycelium transition in C. albicans.
El Almanaque de las provincias. Crónica viva de una ciudad en transición (1970-1980)
El Almanaque de Las Provincias es una publicacion centenaria que podemos enmarcar tanto en el genero de revista literaria como en el tradicional almanaquecalendario entregado por los periodicos a sus suscriptores como regalo. En este caso, editado por el diario Las Provincias, decano de la prensa en Valencia, supone una miscelanea de textos (ensayos, articulos, reportajes, poemas), al tiempo que resume lo esencial del ano periodistico. El prestigio de sus colaboradores es indiscutible, y el valor historico de sus paginas, imprescindible para abordar el estudio de 150 anos de la vida valenciana. Este trabajo se centra en una decada esencial en nuestro pasado mas reciente: los anos 70, que ma…
Induction of trefoil factor (TFF)1, TFF2 and TFF3 by hypoxia is mediated by hypoxia inducible factor-1: implications for gastric mucosal healing
Background and purpose: Mucosal microcirculation is compromised during gastric damage induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin. Consequently, oxygen supply to epithelial cells is decreased. The trefoil factor (TFF) peptides are involved in mechanisms of defence and repair in the gastrointestinal tract but their regulation at sites of gastric injury is unknown. Experimental approach: Hypoxia and expression of TFF genes and peptides were measured in the damaged stomach of aspirin-treated rats. In a human gastric cell line (AGS cells), the effects of hypoxia and of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 (through transient transfection of HIF-1α siRNA or over-expression of …
Molecular cloning and characterization of aCandida albicansgene (EFB1) coding for the elongation factor EF-1β
A Candida albicans gene homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae elongation factor 1 beta was isolated by screening a genomic DNA library using a C. albicans cDNA as a probe. This cDNA was previously obtained by immunoscreening of an expression library with polyclonal antibodies raised against candidal cell wall components. Sequence analysis of the cDNA and the whole C. albicans gene (EMBL accession number X96517) revealed an intron-interrupted open reading frame of 639 base pairs that encodes a 213 amino acid protein. Exon sequences are highly homologous (74%) to S. cerevisiae EFB1, whereas intron sequence is less conserved (34% identity), and the predicted amino acid sequence shares about 7…
Molecular Cloning of aCandida albicans Gene (SSB1) Coding for a Protein Related to the Hsp70 Family
We have cloned and sequenced a Candida albicans gene (SSB1) encoding a potential member of the heat-shock protein seventy (hsp70) family. The protein encoded by this gene contains 613 amino acids and shows a high degree (85%) of sequence identity to the ssb subfamily (ssb1 and ssb2) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae hsp70 family. The transcribed mRNA (2·1 kb) is present in similar amounts both in yeast and germ tube cells of C. albicans. The sequence data has been deposited in the GenBank data library under the Accession Number X97723. © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cloning of a cDNA fragment encoding part of the protein moiety of the 58-kDa fibrinogen-binding mannoprotein of Candida albicans
Immunoscreening of a Candida albicans expression library with antibodies against the 58 kDa fibrinogen-binding mannoprotein (mp58) of the fungus resulted in the isolation of clones encoding the protein moiety of this molecule. Sequence of the 0.9 kb cDNA of one of the clones selected for further analysis, revealed an open reading frame coding for 292 amino acids, which displays sequence similarity to proteins belonging to a family of immunodominant antigens of Aspergillus spp. The gene corresponding to this cDNA was named FBP1 (fibrinogen-binding protein). These results represent the first report on the identification of C. albicans genes encoding surface receptors for host proteins.
Ubiquitin-like epitopes associated with Candida albicans cell surface receptors
We have recently reported the cloning of a Candida albicans polyubiquitin gene and the presence of ubiquitin in the cell wall of this fungus. The polyubiquitin cDNA clone was isolated because of its reactivity with antibodies generated against the candidal 37-kDa laminin-binding protein. In the present study, we have further investigated the relationship between ubiquitin and cell wall components displaying receptor-like activities, including the 37-kDa laminin receptor, the 58-kDa fibrinogen-binding mannoprotein, and the candidal C3d receptor. Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis and immunoblot experiments with antibodies against ubiquitin and the individually purified receptor-like mo…
Molecular cloning and characterization of a Candida albicans gene coding for cytochrome c haem lyase and a cell wall-related protein.
Immunoscreening of a Candida albicans cDNA library with a monoclonal antibody (mAb 4C12) recognizing an epitope present in high-molecular-weight mannoprotein (HMWM) components specific for the mycelial cell walls (a 180 kDa component and a polydispersed 260 kDa species) resulted in the isolation of the gene CaCYC3 encoding for cytochrome c haem lyase (CCHL). The CaCYC3 gene was transcribed preferentially in mycelial cells in which two mRNA transcripts of 0.8 and 1 kb were found. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences of this gene displayed 45% homology and 46% identity, respectively, to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CYC3 gene and shared common features with other reported genes …