Sebastian Dittmeier
Search for New Phenomena in Final States with Two Leptons and One or No b -Tagged Jets at s=13 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector
A search for new phenomena is presented in final states with two leptons and one or no $b$-tagged jets. The event selection requires the two leptons to have opposite charge, the same flavor (electrons or muons), and a large invariant mass. The analysis is based on the full Run-2 proton-proton collision dataset recorded at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$. No significant deviation from the expected background is observed in the data. A four-fermion contact interaction between two quarks ($b,s$) and two leptons ($ee$ or $\mu\mu$), inspired by the $B$-meson decay anomalies, is used as a…
Search for Higgs Boson Decays into a Z Boson and a Light Hadronically Decaying Resonance Using 13 TeV pp Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector
A search for Higgs boson decays into a Z boson and a light resonance in two-lepton plus jet events is performed, using a pp collision dataset with an integrated luminosity of 139 fb^{-1} collected at sqrt[s]=13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC. The resonance considered is a light boson with a mass below 4 GeV from a possible extended scalar sector or a charmonium state. Multivariate discriminants are used for the event selection and for evaluating the mass of the light resonance. No excess of events above the expected background is found. Observed (expected) 95% confidence-level upper limits are set on the Higgs boson production cross section times branching fraction to a Z bos…
Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm
Abstract High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) based on a 180 nm HV-CMOS process have been proposed to realize thin, fast and highly integrated pixel sensors. The MuPix7 prototype, fabricated in the commercial AMS H18 process, features a fully integrated on-chip readout, i.e. hit-digitization, zero suppression and data serialization. MuPix7 is the first fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor that has been tested for the use in high irradiation environments like HL-LHC. We present results from laboratory and test beam measurements of MuPix7 prototypes irradiated with neutrons (up to 5.0 × 1015 neq/cm2) and 24 GeV protons (up to 7.8 × 1015 protons/cm2) and compare the performa…
MuPix and ATLASPix -- Architectures and Results
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) are based on a commercial High Voltage CMOS process and collect charge by drift inside a reversely biased diode. HV-MAPS represent a promising technology for future pixel tracking detectors. Two recent developments are presented. The MuPix has a continuous readout and is being developed for the Mu3e experiment whereas the ATLASPix is being developed for LHC applications with a triggered readout. Both variants have a fully monolithic design including state machines, clock circuitries and serial drivers. Several prototypes and design variants were characterised in the lab and in testbeam campaigns to measure efficiencies, noise, time reso…
Performance of the ATLASPix1 pixel sensor prototype in ams aH18 CMOS technology for the ATLAS ITk upgrade
The MuPix System-on-Chip for the Mu3e Experiment
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A 845, 194 - 198 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.06.095
Dijet Resonance Search with Weak Supervision Using s=13 TeV pp Collisions in the ATLAS Detector
This Letter describes a search for narrowly resonant new physics using a machine-learning anomaly detection procedure that does not rely on signal simulations for developing the analysis selection. Weakly supervised learning is used to train classifiers directly on data to enhance potential signals. The targeted topology is dijet events and the features used for machine learning are the masses of the two jets. The resulting analysis is essentially a three-dimensional search A→BC, for m_{A}∼O(TeV), m_{B},m_{C}∼O(100 GeV) and B, C are reconstructed as large-radius jets, without paying a penalty associated with a large trials factor in the scan of the masses of the two jets. The full run 2 sq…
Search for trilepton resonances from chargino and neutralino pair production in s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search is performed for the electroweak pair production of charginos and associated production of a chargino and neutralino, each of which decays through an $R$-parity-violating coupling into a lepton and a $W$, $Z$, or Higgs boson. The trilepton invariant-mass spectrum is constructed from events with three or more leptons, targeting chargino decays that include an electron or muon and a leptonically decaying $Z$ boson. The analyzed dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV and collected by the ATLAS experiment between 2015 and 2018. The data are f…
The MuPix Telescope: A Thin, high Rate Tracking Telescope
The MuPix Telescope is a particle tracking telescope, optimized for tracking low momentum particles and high rates. It is based on the novel High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS), designed for the Mu3e tracking detector. The telescope represents a first application of the HV-MAPS technology and also serves as test bed of the Mu3e readout chain. The telescope consists of up to eight layers of the newest prototypes, the MuPix7 sensors, which send data self-triggered via fast serial links to FPGAs, where the data is time-ordered and sent to the PC. A particle hit rate of 1 MHz per layer could be processed. Online tracking is performed with a subset of the incoming data. The ge…
CP Properties of Higgs Boson Interactions with Top Quarks in the tt¯H and tH Processes Using H→γγ with the ATLAS Detector
A study of the charge conjugation and parity (CP) properties of the interaction between the Higgs boson and top quarks is presented. Higgs bosons are identified via the diphoton decay channel (H→γγ), and their production in association with a top quark pair (tt[over ¯]H) or single top quark (tH) is studied. The analysis uses 139 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Assuming a CP-even coupling, the tt[over ¯]H process is observed with a significance of 5.2 standard deviations. The measured cross section times H→γγ branching ratio is 1.64_{-0.36}^{+0.38}(stat)_{-0.14}^{+0.17}(sys) …
Medium-Induced Modification of Z -Tagged Charged Particle Yields in Pb+Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
The yield of charged particles opposite to a Z boson with large transverse momentum (p_{T}) is measured in 260 pb^{-1} of pp and 1.7 nb^{-1} of Pb+Pb collision data at 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The Z boson tag is used to select hard-scattered partons with specific kinematics, and to observe how their showers are modified as they propagate through the quark-gluon plasma created in Pb+Pb collisions. Compared with pp collisions, charged-particle yields in Pb+Pb collisions show significant modifications as a function of charged-particle p_{T} in a way that depends on event centrality and Z boson p_{T}. The data are compared with a…
Search for bottom-squark pair production in pp collision events at s=13 TeV with hadronically decaying τ -leptons, b -jets, and missing transverse momentum using the ATLAS detector
A search for pair production of bottom squarks in events with hadronically decaying τ-leptons, b-tagged jets, and large missing transverse momentum is presented. The analyzed dataset is based on proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded by the ATLAS detector from 2015 to 2018, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb-1. The observed data are compatible with the expected Standard Model background. Results are interpreted in a simplified model where each bottom squark is assumed to decay into the second-lightest neutralino χ 20 and a bottom quark, with χ 20 decaying into a Higgs boson and the lightest neutralino χ 10. The search focu…
Ultra-low material pixel layers for the Mu3e experiment
The upcoming Mu3e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavour violating decay of a muon at rest into three electrons. The maximal energy of the electrons is 53 MeV, hence a low material budget is a key performance requirement for the tracking detector. In this paper we summarize our approach to meet the requirement of about 0.1 % of a radiation length per pixel detector layer. This includes the choice of thinned active monolithic pixel sensors in HV-CMOS technology, ultra-thin flexible printed circuits, and helium gas cooling.
Overview of HVCMOS pixel sensors
High voltage CMOS (HVCMOS) sensors are presently considered for the use in Mu3e experiment, ATLAS and CLIC. These sensors can be implemented in commercial HVCMOS processes. HVCMOS sensors feature fast charge collection by drift and high radiation tolerance. The sensor element is an n-well/p-type diode. This proceeding-paper gives an overview of HVCMOS projects and the recent results.
Efficiency and timing performance of the MuPix7 high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor
The MuPix7 is a prototype high voltage monolithic active pixel sensor with 103 times 80 um2 pixels thinned to 64 um and incorporating the complete read-out circuitry including a 1.25 Gbit/s differential data link. Using data taken at the DESY electron test beam, we demonstrate an efficiency of 99.3% and a time resolution of 14 ns. The efficiency and time resolution are studied with sub-pixel resolution and reproduced in simulations.
MuPix10: First Results from the Final Design
Many years of research and development of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HVMAPS) have culminated in the final design for the Mu3e pixel sensor. MuPix10 is a fully monolithic sensor with an active pixel matrix size of $20\times20\,\mathrm{mm}^2$ produced in the $180\,\mathrm{nm}$ HV-CMOS process at TSI Semiconductors. The pixel size is $80\times80\,\mathrm{\mu m}^2$. Hits are read out using a column-drain architecture and sent over up to four serial links with up to $1.6\,\left.\mathrm{Gbit}\middle/\mathrm{s}\right.$ each. By means of DC/DC converters and exclusive usage of on-chip biasing, MuPix10 is fully operable with a minimal set of electrical connections. This is an inte…
Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with a Dark Higgs Boson Decaying into W±W∓ or ZZ in Fully Hadronic Final States from s=13 TeV pp Collisions Recorded with the ATLAS Detector
Several extensions of the Standard Model predict the production of dark matter particles at the LHC. An uncharted signature of dark matter particles produced in association with VV=W^{±}W^{∓} or ZZ pairs from a decay of a dark Higgs boson s is searched for using 139 fb^{-1} of pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The s→V(qq[over ¯])V(qq[over ¯]) decays are reconstructed with a novel technique aimed at resolving the dense topology from boosted VV pairs using jets in the calorimeter and tracking information. Dark Higgs scenarios with m_{s}>160 GeV are excluded.
Measurement of light-by-light scattering and search for axion-like particles with 2.2 nb−1 of Pb+Pb data with the ATLAS detector
We thank CERN for the very successful operation of the LHC, as well as the support staff from our institutions without whom ATLAS could not be operated efficiently. We acknowledge the support of ANPCyT, Argentina; YerPhI, Armenia; ARC, Australia; BMWFW and FWF, Austria; ANAS, Azerbaijan; SSTC, Belarus; CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil; NSERC, NRC and CFI, Canada; CERN; ANID, Chile; CAS, MOST and NSFC, China; COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; MSMT CR, MPO CR and VSC CR, Czech Republic; DNRF and DNSRC, Denmark; IN2P3-CNRS and CEA-DRF/IRFU, France; SRNSFG, Georgia; BMBF, HGF and MPG, Germany; GSRT, Greece; RGC and Hong Kong SAR, China; ISF and Benoziyo Center, Israel; INFN, Italy; MEXT and JSPS, Japan; CNRST, Mor…
Two-particle azimuthal correlations in photonuclear ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with ATLAS
We thank CERN for the very successful operation of the LHC, as well as the support staff from our institutions without whom ATLAS could not be operated efficiently. We acknowledge the support of ANPCyT, Argentina, YerPhI, Armenia, ARC, Australia, BMWFW and FWF, Austria, ANAS, Azerbaijan, SSTC, Belarus, CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil, NSERC, NRC, and CFI, Canada, CERN and ANID, Chile, CAS, MOST, and NSFC, China, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, MSMT CR, MPO CR, and VSC CR, Czech Republic, DNRF and DNSRC, Denmark, IN2P3-CNRS and CEA-DRF/IRFU, France, SRNSFG, Georgia, BMBF, HGF, and MPG, Germany, GSRT, Greece, RGC and Hong Kong SAR, China, ISF and Benoziyo Center, Israel, INFN, Italy, MEXT and JSPS, Japan, CNR…
Performance of the large scale HV-CMOS pixel sensor MuPix8
The Mu3e experiment is searching for the charged lepton flavour violating decay $ ��^+\rightarrow e^+ e^- e^+ $, aiming for an ultimate sensitivity of one in $10^{16}$ decays. In an environment of up to $10^9$ muon decays per second the detector needs to provide precise vertex, time and momentum information to suppress accidental and physics background. The detector consists of cylindrical layers of $50\, ��\text{m}$ thin High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) placed in a $1\,\text{T}$ magnetic field. The measurement of the trajectories of the decay particles allows for a precise vertex and momentum reconstruction. Additional layers of fast scintillating fibre and tile detec…
Search for Displaced Leptons in s=13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector
A search for charged leptons with large impact parameters using 139 fb^{-1} of sqrt[s]=13 TeV pp collision data from the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented, addressing a long-standing gap in coverage of possible new physics signatures. Results are consistent with the background prediction. This search provides unique sensitivity to long-lived scalar supersymmetric lepton partners (sleptons). For lifetimes of 0.1 ns, selectron, smuon, and stau masses up to 720, 680, and 340 GeV, respectively, are excluded at 95% confidence level, drastically improving on the previous best limits from LEP.
MuPix8 — Large area monolithic HVCMOS pixel detector for the Mu3e experiment
Abstract The requirements of the ultra thin pixel detectors for the Mu3e experiment at PSI can be achieved by the HVCMOS technology, which allows the design of fast monolithic detectors. The latest nearly full size prototype, MuPix8, has a size of about 1 × 2 cm 2 . The pixel readout circuitry was fully redesigned in comparison to the previous MuPix versions. MuPix8’s readout electronics implement a new concept with two comparators and two different operation modes. One mode uses two threshold voltages for time walk correction, the other is a ramp-ADC. First tests show a detection efficiency of 99.6% for 4 GeV electrons.
MuPix7 - A fast monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip for Mu3e
The MuPix7 chip is a monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip, thinned down to 50 \mu m. It provides continuous self-triggered, non-shuttered readout at rates up to 30 Mhits/chip of 3x3 mm^2 active area and a pixel size of 103x80 \mu m^2. The hit efficiency depends on the chosen working point. Settings with a power consumption of 300 mW/cm^2 allow for a hit efficiency >99.5%. A time resolution of 14.2 ns (Gaussian sigma) is achieved. Latest results from 2016 test beam campaigns are shown.