MuPix10: First Results from the Final Design
Lukas MandokLars Olivier Sebastian NoehteIvan PericAlena Larissa WeberLuigi ViganiDohun KimAndré SchöningAlexander SchmidtD. ImmigBenjamin WeinläderAnnie Meneses GonzalezSebastian DittmeierH. AugustinMarius MenzelNiklaus Bergersubject
PhysicsPhysics - Instrumentation and DetectorsPixelFOS: Physical sciencesBiasingPixel matrixHigh voltageInstrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)ConvertersTopologyRadiation lengthdescription
Many years of research and development of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HVMAPS) have culminated in the final design for the Mu3e pixel sensor. MuPix10 is a fully monolithic sensor with an active pixel matrix size of $20\times20\,\mathrm{mm}^2$ produced in the $180\,\mathrm{nm}$ HV-CMOS process at TSI Semiconductors. The pixel size is $80\times80\,\mathrm{\mu m}^2$. Hits are read out using a column-drain architecture and sent over up to four serial links with up to $1.6\,\left.\mathrm{Gbit}\middle/\mathrm{s}\right.$ each. By means of DC/DC converters and exclusive usage of on-chip biasing, MuPix10 is fully operable with a minimal set of electrical connections. This is an integral requirement by the Mu3e experiment since it enables the construction of ultra-thin pixel modules with $0.1\,$% of a radiation length per layer. First results from lab characterisation and testbeam campaigns are presented.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-06-09 | Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2020) |