J. Kunkel
A GEM-TPC in twin configuration for the Super-FRS tracking of heavy ions at FAIR
The GEM-TPC [1] described herein will be part of the standard beam-diagnostics equipment of the Super-FRS [2] . This chamber will provide tracking information for particle identification at rates up to 1 MHz on an event-by-event basis. The key requirements of operation for these chambers are: close to 100% tracking efficiency under conditions of high counting rate, spatial resolution below 1 mm and a superb large dynamic range covering projectiles from Z=1 up to Z=92. The current prototype consists of two GEM-TPCs inside a single vessel, which are operating independently and have electrical drift fields in opposite directions. The twin configuration is done by flipping one of the GEM-TPCs o…
Twin GEM-TPC prototype (HGB4) beam test at GSI and Jyväskylä : a development for the Super-FRS at FAIR
The FAIR[1] facility is an international accelerator centre for research with ion and antiproton beams. It is being built at Darmstadt, Germany as an extension to the current GSI research institute. One major part of the facility will be the Super-FRS[2] separator, which will be include in phase one of the project construction. The NUSTAR experiments will benefit from the Super-FRS, which will deliver an unprecedented range of radioactive ion beams (RIB). These experiments will use beams of different energies and characteristics in three different branches; the high-energy which utilizes the RIB at relativistic energies 300-1500 MeV/u as created in the production process, the low-energy bra…
Relationship between HLA I surface expression and different cytopathic effects produced after herpes simplex virus infection in vitro.
In the present study, we investigated the effects of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection on the expression of HLA class I antigens and beta 2-microglobulin in human fibroblasts. The mRNA abundance for HLA class I was shown to be strongly reduced after infection with HSV strains either producing cell rounding or fusion from within (FFWI), however, HLA class I expression on the surface of cells is strongly reduced only after appearance of FFWI. Using a ts mutant (ts 78R) or CyA in combination with a fusion from without (FFWO) inducing strain of HSV, this loss of HLA class I antigens is assumed to be correlated to the rearrangement of the cell membrane during the fusion process itself as a la…
Case of fatal systemic infection with an Aureobacterium sp.: identification of isolate by 16S rRNA gene analysis
The case of a 75-year-old man who succumbed to a disseminated infection most likely caused by a species of the genus Aureobacterium is reported. Identification of the isolate was achieved by comparative 16S rRNA gene analysis. Aureobacteria are commonly found in the environment. However, only recently have they been recognized as a cause of infections including septicemia and soft tissue infections. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of a fatal infection caused by an Aureobacterium sp.
Infection of the upper extremity by Mycobacterium marinum in a 3-year-old boy--diagnosis by 16S-rDNA analysis.
A 3-year-old boy developed several subcutaneous nodular lesions on his right arm. Based on the histological examination of one of these nodules furunculosis was suspected and cefuroxime was tentatively given. However, acid-fast bacilli were then detected in the tissue specimen and a few colonies of acid fast, gram-positive rods grew on blood agar. Definitive species diagnosis (Mycobacterium marinum) was rapidly achieved by automated sequencing of amplified 16S-rDNA and antimicrobial therapy was adjusted according to the available literature. After 3 weeks of treatment with clarithromycin, rifampicin and protionamid regression of the nodular lesions was evident.