Jordi Ferri
Gender differences on oxidative stress markers and complement component C3 plasma values after an oral unsaturated fat load test
Abstract Objective Post-prandial lipaemia (PL), oxidative stress (OS), and complement component C3 (C3) values are related to the atherosclerosis process. The post-prandial response of C3 after an oral fat load test (OFLT) using unsaturated fat is poorly addressed. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the post-prandial response of OS markers and C3 values in men and women after an OFLT using unsaturated fat. Methods The study included a total of 22 healthy subjects with normal lipids and normal blood glucose (11 men and 11 pre-menopausal women). An oral unsaturated fat load test (OFLT: 50 g fat per m2 body surface) was performed using a commercial liquid preparation of long chai…
Estudio de receptor anómalo suprarrenal en sujetos con síndrome de Cushing ACTH-independiente e hiperplasia nodular suprarrenal
Resumen Introduccion El sindrome de Cushing ACTH-independiente (SCAI) supone el 15-20% de los casos de sindrome de Cushing, de los cuales Material y metodos Estudio descriptivo multicentrico de una serie de 15 casos de SCAI con hiperplasia nodular suprarrenal (periodo de estudio: 2002-2016). En ellos se hizo el despistaje de receptor anomalo, mediante pruebas de estimulacion, considerando patologico un aumento de cortisol plasmatico ≥ del 25% respecto al valor basal. Resultados De los 15 casos, 13 fueron mujeres, con una edad media al diagnostico de 56,8 anos. En 12 de los 15 casos estudiados se detecto positividad de las pruebas de estimulacion. De ellos, fueron positivos para comida de pr…
Estudio de los valores de 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2’-desoxiguanosina como marcador de estrés oxidativo del ADN en pacientes con hiperlipemia familiar combinada
Fundamento y objetivo: Comparar los valores de 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2'-desoxiguanosina (8-oxo-dG) como marcador de estres oxidativo entre personas sanas y pacientes con hiperlipemia familiar combinada (HFC), modelo de dislipemia mixta con resistencia a la insulina y cardiopatia isquemica precoz, y estudiar su relacion con parametros clinicobiologicos de resistencia a la insulina. Sujetos y metodo: Se ha analizado a 40 pacientes (15 mujeres) no relacionados entre si y diagnosticados de HFC y a 20 sujetos sanos (8 mujeres) normolipemicos y no diabeticos. Se recogieron de forma estandarizada parametros clinicos, antropometricos y bioquimicos: perfil lipidico, glucemia e insulinemia basales y dete…
Differences in clinical and biological characteristics and prevalence of chronic complications related to aging in patients with type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic, highly prevalent disease that increases with age. Because of this, and due to its chronic complications, T2DM causes high human, social, and financial costs. In addition, the elderly population with T2DM has a marked clinical heterogeneity. Therefore, our main objective was to analyze the relationship of age with the clinical and biological manifestations of the disease and the prevalence of chronic complications in patients with T2DM.A cross-sectional study of a large population with T2DM (n=405) randomly selected from a Diabetes Unit and 2 health care centers (60%). The clinical, anthropometric, and biochemical variables of the subjects were c…
Diferencias en las características clínico-biológicas y prevalencia de complicaciones crónicas en relación con el envejecimiento de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2
Resumen La diabetes tipo 2 (DMT2) es una enfermedad con elevada prevalencia que aumenta con la edad. Por este motivo y por sus complicaciones cronicas genera elevado coste humano, social y economico en la poblacion mayor. Ademas, la poblacion mayor con DMT2 presenta una marcada heterogeneidad clinica. Por lo que nuestro objetivo principal es conocer como se relaciona la edad con el fenotipo clinico-biologico y cual es la prevalencia de complicaciones cronicas en el paciente con DMT2. Material y metodos Estudio transversal de una amplia poblacion de DMT2 (n = 405) seleccionada de forma aleatoria de una Unidad de Diabetes y 2 centros de salud (60%). En estos sujetos se recogieron variables cl…
Natural products and analogs as preventive agents for metabolic syndrome via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: An overview.
Abstract Natural products and synthetic analogs have drawn much attention as potential therapeutical drugs to treat metabolic syndrome. We reviewed the underlying mechanisms of 32 natural products and analogs with potential pharmacological effects in vitro, and especially in rodent models and/or patients, that usually act on the PPAR pathway, along with other molecular targets. Recent outstanding total syntheses or semisyntheses of these lead compounds are stated. In general, they can activate the transcriptional activity of PPARα, PPARγ, PPARα/γ, PPARβ/δ, PPARα/δ, PPARγ/δ and panPPAR as weak, partial agonists or selective PPARγ modulators (SPPARγM), which may be useful for managing obesity…
Study of abnormal adrenal receptors in subjects with ACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome and nodular adrenal hyperplasia
ACTH-independent Cushing's Syndrome (AICS) accounts for 15-20% of cases of Cushing's syndrome, with1% due to abnormal receptors. Our aim is to study the presence of abnormal receptors in subjects diagnosed with AICS with nodular adrenal hyperplasia in a 14-year period (2002-2016), as well as its clinical-biological and evolutive characteristics.A multicentre descriptive study of a 15-case series of AICS with nodular adrenal hyperplasia (study period: 2002-2016). In these cases, abnormal receptor screening was performed by means of stimulation tests, with a plasma cortisol increase of ≥ 25% from baseline being considered pathologic.Of the 15 cases, 13 were female, with a mean age at diagnosi…