Christine Braunstein

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Produktqualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Unternehmenserfolg

In der Diskussion um den Erhalt bzw. die Steigerung des Unternehmenserfolgs erfahren die Produktqualitat (Bedurfnisgerechtigkeit bzw. Zwecktauglichkeit) und die Kundenzufriedenheit ein grose Aufmerksamkeit. So belegen zahlreiche empirische Untersuchungen, dass eine Verbesserung der Produktqualitat die Zufriedenheit der Kunden erhoht (vgl. fur einen Uberblick Fomell/Johnson/Anderson/Everitt Bryant 1996, Anderson/ Sullivan 1993, Anderson/Fornell/Rust 1997). Da die Kundenzufriedenheit wiederum als die entscheidende Determinante des zukunftigen Unternehmenserfolgs gilt (vgl. Anderson/Fornell/Lehmann 1994; Rust/Zahorik/Keiningham 1995; Homburg/Rudolph 1997), liegt die Relevanz bedurfnisgerechter…

research product

Ein Ansatz zur Erklärung der Kundenbindung auf Basis der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens

Traditional customer satisfaction and customer retention models are extended by integrating variables such as perceived action control or social norm. These constructs are suggested by the attitude theory as well as the theory of planned behaviour. The extended model is tested in an empirical study carried out in the movie theatre industry. The model provides an excellent explanation of customer retention, which is the target variable in the study. Implications are derived for satisfaction managers which focus on the social group when approaching a specific customer. Finally, an outline for further theoretical and empirical studies is given as well as some limitations of the proposed model.

research product

Gaining Competitive Advantage through Standardization and Differentiation of Services

The goal of the paper is to study the question of whether or not differences between cultural groups influence the decision of a consumer wishing to avail himself of a particular service. Therefore we have developed a semiotic extension of the means-end approach as the theoretical basis for elaborating a solution to this problem. The conjoint analysis specifies the results of the meansend analysis.

research product

The Antecedents of Customer Loyalty - Results of an Empirical Study in the Automotive Industry

Customer satisfaction is regarded as the key to customer loyalty in the automotive industry. However, this relationship is influenced by several other variables, like switching barriers or variety seeking. This paper provides a structural equation model with latent variables for modeling this complex relationship. According to literature, high satisfaction should lead to loyalty but is heavily affected by moderating variables. An empricial study is reported which supports these predictions as well as the arguments on which they are based.

research product

Gestaltung der Markenpersönlichkeit mittels der „means-end“-Theorie

Wie Zahlen aus der Marketingpraxis belegen, besitzen fur den Erfolg einer Marke Innovationen einen hohen Stellenwert. Eindrucksvoll nachweisen konnten diesen Zusammenhang zum Beispiel Albach (1989, S. 1338) sowie Simon (1996, S. 107), die nach Auswertung der von ihnen initiierten Studien einen positiven Einflus der Innovationsaktivitaten eines Unternehmens auf dessen Umsatzrendite ermittelten (vgl. Wieselhuber & Partner/RKW, 1988, S. 30). Und auch nach der Auffassung von Hatty (1994, S. 575) reprasentiert der Innovationsgrad der Produktideen bzw. Marketingleistungen eine zentrale Determinante fur das erfolgreiche Management der Marke. Ferner weisen Wind und Mahajan (1997, S. 7) auf die Notw…

research product

Market-driven product and service design: Bridging the gap between customer needs, quality management, and customer satisfaction

Bridging the gap between a firm's internal quality improvements and external measures of customer needs and satisfaction is an important yet complex translation process. The process has traditionally been studied within two very different domains. An external focus on customers has been the domain of marketers. Manufacturing and engineering-based approaches to quality management and improvement have traditionally taken a more internal, process improvement focus. Both areas have recognized the need to broaden thier focus and bridge the gap between internal quality and external customers needs and satisfaction. This paper offers a framework to integrate these two domains. A case study is pres…

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