Makoto Iwasaki
Experimental framework of traveling trolley with swinging load for hybrid motion control
A novel experimental framework of the traveling trolley with swinging load is proposed. The system is designed as a controlled moving cart with pendulum for investigation of the hybrid motion control methods, involving the discrete sensors and impulsive event-based state observations and control actions. A mechatronic approach of principal system design, modeling, and identification are provided together with a motion control of the cart and simple event-based control of a-priori unknown final position. The coupled motion dynamics is analyzed and evaluated by using the discrete sensors, along with the control results.
Analysis of Linear Feedback Position Control in Presence of Presliding Friction
Motion-control techniques of today and tomorrow: a review and discussion of the challenges of controlled motion
Motion-control technologies are at the core of multiple mechatronic products and applications. Wherever actuated motion takes place in machines and components, either position or force setting (or trajectory tracking), or even a combination of both, are demanded from the control system. In high-performance mechatronic systems, including micro- and/or nanoscale motion (such as data-storage devices, machine tools, manufacturing tools for electronics components, and industrial robots), the required specifications in motion performance, such as response/settling time and trajectory/settling accuracy, should be sufficiently achieved [1].
Creep Modeling with Time-Dependent Damping Parameters in Piezoelectric Actuators
This paper develops a creep model based on the Kelvin-Voigt model with time varying damping parameters. In the piezoelectric actuators, the creep phenomenon is an important issue in precise positioning applications as well as the hysteresis property. It is well-known that the creep effect can be represented by a series connection of a number of Kelvin-Voigt elements as a viscoelastic model. In the motion for the continuous stepwise positioning, however, the creep shape is different for each response. Since the phenomenon can be captured as temporal creep relaxation, time-dependent damping parameters are introduced to improve the reproducibility of the creep for the various motion. On the ot…
On damping characteristics of frictional hysteresis in pre-sliding range
Frictional hysteresis at relative motion in the pre-sliding range is considered. This effect is characterized by an elasto-plastic interaction, and that on the micro-scale, between two rubbing surfaces in contact that gives rise to nonlinear friction force. The pre-sliding friction force yields hysteresis in displacement. In this study, the damping characteristics of frictional hysteresis are analyzed. It is worth noting that we exclude the viscous damping mechanisms and focus on the pure hysteresis damping to be accounted in the friction modeling. The general properties of pre-sliding friction hysteresis are demonstrated and then compared with the limit case of discontinuous Coulomb fricti…
Estimating Sway Angle of Pendulum System Using Hybrid State Observer Incorporating Continuous and Discrete Sensing Signals
Estimation of Sway-angle Based on Hybrid State Observer Using Continuous and Discrete Sensing
A hybrid state observer design is presented herein to estimate sway-angle and angular velocity in trolley systems with pendulum. In general, anti-sway control for trolley systems with pendulum such as overhead cranes are designed based on sway-angle signals detected by angular sensors. Opposed to that, a state observer without those sensors is proposed to estimate the sway-angle of the pendulum. A standard linear continuous feedback observer causes estimation error owing to the system nonlinearity and modeling error. This paper proposes a hybrid state observer incorporating discrete sensor signals. In the hybrid state observer, the estimation performance is improved by correcting the state …