Fs Diac

PO-0359 How To Select The Sweat Test Candidate. 10 Years Of Experience In Screening For Cystic Fibrosis In Children

Background Sweat test (ST) remains gold standard in cystic fibrosis (CF) diagnosis. Alarm symptoms are age-related. Aims Retrospective review of cases subjected to ST. Methods Patients were selected by paediatricians, neonatologists, surgeons, based on suggestive symptoms, personal (PH) and familial history (FH). Inclusion criteria: for 0–1 month age group, patients with PH of atelectasis, meconium ileus, intussusception; 1–12 months, recurrent wheezing (RW), failure to thrive (FTT); 1–5 years, previous group symptoms, plus chronic cough/diarrhoea; >5 years, 1–5 years symptoms, plus recurrent pancreatitis/sinusitis. For all age, patients with PH of salty taste of sweat (STS), salt wasting s…

research product

966 The Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome in Septic Children

Backgroud The interpretation of thyroid function tests in the PICU patients can be difficult because thyroid hormone concentrations are affected by nonthyroidial stresses. Most patients fall into sick euthyroid syndrome or nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS). The TH therapy during critical illness remains controversial. Aim To evaluate the NTIS in septic children. Method The prospective study conducted on 65 patients admitted in PICU during 12 months period. Inclusion criteria: age > 1 month, admission for critical illness, treatment with corticosteroids, no (documented) history of thyroid pathology. The patients were divided into 2 groups: sepsis and non-sepsis group (dehydration, poisoni…

research product

756 The Effectiveness of RDW-CV in Differentiating Microcytic Anemia

Backround: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and thalassemia are the most common microcytic anemia in children. Sometimes, expensive or invasive investigations are necessary for their distinction. Red cell distribution - coefficient variation (RDW-CV) is a new generation marker more often used in differentiating IDA from thalassemia. A number of hematological indices are also useful (Mentzer, Shine&Lal, Green&King, Ricerca). Aim To demonstrate the effectiveness RDW - CV in differentiating microcytic anemia. Method Retrospective study conducted on a total of 215 patients with microcytic anemia. Criteria for study group selection: MCV and Hb below the minimum age reference (mild anemia, Hb between…

research product