Irene Fernández


Estructura factorial del Teacher Interpersonal Self-Efficacy Scale en docentes dominicanos: ¿uno o tres factores?

<p>La autoeficacia docente se define como la creencia específica acerca de la externalidad o internalidad del control de las actividades que realiza el profesor en su trabajo. El objetivo del presente estudio es contribuir a entender las propiedades psicométricas de la escala ‘Teacher Interpersonal Self-Efficacy Scale’ en una muestra de docentes de República Dominicana. Se pusieron a prueba los modelos factoriales propuestos en la literatura mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio: a) un único factor de autoeficacia; b) dos factores de autoeficacia percibida: en la gestión del aula y en la obtención de apoyo; y c) tres factores de autoeficacia percibida: en la gestión del aula, en l…

research product

Sexism and romantic love myths in adolescents living in residential care

La investigación explora la relación entre sexismo y la distorsión en mitos del amor romántico en adolescentes que residen en Centros de Acogida de Menores en Valencia (España). El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 147 adolescentes. Los resultados reflejan una relación estadísticamente significativa que indica que, a mayor sexismo en los y las adolescentes, mayores son las distorsiones románticas. Se identificaron mayores niveles de sexismo hacia las mujeres y mitos del amor romántico en chicos, mientras que las mujeres mostraron mayores puntuaciones en las actitudes sexistas hacia los hombres. Se concluye que la vivencia de situaciones de violencia fami…

research product

Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican teachers: dimensionality, reliability, and validity

ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…

research product

Satisfação Profissional no Docente Dominicano: Antecedentes Profissionais

Resumen La satisfacción laboral del colectivo docente ha sido estudiada desde diversas perspectivas, debido a los importantes efectos que esta puede tener tanto a nivel económico como a nivel organizacional. La muestra empleada en este trabajo se compone de 978 docentes dominicanos, y fue obtenida mediante un muestreo estratificado, y, por tanto, representativo de la población. En este estudio se examina un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el cual el contexto de trabajo y las condiciones laborales afectan el burnout y el engagement de los profesores. A su vez, se plantea que burnout y engagement afectan la satisfacción laboral docente. El modelo ajustó a los datos: x2(223)= 1089.9, p<.…

research product

Consecuencias del desempleo en la salud mental de una muestra de jóvenes angoleños

espanolEntre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresion y perdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estres sobre la salud mental en desempleados jovenes angolenos mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser economicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angolenos con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 anos. El modelo se estimo en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. E…

research product

Validez factorial de una escala de generatividad en español: ¿otra escala con efectos de método?

Introducción: Erikson (1950) utilizó el término “generatividad” por primera vez y se refiere al estado de adultez en el ciclo de vida, lo que implica procreatividad, productividad y creatividad e impulsa el desarrollo de la propia identidad. Existen varias formas de medir la generatividad como las entrevistas, la observación directa, los estudios de caso o los cuestionarios de autoinforme. El método más utilizado es el autoinforme y, entre las escalas disponibles, una de las más destacadas es la Escala de Generatividad de Loyola (EGL). La EGL es una medida de autoinforme que consta de veinte ítems que miden un factor general de generatividad.Objetivo: este estudio examinó la validez factori…

research product

Sexism and romantic love myths in adolescents living in residential care

La investigación explora la relación entre sexismo y la distorsión en mitos del amor romántico en adolescentes que residen en Centros de Acogida de Menores en Valencia (España). El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 147 adolescentes. Los resultados reflejan una relación estadísticamente significativa que indica que, a mayor sexismo en los y las adolescentes, mayores son las distorsiones románticas. Se identificaron mayores niveles de sexismo hacia las mujeres y mitos del amor romántico en chicos, mientras que las mujeres mostraron mayores puntuaciones en las actitudes sexistas hacia los hombres. Se concluye que la vivencia de situaciones de violencia fami…

research product

The SF-8 Spanish Version for Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment: Psychometric Study with IRT and CFA Models.

AbstractThe aim of current research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SF–8, overcoming previous shortcomings. A double line of analyses was used: competitivestructural equations modelsto establish factorial validity, andItem Response theoryto analyze item psychometric characteristics and information. 593 people aged 60 years or older, attending long life learning programs at the University were surveyed. Their age ranged from 60 to 92 years old. 67.6% were women. The survey included scales on personality dimensions, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors related to aging. Competitive confirmatory models pointed out two-factors (physical and mental health…

research product

Design and implementation of the DAP 360º tool for the assessment of risk and vulnerability in childhood and adolescence

Introducción. El maltrato a la infancia y la adolescencia es un problema a nivel mundial que tiene graves consecuencias que pueden durar toda la vida. La detección y evaluación eficaz del maltrato infantil se considera esencial para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones profesional. No obstante, en la actualidad, la descentralización de la atención, la falta de rigurosidad científica y objetiva en los diagnósticos y las evaluaciones parciales y fragmentadas pueden dificultar la adopción de medidas de protección efectivas. Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar el proceso de diseño de la herramienta DAP 360º, creada para colaborar en el juicio profesional para la evaluación …

research product

Frailty Status Typologies in Spanish Older Population: Associations with Successful Aging

Background: Defining frailty typologies would contribute to guiding specific care interventions. These typologies could additionally be related to different health outcomes. This study aims at identifying subgroups of frail older adults based on the physical frailty phenotype and examining the relationships of these frailty profiles with quality of life and perceived health. Methods: This study relies on data from the SHARE project, namely a representative sample of 1765 Spanish-dwelling older adults identified as frail or pre-frail. Analysis included general descriptive statistics, exploratory latent class analysis (LCA) to determine the number of frailty subgroups, and LCA with covariates…

research product

Quality of Life in European Older Adults of SHARE Wave 7: Comparing the Old and the Oldest-Old

CASP-12 (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, and Pleasure scale) is one of the most common internationally used measures for quality of life in older adults, although its structure is not clearly established. Current research aims to test the factor structure of the CASP-12, so as to provide evidence on reliability and external validity, and to test for measurement invariance across age groups. Data from 61,355 Europeans (≥60 years old) from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe wave 7 were used. CASP-12, EURO-D (European depression scale), self-perceived health, and life satisfaction measurements were included. Reliability and validity coefficients, competing confirmatory …

research product

Factores predictores del compromiso docente en escuelas públicas peruanas: un modelo estructural

Teachers´ engagement in change processes is closely related to their attitudes and views on education. Therefore, any successful educational change demands that teachers reevaluate their profession, as personal and professional factors are clearly relevant. The goal of this study is to test a predictive statistical model of teacher´s engagement in educational change considering personality factors and self-evaluation. The random and representative sample of Peruvian teachers comprised of 888 subjects. Results show good model fit and a strong predictive power on educational changes. The study confirms that personality and selfconcept are strong predictors on teacher´s engagement with educati…

research product

Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies

Objectives: This study aims to give a wider view on the role of coping strategies on elderly’s well-being, by means of literature-based competitive structural equation models (SEM). Methods: 857 older adults were surveyed with Ryff’s scales of Psychological Well-being and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Competitive full SEMs were tested. Results: The best fitting model was the one in which the religious coping dimension was removed, leaving the remaining dimensions defined by problem- and emotion-focused coping, which explained both psychological and subjective well-being factors (χ2(46)=165.910, p<.001; CFI=.906; GFI=.957; RMSEA=.058 [.048, .067]). Discussion: Results pointed the rele…

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Corrigendum: Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies

research product

Method Effects Associated to Item Valence: Evidence From the 10-Item Big-Five Inventory in Older Adults.

The objective of this study is to analyze the factor structure of the BFI-10 considering item valence effects when applied to measure older adults. Likewise, this study aims to estimate the factorial structure, internal consistency of the scale, to assess the nomological validity, and the association of the Big Five traits with age. 75,078 participants with mean age of 68.27 from the 7th Wave of the SHARE study were included. Confirmatory Factor Analyses, omega coefficients and Pearson correlations were estimated. The best-fit model identified a five-factor structure with two valence effects, internal consistency ranged from .26 to .64, the nomological network showed that loneliness is neg…

research product

Escala de Utrecht de implicación en el trabajo en los profesores dominicanos: dimensionalidad, fiabilidad y validez

ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…

research product

Consequences of unemployment on the mental health of a sample of Angolan youth

Entre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresión y pérdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estrés sobre la salud mental en desempleados jóvenes angoleños mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser económicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angoleños con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 años. El modelo se estimó en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. Estos re…

research product

Psychometric properties of the EURO-D scale of depressive symptomatology: Evidence from SHARE wave 8

Background The EURO-D is a short scale to measure symptoms of depression, very used in large population surveys. Although there are numerous validation studies, its psychometric properties remain unclear. The two-factor structure (Affective Suffering and Lack of Motivation) is replicated in several studies but with different item compositions, and none reported reliability indices for both factors. For that reason, the aim of this study is to examine the factorial validity of the scale, the reliability of the dimensions, the gender differential item functioning (DIF), and the nomological validity. Methods 46,317 participants aged 50 and over (M = 71.33), from which 57.4 % were females, in W…

research product

Dimensions underlying frailty indicators in the Kihon Checklist.

Aim Frailty has become a current topic of debate in recent years among researchers as a key concept of clinical care in old age. One of the scales developed for its measurement is the Kihon Checklist (KCL). However, the dimensionality of the KCL has not been tested yet, and therefore the aim of the present study was to validate its dimensional structure. Methods This was a cross-sectional study carried out between March and September 2018 in Valencia province (Spain). Participation in the study was voluntary. A total of 251 participants were sampled. They answered sociodemographic and medical indicators, as well as five frailty scales, including the KCL. Results Five confirmatory models wit…

research product

Validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey on a Representative Sample of Dominican Teachers: Normative Data

AbstractBurnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment (Bakke, Demerouti, &amp; Sanz-Vergel, 2014). Several instruments for its measurement exist, but the most widely used scale for measuring its dimensions, by far, is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in its different versions. Among the available versions of the scale, the MBI-General Survey was developed to measure three dimensions of burnout (cynicism, personal accomplishment, and emotional exhaustion) regardless of the type of work. The aim of this research is to offer evidence on the psychometric properties of the MBI-GS for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbea…

research product

The Personal Wellbeing Index in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study of Wellbeing

Health professionals are especially exposed to stress, with consequences on professionals’ health and wellbeing. However, palliative care professionals’ wellbeing has been the subject of very little research. The aim of this work is to study the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) in a sample of Spanish palliative care professionals, as well as to study their levels of wellbeing and the relationships of wellbeing with variables such as gender, age, marital status, profession, and professional quality of life. A cross-sectional survey of Spanish palliative care professionals was conducted. The Spanish version of the PWI and the Short version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale were used. He…

research product

The Schoolwork Engagement Inventory: Factorial Structure, Measurement Invariance by Gender and Educational Level, and Convergent Validity in Secondary Education (12-18 Years)

This study analyzes the dimensionality, reliability, metric invariance, and convergent validity of the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory (SEI) in secondary education. Participants in the study were 679 students in compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education in a large city in Eastern Spain during the 2014-2015 academic year. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that the one-factor model of the SEI is superior to the other alternative models considered, providing an overall schoolwork engagement score in this educational stage. Reliability was also adequate and the instrument was found to be invariant by gender and educational level. Latent mean comparisons revealed a significant …

research product

Spanish adaptation of the Burden Assessment Scale in family caregivers of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Background Caregiving is a strong source of stress and leads the family caregiver to experience the burden of being responsible for the care of a severely mentally ill family member. The Burden Assessment Scale (BAS) assesses burden in family caregivers. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the BAS in a sample of family caregivers of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Methods Participants were 233 Spanish family caregivers (157 women and 76 men aged between 16–76 years old, M = 54.44, SD = 10.09) of people diagnosed with BPD. The BAS, the Multicultural Quality of Life Index, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 were used. Result…

research product

Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the involvement evaluation questionnaire in caregivers of patients with borderline personality disorders

The involvement evaluation questionnaire (IEQ) was created to evaluate the caregiver's experience of burden and the consequences of providing care to people with psychotic disorders. To date, the IEQ has not been validated with caregivers of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The main objective of the study was to confirm the psychometric properties and factorial structure of the Spanish version of the IEQ in 151 caregivers of people with BPD, with an average age of 54.52 (SD = 9.91). Two models were tested by means of confirmatory factor analysis, following the original factor structure. The Models 1 and 2 displayed adequate fit, with comparative fit index and Tuc…

research product

Psychometric properties on a romantic love myths scale: The case of the myths, fallacies and erroneous beliefs about the ideal of romantic love scale

Understanding the construct of romantic love is an important task in societies all around the world. However, instruments designed to assess this construct are scarce and most of them were developed more than a decade ago. De la Peña, Ramos, Luzón, and Recio (2011) proposed the Myths, Fallacies and Erroneous Beliefs about the Ideal of Romantic Love Scale. In this current study we provide the psychometric properties of this scale in a representative sample of adolescents. The analytic strategy included both Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. We achieved a best-factor structure using a unidimensional model of romantic beliefs which also had an adequate estimated rel…

research product

An integrative model of the subjective well-being of staff working in intellectual disability services

Abstract Background The detrimental effects of caregiving have been well documented. In order to compensate for the disadvantages of caring, research has also tried to identify factors associated to caregivers’ subjective well-being (SWB). Aims We aim at presenting an integrative model of SWB. Methods and procedures Sample consisted of 228 staff working with people with intellectual disabilities. Measures employed included three different components of self-care (social, internal and physical), mental and physical health, conscientiousness, hope, and life satisfaction. The model aimed to explain SWB, measured by life satisfaction, by several variables (self-care, mental and physical health,…

research product

Impacto del estatus de fragilidad sobre la salud y calidad de vida en personas mayores españolas

Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en evaluar la capacidad predictiva de una medida latente de fragilidad basada en los indicadores físicos propuestos para la Encuesta de Salud, Envejecimiento y Jubilación en Europa (SHARE) sobre la calidad de vida y la salud general percibida de una muestra representativa de personas mayores españolas. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Emplazamiento: España. Participantes: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 4.498 personas mayores de 60 años que residían en la comunidad cuyos datos se obtuvieron de la sexta ola de la encuesta SHARE. Mediciones principales: Se empleó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para definir el factor de fr…

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