Carlos Esplugues
International Bankruptcy in Spain
International Bankruptcy Law is a very trendy topic. Many countries have reformed their national Acts seeking to adapt them to the current economic situation. Also Spain did this some years ago. The New Spanish Bankruptcy Act of 2003 includes some rules on International Bankruptcy. These rules are directly linked to the EU Regulation on cross-border insolvency and depend on it. The article analyze in depth solutions embodied in the Act and their -not always easy- relationship with the Regulation. Something that happens in some other EU Member States.
General Report: New Developments in Civil and Commercial Mediation – Global Comparative Perspectives
Modern societies are very much linked to the idea of litigation. The incessant increase in the level of litigation puts the whole judicial system under pressure because the volume of disputes brought before State courts increases, the proceedings become more and more lengthy and the costs incurred by the parties in such proceedings also greatly increase. This situation can impair the full implementation of the principle of access to justice for citizens.
Civil and Commercial Mediation and National Courts: Towards a New Concept of Justice for the XXI Century?
Modern societies are very much linked to the idea of litigation. The incessant increase in the level of litigation puts the whole judicial system under pressure because the volume of disputes brought before State courts increases, the proceedings are getting more and more lengthy and the costs incurred by the parties in such proceedings are also greatly increasing. This situation can impair the full implementation of the principle of access to justice for citizens.
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards in Spain and Public Policy
Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards is a very relevant and trendy issue. The article analyzes in depth the existing Spanish case-law regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards.
Sobre la aplicación en la práctica del modelo chileno de reconocimiento y ejecución de resoluciones extranjeras y la necesidad de su reforma
El modelo chileno de Derecho internacional privado cuenta con un carácter muy reducido en el número de sus normas y no especialmente elaborado en lo que a las soluciones recogidas en las mismas se refiere. A ello se une, además, su condición enormemente dispersa. Esta situación se reputa de todos los sectores que lo componen: tanto de las disposiciones sobre competencia judicial internacional, como sobre Derecho aplicable o en relación con el reconocimiento y ejecución de resoluciones judiciales y laudos arbitrales extranjeros. Nuestro artículo se centra en esta última dimensión, abordando la realidad del régimen jurídico existente en Chile en relación con el reconocimiento y ejecución de r…
La Libre Circulaciin De Acuerdos De Mediaciin En El Seno De La Uniin Europea: Un Proceso 'En Construcciin' (Free Circulation of Mediation's Agreements in the European Union: A Process 'Under Construction')
Spanish Abstract: El aseguramiento de la libre circulacion de los acuerdos alcanzados en un procedimiento de mediacion desarrollado en la Union Europea constituye un dato esencial paera facilitar el recurso a la mediacion en los litigios transfronterizos generados en la UE. El hecho de que las partes hayan logrado un acuerdo de manera totalmente voluntaria, tras interiorizar el convencimiento de que dicho acuerdo constituye la mejor forma de resolver su disputa, deberia asegurarle un amplio nivel de ejecucion voluntaria. Sin embargo, y en linea con lo que la propia Directiva de 2008 apunta en sus considerandos, para que la mediacion resulte plenamente efectiva es imprescindible viabilizar l…
ADR Mechanisms and Their Incorporation into Global Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Some Concepts and Trends
The State and State courts have been approached for centuries as the almost only available instruments to ensure access to justice to citizens; that is to guarantee the right to an effective remedy before an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law within a reasonable time. A monopoly for the State in the field of dispute resolution has existed to the extent that despite the long presence of non-judicial instruments of dispute resolution in many jurisdictions, they have been traditionally considered as marginal in most countries and have lacked real implementation by citizens and legal actors.Unfortunately, the situation is not fully satisfactory. State courts have b…
Foreign Investment, Strategic Assets and National Security (Table of Contents)
At the time of a paradigm change Foreign Investment, Strategic Assets and National Security is a timely analysis of the changing attitude towards foreign investment in major economies, namely the United States of America, the People’s Republic of China, Australia, Canada, and Germany, France and the United Kingdom as representatives of the European Union. Foreign investment has grown steadily for decades and the de-regulation of international trade and investment was a widely accepted trend, particularly in developed countries. Increasingly, however, this development is encountered by opposition. Globalisation and socio-economic effects of mergers and acquisitions of domestic firms by forei…
El rrgimen jurrdico del arbitraje comercial internacional en Bolivia (The Legal Regime of International Commercial Arbitration in Bolivia)
Spanish Abstract: El presente articulo analiza en profundidad la actual situacion del tratamiento del arbitraje comercial internacional en Bolivia, sus tendencias y las dificultades que afronta. El trabajo estudia de manera critica las soluciones aportadas por la Ley 1770 de conciliacion y arbitraje, su ambito y lagunas. English Abstract: This Article studies in depth the current situation of the legal regime of International Commercial Arbitration in Bolivia and its trends and difficulties. It analyzes in a critical manner the different solutions provided by the Act 1770 on Arbitration and Conciliation, their scope and gaps.
Access to Justice or Access to States Courtss Justice in Europe? The Directive 2008/52/EC on Civil and Commercial Mediation
Modern societies are very much linked to the idea of litigation. A hidden rule seems to exist in the sense that the more advanced a society is the highest level of litigation it suffers. This increase in the level of litigation amounts to a sort of “litigation explosion” that has traditionally been linked to State courts. This explosion is said to put the whole judiciary system under pressure in so far the volume of disputes brought before State courts increases, the proceedings become more and more lengthy and the costs incurred in such proceedings also augment. The goal to tackle this explosion underpins most of the reforms that modern national civil procedure laws have suffered in many c…
COVID-19 y libre circulación de inversiones: un (muy) difícil matrimonio (COVID-19 and Free Movement of Investment: A (Very) Difficult Marriage)
Spanish Abstract: Las inversiones extranjeras estan siendo objeto de una aproximacion mas cautelosa y critica en los ultimos anos en gran numero de paises. Una posicion que se refleja en su regimen juridico y se manifiesta, entre otros extremos, en el diseno de mecanismos de control previo con base en su eventual contrariedad con la seguridad nacional del pais receptor. La pandemia del COVID-19 no ha hecho sino acentuar esta tendencia. La posicion mantenida por la UE al respecto, y la suspension de la libre circulacion de inversiones decidida por el Gobierno espanol son manifestaciones de ello que, todo apunta, han venido para perdurar. English Abstract: In recent years, foreign investment …
La ejecución de los acuerdos alcanzados en el marco de un procedimiento de mediación: diferentes continentes, diferentes soluciones y un objetivo -aparentemente- común
Las ADR/MASC han dejado hoy de ser mecanismos alternativos a la justicia estatal para pasar a ser entendidas como complementarias a esta, alterando de tal suerte la propia noción de acceso a la justicia. Dentro de esta categoría genérica, la mediación constituye hoy la institución que atrae mayor interés doctrinal y práctico y que, de alguna manera, refleja también de forma más nítida las ventajas que, se entiende, acompañan a este tipo de mecanismos. Anclada directamente en la voluntad de las partes, la mediación presenta como uno de sus puntos débiles la necesidad de asegurar la ejecutabilidad del acuerdo alcanzado por ellas en el marco de un procedimiento de mediación. Si bien existe coi…
El Control de las Inversiones Extranjeras Directas (Control of Foreign Direct Investment (Table of Contents))
Spanish Abstract: Las tres ultimas decadas han sido testigo de un crecimiento constante de la inversion extranjera. La situacion, sin embargo, parece que comienza a cambiar. La crisis economica de los ultimos anos y el acelerado proceso de liberalizacion de las economias que ha conducido a la privatizacion de grandes y relevantes sectores de estas, unido a la aparicion de novedosos actores economicos, y a los cambios geoestrategicos vinculados a la consolidacion de nuevas potencias economicas, han puesto a la defensiva a ciertas economias desarrolladas. Un numero creciente de paises observan con preocupacion como importantes sectores de su economia, infraestructuras y tecnologias criticas o…
Mediation and Private International Law: Improving Free Circulation of Mediation Agreements Across the EU
This paper, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs upon request by the JURI Committee, examines the issues arising in the context of cross-border mediation. Cross-border litigation has increased steadily in recent years in Europe as a consequence of the consolidation of the European unification process. The enactment of Directive 2008/52/EC has certainly led to the presence of mediation legislation in the EU Member States. But many important differences can still be ascertained in relation to the legal framework developed, which affect key aspects of mediation. For mediation to obtain full endorsement by citizens in the fu…
Spanish Report, Private International Law, International Academy of Comparative Law: XVIII International Congress
Spanish Private International Law has undertaken relevant changes during the last decades in many areas. This work approaches them in depth connecting these reforms with the process of harmonization of Private Law and Private International Law in Europe and with the process of codification of Private International Law undertaken by different institutions.
“National Intervention” in International Commercial Arbitration
The use of international arbitration increased over the years as a result of growth in international trade. How the State intervenes in the process concerning the appointment of arbitrators, provisional measures and evidence, and in the enforcement of the judgment after arbitration, is analysed. This State practice is however, difficult to change since international arbitration operates in a structure based on differing national terms, and not on uniform international standards.
La suspensión de la libre circulación de inversiones extranjeras en España por la crisis del COVID-19 (The Suspension of the Free Movement of Foreign Direct Investment in Spain due to the COVID-19 Crisis)
Spanish Abstract: La libre circulacion de inversiones es uno de los mantras que ha caracterizado la modernidad economica. El principio, sin embargo, se encuentra sometido a creciente prevencion, en el marco de una vision critica hacia la globalizacion en un mundo en pleno reajuste geoestrategico. Una de las manifestaciones de esta tendencia reciente de empoderamiento del Estado se refleja en la articulacion de mecanismos de control de las inversiones foraneas que le permitan evitar que sectores claves de la economia nacional caigan en manos de inversores extranjeros, en muchas ocasiones, controlados por Estados competidores. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con los paises de nuestro entorno, E…
The Application of Foreign Law by Judicial and Non-Judicial Authorities: Any News?
The treatment of foreign law by judicial and non-judicial authorities constitutes “a crucial issue” for the proper functioning of any Private International Law (PIL) system. Nevertheless, and despite its relevance, international harmonization on this issue is scarce and old –usually, previous to 1980-, and it combines both a limited scope and little application. Thus, the nature granted to foreign law before national authorities, the way to ascertain its content or to consider when it has been sufficiently proved usually vary significantly among jurisdictions and negatively affect the potential application of foreign law. This situation is widespread. And it is even noticeable in a legally …