V. La Bua
Evoked potential study in facio-scapulo-humeral muscular dystrophy.
Nerve conduction velocities (NCVs), somatosensory (SEPs) and auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were recorded in 9 patients with facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) and in 20 age-matched controls. In FSHD patients a significant increase of the nerve distal sensory latencies and of the absolute SEP latencies revealed a subclinical involvement of the afferent sensory pathways, as well as the abnormal slowing of the later components of the BAEPs, pointed to a central auditory dysfunction. Moreover all patients underwent brain MRI that showed the presence of white matter hyperintense lesions in 4 of them (44%). No correlations were found between individual or total number of SEP and BAEP abn…
Cortical and subcortical visual event-related potentials to oddball stimuli in rabbits
We applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in order to induce interference on visuo-spatial perception in 11 healthy subjects. Subjects performed a visuo-spatial task requiring judgements about the symmetry of prebisected lines. Visual stimuli consisted of symmetrically or asymmetrically transected lines, tachystoscopically presented for 50 ms on a computer-monitor. Performance was examined in basal condition and during rTMS trains of 10 stimuli at 25 Hz, delivered through a focal coil over right or left posterior parietal cortex (P5 and P6 sites) and triggered synchronously with visual stimulus. Randomly intermixed sham rTMS trains were employed to control for non-speci…
Reorganization of cortical motor area in prior polio patients
Focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to study the motor maps of upper limb muscles in 7 adult patients with a history of paralytic poliomyelitis. The aim of the study was to verify the potential for long-term cortical reorganization of a selective peripheral motor neuron lesion suffered early in life.Patient selection was based on the prevalent involvement of proximal muscles in only one of the upper limbs. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from deltoid and abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscles. Each muscle map was characterized by area (no. of excitable positions), volume (the sum of MEP amplitudes at all scalp positions), maximal amplitude (the highest MEP re…
1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere ameliorates contralesional visuospatial neglect in humans
The aim of the study was to investigate whether low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the unaffected hemisphere can ameliorate visuospatial neglect. We treated three right brain damaged patients with left neglect. 900 pulses (1 Hz frequency) were given over left posterior parietal cortex every other day for 2 weeks. Patients performed a computerized task requiring length judgement of prebisected lines, tachistoscopically presented for 150 ms. With respect to rTMS the task was given 15 days before, at the beginning, at the end and 15 days after. At these times patients performed also line bisection and clock drawing tasks. rTMS induced a significant improveme…
Neurophysiological and radiological findings in myotonic dystrophy patients
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were recorded in 10 patients with myotonic dystrophy and in 20 sex and age-matched healthy controls. In all patients a brain MRI examination was also performed. In our results, the significantly longer absolute peak latencies of the SEPs and the abnormal increasing of the later components of the BAEPs suggest an involvement of the afferent sensory and central auditory pathways. Brain MRI showed white matter hyperintense lesions (WMHL) in eight patients (80%). No correlations were found between individual abnormal electrophysiological parameters or severity of WMHL and age, age at onset, disease duration …
Magnetic stimulation study in patients with myotonic dystrophy
To further define motor nervous system alterations in myotonic dystrophy (MD), motor potentials to transcranial and cervical magnetic stimulation (MEPs) were recorded from the right abductor pollicis brevis muscle in 10 patients with MD and in 10 healthy controls. Cortical and cervical latencies, central motor conduction time (CMCT), stimulus threshold intensity and cortical MEP amplitudes expressed both as absolute values and as %M were analysed. MEP cervical latency, absolute or relative amplitude and excitability threshold did not significantly differ in patients and controls. The mean cortical motor latency and CMCT were significantly prolonged in MD patients with respect to normal subj…
Modulation of intracortical inhibition induced by low- and high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
We studied the changes of duration of subsequent silent periods (SPs) during repetitive magnetic stimulation (rTMS) trains of ten stimuli delivered at low (1 Hz) and high (7 Hz) frequencies. The effects at different intensities of stimulation (motor threshold, MT, 115% and 130% above the MT) were also evaluated. rTMS was performed in eight healthy subjects with a figure-of-eight coil placed over the hand motor area. The SP was recorded from abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle during a voluntary contraction of 30% of maximum effort. rTMS at 1-Hz frequency progressively decreased the duration of SP, whereas an alternating pattern of smaller and larger values was observed during trains at 7-…
A transcranial magnetic stimulation study evaluating methylprednisolone treatment in multiple sclerosis
Objective To investigate the efficacy of two different high doses of intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) during Multiple Sclerosis (MS) relapses. Background Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is the most sensitive neurophysiological ascertainment to quantify motor disability, to follow the recovery from an MS relapse, and to detect the response to treatment. Design and method Twenty-four clinically definite relapsing - remitting MS patients presenting a relapse were randomly assigned to a treatment for 5 days with IVMP 1 or 2 g/day. The response to treatment of each patient was evaluated through Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), Medical Research Council (MRC) score, and TMS by…