J. M. Avizcuri
Sensory attributes of Rioja red wines and their relationship with quality perception of consumers
Póster presentado en la Third Edition of International Conference Series on Wine Active Compounds (WAC2014), celebrada en Borgoña (Francia) del 26 al 28 de marzo de 2014.
Sensory-active compounds influencing wine experts' and consumers' perception of red wine intrinsic quality
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. There is a lack of studies focusing on the chemical compounds involved in quality perception. The present work combines both sensory and chemical approaches with the final goal of evaluating the sensory-active compounds influencing wine experts' and consumers' perception of red wine quality. Perceived quality was categorised by 108 consumers and 119 experts according to four levels going from very low to very high quality. In parallel, samples were described by a descriptive trained panel and volatile and non-volatile chemicals with known sensory activity were quantified. Wines with higher concentrations of eugenol, E- and Z-whiskylactones and 4-ethylphenol (discussed i…
Quality mapping: An exploratory approach for evaluating the chemicals driving in-mouth quality in red wines
Peer Reviewed