Chien Yeah Seng


Dispersive Evaluation of the Inner Radiative Correction in Neutron and Nuclear $\beta$-decay

We propose a novel dispersive treatment of the so-called inner radiative correction to the neutron and nuclear $\beta$-decay. We show that it requires knowledge of the parity-violating structure function $F_3^{(0)}$ that arises from the interference of the axial vector charged current and the isoscalar part of the electromagnetic current. By isospin symmetry, we relate this structure function to the charged current inelastic scattering of neutrinos and antineutrinos. Applying this new data-driven analysis we obtain a new, more precise evaluation for the universal radiative correction $\Delta_{R}^{V,\,new}=0.02467(22)$ that supersedes the previous estimate by Marciano and Sirlin, $\Delta_R^V…

research product

Weak charge and weak radius of C12

We present a feasibility study of a simultaneous subpercent extraction of the weak charge and the weak radius of the $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ nucleus using parity-violating electron scattering, based on a largely model-independent assessment of the uncertainties. The corresponding measurement is considered to be carried out at the future MESA facility in Mainz with ${E}_{\mathrm{beam}}=155\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{MeV}$. We find that a combination of a 0.3% precise measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry at forward angles with a 10% measurement at backward angles will allow to determine the weak charge and the weak radius of $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ with 0.4% and 0.5% precision, respectiv…

research product

Reduced uncertainty of the axial γZ-box diagram correction to the proton’s weak charge

We present the fully up-to-date calculation of the γZ-box correction which needs to be taken into account to determine the weak mixing angle at low energies from parity-violating electron proton scattering. We make use of neutrino and antineutrino inclusive scattering data to predict the parity-violating structure function F3γZ by isospin symmetry. Our new analysis confirms previous results for the axial contribution to the γZ-box graph and reduces the uncertainty by a factor of 2. In addition, we note that the presence of parity-violating photon-hadron interactions induces an additional contribution via F3γγ. Using experimental and theoretical constraints on the nucleon anapole moment we a…

research product

Improved $K_{e3}$ radiative corrections sharpen the $K_{\mu 2}$--$K_{l3}$ discrepancy

The measurements of $V_{us}$ in leptonic $(K_{\mu 2})$ and semileptonic $(K_{l3})$ kaon decays exhibit a $3\sigma$ disagreement, which could originate either from physics beyond the Standard Model or some large unidentified Standard Model systematic effects. Clarifying this issue requires a careful examination of all existing Standard Model inputs. Making use of a newly-proposed computational framework and the most recent lattice QCD results, we perform a comprehensive re-analysis of the electroweak radiative corrections to the $K_{e3}$ decay rates that achieves an unprecedented level of precision of $10^{-4}$, which improves the current best results by almost an order of magnitude. No larg…

research product

High-precision determination of the $K_{e3}$ radiative corrections

We report a high-precision calculation of the Standard Model electroweak radiative corrections in the $K\to \pi e^+\nu(\gamma)$ decay as a part of the combined theory effort to understand the existing anomaly in the determinations of $V_{us}$. Our new analysis features a chiral resummation of the large infrared-singular terms in the radiative corrections and a well-under-control strong interaction uncertainty based on the most recent lattice QCD inputs. While being consistent with the current state-of-the-art results obtained from chiral perturbation theory, we reduce the existing theory uncertainty from $10^{-3}$ to $10^{-4}$. Our result suggests that the Standard Model electroweak effects…

research product

Reduced hadronic uncertainty in the determination of $V_{ud}$

We analyze the universal radiative correction $\Delta_R^V$ to neutron and superallowed nuclear $\beta$ decay by expressing the hadronic $\gamma W$-box contribution in terms of a dispersion relation, which we identify as an integral over the first Nachtmann moment of the $\gamma W$ interference structure function $F_3^{(0)}$. By connecting the needed input to existing data on neutrino and antineutrino scattering, we obtain an updated value of $\Delta_R^V = 0.02467(22)$, wherein the hadronic uncertainty is reduced. Assuming other Standard Model theoretical calculations and experimental measurements remain unchanged, we obtain an updated value of $|V_{ud}| = 0.97366(15)$, raising tension with …

research product

Lattice QCD calculation of the electroweak box diagrams for the kaon semileptonic decays

We present a lattice QCD calculation of the axial $\gamma W$-box diagrams relevant for the kaon semileptonic decays. We utilize a recently proposed method, which connects the electroweak radiative corrections in Sirlin's representation to that in chiral perturbation theory. It allows us to use the axial $\gamma W$-box correction in the SU(3) limit to obtain the low energy constants for chiral perturbation theory. From first principles our results confirm the previously used low energy constants provided by the minimal resonance model with a significant reduction in uncertainties.

research product

First-Principles Calculation of Electroweak Box Diagrams from Lattice QCD.

We present the first realistic lattice QCD calculation of the $\gamma W$-box diagrams relevant for beta decays. The nonperturbative low-momentum integral of the $\gamma W$ loop is calculated using a lattice QCD simulation, complemented by the perturbative QCD result at high momenta. Using the pion semileptonic decay as an example, we demonstrate the feasibility of the method. By using domain wall fermions at the physical pion mass with multiple lattice spacings and volumes, we obtain the axial $\gamma W$-box correction to the semileptonic pion decay, $\Box_{\gamma W}^{VA}\big|_{\pi}=2.830(11)_{\mathrm{stat}}(26)_{\mathrm{sys}}\times10^{-3}$, with the total uncertainty controlled at the leve…

research product

New method for calculating electromagnetic effects in semileptonic beta-decays of mesons

We construct several classes of hadronic matrix elements and relate them to the low-energy constants in Chiral Perturbation Theory that describe the electromagnetic effects in the semileptonic beta decay of the pion and the kaon. We propose to calculate them using lattice QCD, and argue that such a calculation will make an immediate impact to a number of interesting topics at the precision frontier, including the outstanding anomalies in $|V_{us}|$ and the top-row Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix unitarity.

research product

Joint lattice QCD–dispersion theory analysis confirms the quark-mixing top-row unitarity deficit

Recently, the first ever lattice computation of the $\gamma W$-box radiative correction to the rate of the semileptonic pion decay allowed for a reduction of the theory uncertainty of that rate by a factor of $\sim3$. A recent dispersion evaluation of the $\gamma W$-box correction on the neutron also led to a significant reduction of the theory uncertainty, but shifted the value of $V_{ud}$ extracted from the neutron and superallowed nuclear $\beta$ decay, resulting in a deficit of the CKM unitarity in the top row. A direct lattice computation of the $\gamma W$-box correction for the neutron decay would provide an independent cross-check for this result but is very challenging. Before those…

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