J. C. Germon
Modelling nitrous oxide emissions from cropland at the regional scale
Arable soils are a large source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, making up half of the biogenic emissions worldwide. Estimating their source strength requires methods capable of capturing the spatial and temporal variability of N2O emissions, along with the effects of crop management. Here, we applied a process-based model, CERES, with geo-referenced input data on soils, weather, and land use to map N2O emissions from wheat-cropped soils in three agriculturally intensive regions in France. Emissions were mostly controlled by soil type and local climate conditions, and only to a minor extent by the doses of fertilizer nitrogen applied. As a result, the direct emission factors calculated at …
Laboratory kinetics of soil denitrification are useful to discriminate soils with potentially high levels of N2O emission on the field scale
Les emissions de N 2 O, gaz a effet de serre, ont ete mesurees au cours d'essais au champ, sur des sols cultives dont un Rendzic Leptosol, un Eutric Leptosol, un Haplic Calcisol, un Haplic Luvisol et deux Gleyic Luvisols, et sur des sols cultives et en prairie, dont un Haplic Fluvisol et deux Gleyic Cambisols. En parallele, les cinetiques de production et de consommation de N 2 O au cours de la denitrification ont ete etudiees au laboratoire sur des suspensions de sol, au cours d'incubations anaerobies avec apport de NO 3 - et de N 2 O, en presence et en absence d'acetylene. Les sols qui emettent le plus de N 2 O « in situ », c'est-a-dire les Gleyic Luvisols cultives et les sols de prairie,…
N2O emission in maize-crops fertilized with pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate in Brittany
International audience; N2O is a potent greenhouse gas and solutions have to be sought to reduce its emission from agriculture. This work evaluates N2O emission from maize-crop (Zea mays) fields submitted to different organic or mineral fertilizers (pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate) in Brittany (France). N2O emission was evaluated along a year in two experimental sites receiving 110 or 180 kg N ha−1 as ammonium nitrate or pig slurry and 180 or 132 kg N ha−1 as ammonium nitrate or matured pig manure at Champ Noel and Le Rheu experimental plots, respectively. N2O emission was evaluated by interpolation method of periodic fluxes on the field scale and by simulation with NOE a…
Genetic characterization of the nitrate reducing community based on narG nucleotide sequence analysis.
The ability of facultative anerobes to respire nitrate has been ascribed mainly to the activity of a membrane-bound nitrate reductase encoded by the narGHJI operon. Respiratory nitrate reduction is the first step of the denitrification pathway, which is considered as an important soil process since it contributes to the global cycling of nitrogen. In this study, we employed direct PCR, cloning, and sequencing of narG gene fragments to determine the diversity of nitrate-reducing bacteria occurring in soil and in the maize rhizosphere. Libraries containing 727 clones in total were screened by restriction fragment analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of 128 narG sequences separated the clone famili…
Characterization and transcriptional analysis of Pseudomonas fluorescens denitrifying clusters containing the nar, nir, nor and nos genes
In this study, we report the cloning and characterization of denitrifying gene clusters of Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12 containing the narXLDKGHJI, nirPOQSM, norCB and nosRZDFYL genes. While consensus sequences for Fnr-like protein binding sites were identified in the promoter regions of the nar, nir, nor and nos genes, consensus sequences corresponding to the NarL binding sites were identified only upstream the nar genes. Monitoring by mRNA analysis the expression of the narG, nirS, norB and nosZ structural genes suggests a sequential induction of the denitrification system in P. fluorescens.
Inhibitory capacities of acetylene on nitrification in two agricultural soils
Abstract Acetylene is currently used to distinguish between the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to soil emissions of the greenhouse gas, N 2 O. The basis of this method is that acetylene at low partial pressures inhibits nitrification without affecting N 2 O reduction. This paper reports experiments where low acetylene partial pressures were insufficient to totally inhibit nitrification in an hypercalcareous rendosol at water potentials higher than −3.5 MPa while they were always sufficient in a redoxic luvisol.
Predicting in situ soil N2O emission using NOE algorithm and soil database
This paper presents a new algorithm, Nitrous Oxide Emission (NOE) for simulating the emission of the greenhouse gas N2O from agricultural soils. N2O fluxes are calculated as the result of production through denitrification and nitrification and reduction through the last step of denitrification. Actual denitrification and nitrification rates are calculated from biological parameters and soil water-filled pore space, temperature and mineral nitrogen contents. New suggestions in NOE consisted in introducing (1) biological site-specific parameters of soil N2O reduction and (2) reduction of the N2O produced through nitrification to N2 through denitrification. This paper includes a database of 6…
Simulation of nitrous oxide emissions from wheat-cropped soils using CERES
Estimation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from arable soils, in relation to crop fertilization, is essential to devise strategies to mitigate the impact of agriculture on global warming. This paper presents the development and test of a N2O model resulting from the linkage of a dynamic soil-crop simulation model (CERES) with two sub-models of N2O production and reduction in soils. These sub-models (NOE and NGAS) account for both the nitrification and denitrification pathways. The resulting models (CERES–NOE and CERES–NGAS) were tested against experimental data collected on three contrasting wheat-cropped soils representative of the Beauce agricultural region in France. Although the input …
Disentangling the rhizosphere effect on nitrate reducers and denitrifiers: insight into the role of root exudates.
International audience; To determine to which extent root-derived carbon contributes to the effects of plants on nitrate reducers and denitrifiers, four solutions containing different proportions of sugar, organic acids and amino acids mimicking maize root exudates were added daily to soil microcosms at a concentration of 150 μg C g−1 of soil. Water-amended soils were used as controls. After 1 month, the size and structure of the nitrate reducer and denitrifier communities were analysed using the narG and napA, and the nirK, nirS and nosZ genes as molecular markers respectively. Addition of artificial root exudates (ARE) did not strongly affect the structure or the density of nitrate reduce…
N2O and NO emissions by agricultural soils with low hydraulic potentials
N2O and NO production were studied on five agricultural soils with low hydraulic potentials. All experiments were performed in a laboratory under standard incubation conditions to limit any intrinsic soil heterogeneity. The mechanisms involved in NO and N2O production was investigated using the inhibitory properties of acetylene on nitrification and N2O reduction. This work confirmed that N2O and NO could be produced by soils under aerobic conditions. Nitrification seemed to be the only process involved in NO production and the main process involved in N2O production by the five studied soils when the water content was low. Nevertheless, aerobic denitrification with N2O release was observed…
DNA extraction from soils: old bias for new microbial diversity analysis methods.
ABSTRACT The impact of three different soil DNA extraction methods on bacterial diversity was evaluated using PCR-based 16S ribosomal DNA analysis. DNA extracted directly from three soils showing contrasting physicochemical properties was subjected to amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA). The obtained RISA patterns revealed clearly that both the phylotype abundance and the composition of the indigenous bacterial community are dependent on the DNA recovery method used. In addition, this effect was also shown in the context of an experimental study aiming to estimate the impact on soil biodiversity of the application of farmyard manure o…
Bayesian calibration of the nitrous oxide emission module of an agro-ecosystem model
1. NitroEurope Open Science Conference on Reactive Nitrogen and the European Greenhouse Gas Balance ; Ghent (Belgique) - (2008-02-20 - 2008-02-21) / Conférence; Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the main biogenic greenhouse gas contributing to the global warming potential (GWP) of agro-ecosystems. Evaluating the impact of agriculture on climate therefore requires a capacity to predict N2O emissions in relation to environmental conditions and crop management. Biophysical models simulating the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in agro-ecosystems have a unique potential to explore these relationships, but are fraught with high uncertainties in their parameters due to their variations over time and space. H…
Contribution of Bacteria to Initial Input and Cycling of Nitrogen in Soils
Nitrogen was discovered by the Scottish chemist and physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772 by removing oxygen and carbon dioxide from air. At the same time, the French chemist, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, isolated what we would call nitrogen and named it azote, meaning without life since it did not support life or combustion. However, nitrogen is the fourth most common element in many biomolecules, which are essential for life, being outrankedonly by carbon, hydrogen andoxygen. Thus, nitrogen is found in amino acids that form proteins and in the nucleoside phosphates of nucleic acids. The cycle of nitrogen in soil has been studied more extensively than any other nutrient cycle. Nevertheless, de…
16S rDNA analysis for characterization of denitrifying bacteria isolated from three agricultural soils
Bacteria capable of denitrification are spread among phylogenetically diverse groups. In the present investigation, molecular methods (amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and partial 16S rDNA gene sequencing) were used to determine the genetic diversity of culturable denitrifying soil bacteria. The purpose of this work was to study the microbial density and diversity of denitrifying communities isolated from two luvisols and a rendosol. The denitrifying bacterial density was significantly higher in the two luvisols (3x10(6) and 4x10(6) bacteria g(-1) dry soil) than in the rendosol (4x10(5) bacteria g(-1) dry soil). Denitrifying isolates from soils were grouped according to …