M. Ojeda
Desarrollo de un programa de educación nutricional y valoración del cambio de hábitos alimentarios saludables en una población de estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria
Jose.L.Alfonso@uv.es Introducción: La adolescencia se considera un periodo crítico en la adquisición y configuración de hábitos alimentarios y de un estilo de vida saludable para el futuro joven y que probablemente serán perdurables en la edad adulta. La obesidad infantil y juvenil es un problema de Salud Pública cuyo control pasa necesariamente por la prevención y la educación nutricional. Objetivos: Evaluar el estado nutricional de los adolescentes y determinar la proporción con sobrepeso u obesidad y establecer un programa de Intervención Nutricional y analizar la mejora en el patrón de hábitos alimentarios en los adolescentes. Métodos: El estudio se ha realizado sobre una población de 3…
Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines.
International audience
Development of a quantitative sensory method for the description of young red wines frome rioja alavesa.
International audience
Effect of consumers’ origin on perceived sensory quality, liking and liking drivers: A cross-cultural study on European cheeses
Abstract We aim at studying consumers’ Perceived Sensory Quality (PSQ) concept. We manipulated a priori both familiarity (contrast local vs. foreign cheeses) and quality level (contrast PDO or traditional cheeses vs. their non-PDO and/or industrial counterpart). The study was run in four European countries. Thus, eight cheeses (one PDO or traditional cheese and one non-PDO cheese from each of the four European countries) were assessed by a total of 438 consumers (from 100 to 120 consumers from each region) in terms of PSQ and liking. The cheeses were also described by a trained panel. PSQ depended on both consumers’ and cheeses’ origin. The main finding is that in the three countries with P…
The human first cell cycle: impact on implantation.
The morphology of fertilization events has been related to successful implantation by subjective criteria (pronuclei score, pronuclei symmetry and position). This work first described these events by time-lapse technology and then compared the timings of fertilization events (second polar body extrusion, first and second pronuclei appearance, abuttal and fading) in implanted versus nonimplanted embryos in a 2-year cohort retrospective study. A total of 1448 transferred embryos from 842 patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection with oocyte donation were monitored, 212 embryos from treatments where the number of gestational sacs matched the number of transferred embryos and 687 emb…
Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines
Background and Aims: This work studies the effect of winemaking process (carbonic maceration (CM) vs destemming) and the effect of grape variety (100% Tempranillo red grapes vs Tempranillo grapes and Viura white grapes) on sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines from Rioja Alavesa. Methods and Results: Nineteen wines distributed in four groups (the four combinations from the two factors) were collected from 12 wineries. Twenty-four sensory attributes and 15 physicochemical parameters were analysed at four time points through 9 months. Data were analysed by analysis of variance and by canonical variate analysis. CM wines were higher in red berry aroma and flavour, alco…