Athanase Benetos
Reply to “Caution in underrepresentation of older adults in clinical trials on COVID-19 vaccines”
We would like to thank Chen et al. for their comments on our recently published paper in Ageing Research Reviews (Veronese et al., 2021). In this reply we would like to answer to the points raised in their letter. Regarding the first question, we decided to run our search only in PubMed/Medline and ClinicalTrials.gov since the phase II-III randomized controlled trials of SARS-CoV 2 vaccines, considering the urgency for interventions to ameliorate the pandemic situation, received a great deal of interest. Therefore, they were usually published in high impact factor journals, reported in PubMed, and their protocols were usually reported in clinicaltrials.gov. However, following the suggestion…
Pragmatic Diabetes Management in Nursing Homes: Individual Care Plan
Although the management of diabetes as a simple entity has been extensively developed, there is a dearth of evidence in elderly, frail patients with multiple comorbidities and polymedication. This population represents a large proportion of the residents of nursing homes (NHs). As a multidisciplinary group of French experts (geriatricians, endocrinologists, diabetologists, and general practitioners) with practical experience in this area, which is growing in magnitude throughout the world, we convened to compile pragmatic, simple advice on the management of elderly, frail diabetic patients. Given demands on NH personnel (manager, medical coordinator, nurses, and, at the front line of care p…
Prise en charge pragmatique du diabétique en EHPAD
Resume On estime a 20 a 30 % le pourcentage de residents en Etablissement d’Hebergement pour Personnes Âgees Dependantes (EHPAD) qui presentent un diabete sucre. Il s’agit souvent de patients lourds, fragiles, polypathologiques, parfois atteints de troubles cognitifs majeurs. A ces âges, et dans ce contexte, le controle strict du diabete passe au second plan par rapport a la prevention des risques de chute, de denutrition, de sarcopenie et de declin cognitif, ainsi qu’a la prevention des accidents metaboliques aigus. La redaction d’un Plan de Soins Personnalise permet de fixer les objectifs a atteindre pour un patient donne, d’adapter le traitement antidiabetique au cas par cas, et de preci…
An Expert Opinion From the European Society of Hypertension–European Union Geriatric Medicine Society Working Group on the Management of Hypertension in Very Old, Frail Subjects
Two years after the publication of the 2013 guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC),1 the ESH and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society have created a common working group to examine the management of hypertensive subjects aged >80 years. The general term hypertension in the elderly is not sufficiently accurate because it mixes younger old patients (60–70 years) with the oldest old. Our group believes that the management of hypertension in individuals aged ≥80 years should be specifically addressed. Although arbitrary, this cutoff value identifies a population that is expanding …
Faut-il réaliser un « Mini-Mental State Examination » chez tout sujet âgé hypertendu ?
Hypertension constitutes a recognized risk factor of vascular dementia but also of Alzheimer-type dementia. Various longitudinal studies showed that midlife blood pressure level is one of the factors conditioning the onset of dementia syndrome in late life. The high risk of dementia is linked to leukoaraiosis, vascular rigidity, microcirculation disorders, oxidative stress, blood pressure fluctuations including orthostatic hypotension and strokes, all of those being associated with hypertension. Numerous clinical trials showed the positive effect of effective treatment of hypertension on the prevention of cognitive disorders and dementias. Thus, screening and early management of dementia an…
Ageing, longevity, exceptional longevity and related genetic and non genetics markers: panel statement
In May 2012, a group of scientists and clinicians met in Athens (Greece) to consider the relevance of ageing, longevity, exceptional longevity and related genetic and non genetic markers. During this meeting, we firstly reviewed recent epidemiological and clinical studies on ageing, longevity and exceptional longevity, briefly analysed the ageing theories and discussed successful and unsuccessful ageing also taking into account the evolutionary perspective. Secondly, we considered the three phenotypes based on the definition of ageing, longevity and exceptional longevity and the associated biomarkers. Third, we discussed proposed treatments suitable to counteract or slow down ageing. Finall…
Clinical determinants of failure in balance tests in elderly subjects
We assessed the role of clinical and biological parameters on performance in four balance tests in elderly subjects. An observational study was conducted in the Center for Preventive Medicine of Nancy (France) in 2368 community-living elderly subjects aged 60 and older. Body mass index (BMI), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), clock test, "Health score" and use of psychotropic drugs (UPD) were assessed. Participants performed four balance tests: "one-leg-stand" (OLS), "timed-up-and-go" (TUG), "rise-from-the-floor" (RFF) and "sit-to-stand" (STS). The statistical analysis showed that women were almost twice as likely to fail balance tests as men. In both women and men, the following determ…
Methodology and technology for peripheral and central blood pressure and blood pressure variability measurement: current status and future directions - Position statement of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular variability
Office blood pressure measurement has been the basis for hypertension evaluation for almost a century. However, the evaluation of blood pressure out of the office using ambulatory or self-home monitoring is now strongly recommended for the accurate diagnosis in many, if not all, cases with suspected hypertension. Moreover, there is evidence that the variability of blood pressure might offer prognostic information that is independent of the average blood pressure level. Recently, advancement in technology has provided noninvasive evaluation of central (aortic) blood pressure, which might have attributes that are additive to the conventional brachial blood pressure measurement. This position …
Underrepresentation of older adults in clinical trials on COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review
During the COVID-19 pandemic older subjects have been disproportionately affected by the disease. Vaccination is a fundamental intervention to prevent the negative consequences of COVID-19, but it is not known if the needs and vulnerabilities of older people are adequately addressed by their inclusion in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) evaluating the efficacy of vaccines for COVID-19. Given this background, we aimed to evaluate if current and ongoing phase II-III RCTs evaluating the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines included a representative sample of older people. A systematic literature search in PubMed and Clinicaltrials.gov was performed until May 01st, 2021. Among 474 abstracts initially…
Blood pressure and pulse wave velocity values in the institutionalized elderly aged 80 and over: baseline of the PARTAGE study.
The aim of the longitudinal study PARTAGE (predictive values of blood pressure and arterial stiffness in institutionalized very aged population) was to determine the predictive value of blood pressure (BP) and arterial stiffness for overall mortality, major cardiovascular events and cognitive decline in a large population of institutionalized patients aged 80 and over. In the study herein, we present the baseline data values of this study.A total of 1130 patients were recruited (878 women), living in French and Italian nursing homes. Clinical and 3-day self-measurements of BP were conducted. Aortic and upper limb pulse wave velocity were obtained using a PulsePen tonometer.Of this populatio…
The Challenges in Moving from Ageing to Successful Longevity
During the last decades survival has significantly improved and centenarians are becoming a fast-growing group of the population. Human life span is mainly dependent on environmental and genetic factors. Favourable modifications of lifestyle factors (e.g. physical activity, diet and not smoking) and healthcare (e.g. effective vascular disease prevention) have also increased human life span. Genetic factors contribute to the variation of human life span by around 25%, which is believed to be more profound after 85 years of age. It is likely that multiple factors influence life span and we need answers to questions such as: 1) What does it take to reach 100?, 2) Do centenarians have better he…