Pierpaolo Purpura
Can perfusion sensitized MR diffusion weighted imaging discriminate between benign and malignant nodes for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma?
Objective: To investigate fast (perfusion sensitized) and slow (true diffusion sensitized) apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements as discriminators of benign from malignant lymph nodes in patients with head and neck (H&N) squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Materials and Methods: Seventeen patients with H&N SCC staged for nodal disease using anatomical MRI, contrast enhanced CT and ultrasound ± fine needle aspiration gave informed consent for additional MR diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Axial DWI was performed by short tau inversion recovery (STIR) echo planar imaging and trace weighted images obtained b 0, 50, 100, 300, 600 and 1000. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was calcul…
Endometriosis is an important gynecologic disorder defined as the presence of functional endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. Prevalence of endometriosis is 6-10% in the general population, but rises to 35-50% in women with pelvic pain or infertility or both. The aim of this study was to retrospectively review the different locations of pelvic and extrapelvic endometriosis occurred in our Department during last 3 years.
A customized dental CT software for automatic correction of patient positioning error and detection of jaw midline
Perfusion MR Imaging in Differentiating High-Grade from Low-Grade Gliomas
To correlate perfusion MR imaging with histologic grade of cerebral gliomas. Materials & Methods Relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) maps were determined in 22 patients with pathologically proved gliomas (11 glioblastomas, 8 anaplastic gliomas and 2 low-grade gliomas) by dynamic contrast-enhanced T2*-weighted MR imaging. MR examination was completed with conventional T1- and T2-weighted imaging. The rCBV maps were calculated with an independent workstation by fitting a gamma-variate function to the contrast material concentration versus time curve. Relative CBV ratios obtained between tumor and normal white matter were compared between glioblastomas, anaplastic gliomas and low-grade gliom…
Obiettivi didattici. Illustrare i reperti morfologici e funzionali del CaP, all'imaging RM. Introduzione. La RM è una metodica fondamentale nello studio del CaP; oltre all'imaging morfologico, permette importanti acquisizioni funzionali che aumentano la sua performance diagnostica. Tecnica d'esame. Lo studio RM della prostata prevede sequenze assiali t1, assiali, coronali e sagittali T2, DWI, sequenze spettroscopiche e sequenze perfusioni (GE T1w 3d fat-sat). In T1 la prostata ha intensità di segnale medio-bassa omogenea, senza possibilità di distinzione dell'anatomia zona e ghiandolare o d'identificazione di eventuali CaP. Queste sequenze permettono la visualizzazione di eventuali residui …
VARIAZIONI anatomiche del seno sfenoidale VALUTATI IN MDTC
Videofluorography and MDCT findings in a case of pharyngeal perforation after anterior cervical spinal surgery with fusion (ACSF)
Purpose Anterior cervical spinal surgery with fusion (ACSF) is the most widely used technique in the management of cervical spondylosis or disc herniation. A case of pharyngeal perforation after ACSF demonstrated by videofluorography and MDCT is described. Methods A 39-year-old man, recently undergone to ACSF for interbody C3-C5 fusion with anterior cervical plate and screws, was submitted to a pharingoesophageal videofluorography and 64 row-MDCT of the neck before and after oral administration of iodine contrast medium for persistent high dysphagia. Results In the plain radiograph a fractured screw was detected, anterolaterally displaced on the right to the cervical spine, outside the phar…
SINCONAPP: A Computerized learning tool for CBCT normal anatomy and variants of the nose and paranasal sinuses
1. Purpose To supply an useful learning tool aimed to interactively display on mobile devices normal anatomy and variants of the nose and paranasal sinuses as seen on CBCT images. 2. Methods and Materials Images Images of the nose and paranasal sinuses were derived by a study series acquired by a CBCT device. CBCT studies of the paranasal sinuses were acquired in patients referred for nasal obstruction or sinusitis with the following parameters: 90 kVp, 12.5 mA, 20 s rotation time, FOV 13 x 14.5 cm, 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.25 mm voxel size. Software The application has been developed for iOS based mobile devices through the platform XCode provided by Apple®, and it is developed using the Objective-…
Radiomics analysis of 18F-Choline PET/CT in the prediction of disease outcome in high-risk prostate cancer: an explorative study on machine learning feature classification in 94 patients
Objective: The aim of this study was (1) to investigate the application of texture analysis of choline PET/CT images in prostate cancer (PCa) patients and (2) to propose a machine-learning radiomics model able to select PET features predictive of disease progression in PCa patients with a same high-risk class at restaging. Material and methods: Ninety-four high-risk PCa patients who underwent restaging Cho-PET/CT were analyzed. Follow-up data were recorded for a minimum of 13 months after the PET/CT scan. PET images were imported in LIFEx toolbox to extract 51 features from each lesion. A statistical system based on correlation matrix and point-biserial-correlation coefficient has been impl…
Unilateral laryngeal and hypoglossal paralysis (Tapia's syndrome) in a patient with an inflammatory pseudotumor of the neck
Tapia’s syndrome (TS) is a rare condition thought tobe causedby njury to the extracranial course of both recurrent laryngeal branch f the vagal nerve and hypoglossal nerve. First described in 1904, t occurs with unilateral paralysis of the vocal cord and tongue, ith normal function of the soft palate. Commonly reported causes re direct trauma, neurofibromatosis of X and XII nerves, carotid rtery dissection involving the ascending pharyngeal artery, and isplacement of endotracheal tube during general anesthesia [1].
Glioma Grading: The Role of Combined Perfusion MR Imaging and Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Compared to Conventional MR Imaging
Abstract Body: Purpose To assess the contribution of combined perfusion MR imaging (MRI) and single-voxel MR spectroscopy (MRS) in grading primary gliomas compared with conventional MRI. Materials & Methods Thirty-two patients with primary cerebral glioma underwent conventional MRI, dynamic contrast-enhanced T2*-weighted perfusion MRI and single-voxel proton MRS. Gliomas were graded as low or high based on conventional MRI. The rCBV measurements were obtained from regions of maximum perfusion normalized between tumor and healthy tissue. Metabolite ratios ( [Cho]/[Cr], [Cho]/[NAA], [NAA]/[Cr]) were measured with TE: 34 ms. Tumor grade determined with the three methods then was compared with …
Can histographic analysis of apparent diffusion coefficient help discriminate between benign and malignant nodes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma?
Objective: To investigate histographic analysis of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements as discriminators of benign from malignant lymph nodes in patients with head and neck (H&N) squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) Materials and Methods: Seventeen patients with H&N SCC staged for nodal disease using anatomical MRI, contrast enhanced CT and ultrasound ± fine needle aspiration gave informed consent for additional MR diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Axial DWI was performed by short tau inversion recovery (STIR) echo planar imaging and trace weighted images obtained b 0, 50, 100, 300, 600 and 1000. Image analysis was conducted using Jim 5.0. Nodal disease and contralateral benign nodal…
Materiali e Metodi: La nostra popolazione è costituita da 25 di età compresa tra 50 e 81 anni (media 63.95 +/- 9.54) sottoposti ad esame RM della prostata con apparecchiatura da 1.5 T mediante l'ausilio di bobina endorettale. Oltre al protocollo morfologico (T1w-T2w) , la valutazione spettroscopica e dinamica post-contrastografica, sono state acquisite sequenze DWI sul piano assiale con valori di b pari a 800/mm2. E' stato calcolato il valore di ADC in regioni di interesse poste in corrispondenza di aree di zona periferica (ZP) con aspetto normale ed aree che presentavano segnale ipointenso enne sequenze T2w e/o che mostravano restrizione della diffusione dell'acqua nelle sequenze DWI. All'…
CBCT in the diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaws
Short Summary: ONJ is associated with bisphosphonates, and recently with antiangiogenic drugs. Another cause is radiotherapy. Few papers have previously investigated the value of CBCT in the diagnosis of ONJ. Purpose/Objectives: To describe the CBCT findings in the diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) according to a new staging system of ONJ. Methods and Materials: 9 patients (5 women, 4 men, 54-76 yrs.) affected by ONJ were studied with a CBCT device (90 kV, 12.5 mA, 0.25 mm voxel size) in 2012-2013. 7/9 patients were treated with bisphosphonates (5 for bone metastasis, 2 for osteoporosis), 1/9 patient was treated with an antiangiogenic drug, 1/9 patient received radiotherapy. Pati…
Sequenze di diffusione (DWI) nello studio del carcinoma prostatico: confronto tra b700 e b1400. Nostra esperienza
Materiali e metodi: e' stato analizzato retrospettivamente un campione di 24 pazienti nei quali è stato posto il sospetto RM di CaP confermato all'esame istologico in 20 pazienti. Questi, di età compresa tra 47 e 76 anni (media 64+/- 10), hanno costituito la nostra popolazione. L'esame RM è stato eseguito con un'apparecchiatura da 1.5 T mediante l'ausilio di bobina endorettale. Oltre al protocollo (T2, T1), la valutazione spettroscopica e dinamica postcontrastografica sono state acquisite sequenze DWI sul piano assiale con valori di b pari a 700 e 1400 s/mm2. Le immagini morfologiche e di diffusione sono state analizzate da due radiologi in consenso. E' stato calcolato il coefficiente di di…
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
Role of apparent diffusion coefficient values in prostate diseases characterization on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.
BACKGROUND: To evaluate if normal and pathological prostate tissue can be distinguished by using apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to understand if it is possible to differentiate among pathological prostate tissues using ADC values.METHODS:Our population consisted in 81 patients (mean age 65.4 years) in which 84 suspicious areas were identified. Regions of interest were placed over suspicious areas, detected on MRI, and over areas with normal appearance, and ADC values were recorded. Statistical differences between ADC values of suspicious and normal areas were evaluated. Histopathological diagnosis, obtained from targeted biopsy using MRI-…
Multiparametric MRI and Radiomics in Prostate Cancer: A Review of the Current Literature
Prostate cancer (PCa) represents the fourth most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death of men worldwide. Multiparametric MRI (mp-MRI) has high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of PCa, and it is currently the most widely used imaging technique for tumor localization and cancer staging. mp-MRI plays a key role in risk stratification of naïve patients, in active surveillance for low-risk patients, and in monitoring recurrence after definitive therapy. Radiomics is an emerging and promising tool which allows a quantitative tumor evaluation from radiological images via conversion of digital images into mineable high-dimensional data. The purpose of radiomics is to…
Background The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of the anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus in 293 patients studied by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). Materials and Methods The MDCT (64 rows) studies of the paranasal sinuses of 293 patients, performed in 2006-2009, were reviewed to assess anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus and related neurovascular structures. Anatomical variations were evaluated on 1 mm thick MPR reformations, displayed on a high resolution workstation screen. Pneumatization of the anterior clinoid process (ACP), pterygoid recess (PR), protrusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA), optic nerve (ON), maxillary and vidian nerve into t…
Bartotraumatic Blowout Fracture After Sneezing: Cone Beam CT demonstration
Rarely a blowout orbital fracture is related to sneezing in patients with no history of trauma or sinus surgery. A case of barotraumatic, pure and isolated blowout fracture of the right orbit after sneezing diagnosed by CBCT is reported. A forty-year-old man complained sudden right diplopia after vigorous sneezing. On MRI a reduced size and an altered shape of the right maxillary sinus, a slightly increased vertical diameter of the right orbit, a round shape of the inferior rectus muscle on coronal sections, and a right maxillary haemosinus were observed. A strong peripheral enhancement of the maxillary sinus wall was evident. One week after the patient was submitted to a maxillofacial CBCT…
Imaging Evaluation of Facial Complex Strut Fractures
High-resolution multidetector computed tomography with multiplanar reformations and 3-D postprocessing often provides the detail necessary for preoperative assessment of facial injuries. Maxillofacial fractures are classified in the following manner: upper face fractures, midface fractures (the most frequent), Le Fort fractures, and lower face or mandible fractures. The facial skeleton is a framework of vertical and horizontal buttresses that ensures a better resistance to trauma, but serves also as reference for maxillofacial surgery to restore facial size and shape. Radiologists should know how to diagnose and report the main types of facial fracture.
Nasal anomalies review with CT or MRI: from congenital to malignant.
Learning Objectives. To describe imaging findings of a wide spectrum of uncommon nasal cavity masses evaluated at our institution by CT, CBCT and MR imaging, clinically and pathologically proven. Background. In this work we present a succinct review of disease illustrated by a retrospective case series of nasalcavity masses, evaluated at our institution. between 2010 and 2013. Patients have been studied with different imaging modalities including multiraw computed tomography (CT), cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) to illustrate the findings and to summarize the main diagnostic keypoints for the differential diagnosis of nasal masses. Clinicopathologica…
Grading dei gliomi cerebrali: ruolo combinato degli studi RM di perfusione e di spettroscopia a confronto con lo studio in tecnica RM convenzionale
Poster per il 26° Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Neuroradiologia Diagnostica e Interventistica