Martin Pedard

Endothelium, inflammation and cognition : focus on BDNF

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) has been discovered in the brain and is widely implicated in neuroplasticity, memory and cognition through the activation of neuronal TrkB (tropomyosin receptor kinase B) receptors. We have recently shown that the cardiovascular system contained as much BDNF as the brain and that exogenous BDNF was able to induce endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation. Other studies have suggested that activation of endothelial TrkB receptors by BDNF is involved in atherosclerotic processes. Our laboratory suspects a close interaction between endothelial NO and BDNF and has even considered the possibility of involvement of BDNF secreted by cerebral microvessel end…

research product

The urotensin II receptor relays key neurobiological mechanisms in subarachnoid hemorrhage: Efficacy of pathway-targeted drugs on early meningeal damages and long-term brain deficits

Price for best oral communication; International audience

research product

Vasoactive peptide urotensin II in plasma is associated with cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and constitutes a potential therapeutic target

National audience; OBJECTIVECerebral vasospasm (VS) is a severe complication of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Urotensin II (UII) is a potent vasoactive peptide activating the urotensin (UT) receptor, potentially involved in brain vascular pathologies. The authors hypothesized that UII/UT system antagonism with the UT receptor antagonist/biased ligand urantide may be associated with post-SAH VS. The objectives of this study were 2-fold: 1) to leverage an experimental mouse model of SAH with VS in order to study the effect of urotensinergic system antagonism on neurological outcome, and 2) to investigate the association between plasma UII level and symptomatic VS after SAH in huma…

research product

Effects of eccentric and concentric trainings on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling in cognition-related brain regions

International audience

research product

Intérêt du growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) comme biomarqueur pronostique après la survenue d'un Accident Vasculaire Cérébral ischémique (AVC)

Introduction Le GDF15 est un biomarqueur de mauvais pronostic dans certaines pathologies cardiovasculaires comme le syndrome coronarien aigu. Son interet dans le domaine de AVC n’a ete que peu etudie a ce jour. Objectifs Notre travail consistait a l’evaluation des taux de GDF15 chez des patients hospitalises a la phase aigue d’un AVC ischemique traites par fibrinolyse et/ou thrombectomie. L’objectif principal etait d’evaluer l’association entre les taux de GDF15 et la recuperation fonctionnelle a 3 mois. Methodes Au total, 174 patients ont ete inclus entre le 16/01 et le 30/09/2017. Le consentement etait recueilli oralement. Des prelevements biologiques ont ete realises a l’admission du pat…

research product

Association between endothelial dysfunction and brain BDNF levels in a rat model of arthritis

International audience

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