Miguel Fombuena
Intervenciones psicológicas en espiritualidad en cuidados paliativos: una revisión sistemática
Resumen Contexto La espiritualidad puede entenderse como una condicion fundamental del sentido de la persona. Se incluye dentro de los objetivos fundamentales de trabajo de los cuidados paliativos, considerandose que la calidad de vida del paciente no puede favorecerse en su conjunto si no se aborda la dimension espiritual. Objetivo El objetivo de esta revision sistematica es sintetizar la evidencia cientifica mas reciente en espiritualidad en pacientes paliativos con enfermedad avanzada, atendiendo sobre todo a que tipo de intervencion que contemple la dimension espiritual se ha llevado a cabo con ellos. Se recogen datos sobre el tipo de estudio y resultados estadisticos encontrados en cua…
Grief support provided to caregivers of palliative care patients in Spain
Grief support for relatives of patients in palliative care is recognized as a fundamental practice within palliative medicine. The aim of this research was to determine the nature and extent of grief support programs offered to relatives of patients in palliative care in Spain. A postal survey was carried out among members of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care. The members' names were obtained through the Society's 2000 Directory, which lists 160 different teams, of which 50% answered a questionnaire made up of 34 questions, some open-ended and others multiple choice. Results show that 88.6% of the services include grief support, that mainly emotional and one-to-one care is provided (9…
Responding to the Spiritual Needs of Palliative Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of the Kibo Therapeutic Interview
Context The WHO recognizes the need to attend to patients' spiritual needs as being fundamental to comprehensive and high-quality end-of-life care. Spiritual needs must be attended since the resolution of biological and psychosocial issues is insufficient to reduce patients' suffering. Associations have been found between spiritual needs and other variables of importance for patients in palliative care. Despite the consensus that exists regarding the importance of assessing and attending to spiritual needs, professionals encounter many difficulties in attempting to do so. Objectives Our study aims to demonstrate the benefits that the KIBO therapeutic interview in palliative care patients ca…
Spirituality in patients with advanced illness: The role of symptom control, resilience and social network.
In this study, we analyzed the relationships among clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of patients with advanced illness. It was a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 108 patients in an advanced illness situation attended by palliative care teams. Statistically significant correlations were found between some dimensions of spirituality and poor symptomatic control, resiliency, and social support. In the structural model, three variables predicted spirituality: having physical symptoms as the main source of discomfort, resiliency, and social support. This work highlights the relevance of the relationships among spirituality and other aspects of the patient at the end o…
Bienestar emocional y espiritualidad al final de la vida
Resumen Objetivo La atencion al conjunto de las necesidades fisicas, sociales, psicologicas y espirituales de los pacientes es un elemento clave para la disminucion del sufrimiento en el marco de los cuidados paliativos. Material y metodos Desde el modelo antropologico planteado por el Grupo de Espiritualidad de la SECPAL y mediante un nuevo cuestionario desarrollado para evaluar la espiritualidad en 3 niveles: intrapersonal (sentido), interpersonal (armonia) y transpersonal (pertenencia), se han estudiado los recursos y las necesidades espirituales, asi como las relaciones entre espiritualidad y funcionamiento emocional, atendiendo a aspectos como ansiedad, depresion y resiliencia. Esta in…