Laura D'orsi
A Simple Cardiovascular Model for the Study of Hemorrhagic Shock
Hemorrhagic shock is the number one cause of death on the battlefield and in civilian trauma as well. Mathematical modeling has been applied in this context for decades; however, the formulation of a satisfactory model that is both practical and effective has yet to be achieved. This paper introduces an upgraded version of the 2007 Zenker model for hemorrhagic shock termed the ZenCur model that allows for a better description of the time course of relevant observations. Our study provides a simple but realistic mathematical description of cardiovascular dynamics that may be useful in the assessment and prognosis of hemorrhagic shock. This model is capable of replicating the changes in mean …
La modellizzazione matematica è diventata ormai uno strumento essenziale nell’avanzamento delle conoscenze in qualsiasi campo della scienza, dall’econometria alla psicologia, dalla chimica all’epidemiologia, come vissuto di recente nella pandemia da SARS-coV-2. Anche quelle che erano una volta discipline “soft” come la biomedicina o l’ecologia possono ora usufruire di tecniche di rappresentazione ed esplicazione dei processi estremamente utili alla comprensione delle dinamiche in gioco. Questa evoluzione, dovuta in non piccola parte all’attuale disponibilità di abbondante potenza di calcolo elettronico a costi ridotti, non è però opera ed appannaggio soltanto della nostra generazione. Lo st…
A mathematical model of cardiovascular dynamics for the diagnosis and prognosis of hemorrhagic shock
Abstract A variety of mathematical models of the cardiovascular system have been suggested over several years in order to describe the time-course of a series of physiological variables (i.e. heart rate, cardiac output, arterial pressure) relevant for the compensation mechanisms to perturbations, such as severe haemorrhage. The current study provides a simple but realistic mathematical description of cardiovascular dynamics that may be useful in the assessment and prognosis of hemorrhagic shock. The present work proposes a first version of a differential-algebraic equations model, the model dynamical ODE model for haemorrhage (dODEg). The model consists of 10 differential and 14 algebraic e…
Comparison between two different cardiovascular models during a hemorrhagic shock scenario
Hemorrhagic shock is a form of hypovolemic shock determined by rapid and large loss of intravascular blood volume and represents the first cause of death in the world, whether on the battlefield or in civilian traumatology. For this, the ability to prevent hemorrhagic shock remains one of the greatest challenges in the medical and engineering fields. The use of mathematical models of the cardiocirculatory system has improved the capacity, on one hand, to predict the risk of hemorrhagic shock and, on the other, to determine efficient treatment strategies. In this paper, a comparison between two mathematical models that simulate several hemorrhagic scenarios is presented. The models considere…
Seven Mathematical Models of Hemorrhagic Shock
Although mathematical modelling of pressure-flow dynamics in the cardiocirculatory system has a lengthy history, readily finding the appropriate model for the experimental situation at hand is often a challenge in and of itself. An ideal model would be relatively easy to use and reliable, besides being ethically acceptable. Furthermore, it would address the pathogenic features of the cardiovascular disease that one seeks to investigate. No universally valid model has been identified, even though a host of models have been developed. The object of this review is to describe several of the most relevant mathematical models of the cardiovascular system: the physiological features of circulator…