Gianna Cappello
Media education and educational commons for youth civic engagement. A case study from the Horizon 2020 project SMOOTH
This study presents the preliminary findings of the first round of implementation of a case study included in the Horizon 2020 project SMOOTH. The project's main objective is to introduce and study the emergent paradigm of the educational commons as an alternative system of values and actions for promoting intercultural and intergenerational dialogue and establishing spaces of democratic citizenship that support the development of local communities. Our case study adopts this paradigm with insights derived from the field of media education. Hence, our research questions were as follows: (a) How do young people collectively experience and build the educational commons? (b) How do participant…
“The datafication and commodification of Italian schools during the Covid-19 crisis. Implications for policy and future research”
Big Data and algorithms increasingly inform public policymaking and institutional practices, producing an impact on people’s everyday life. An emerging body of scholarly research—Critical Data Studies—has been working on this role shedding light on how society’s current platformisation is linked to a much longer privatization and reorganization of the public sector. This chapter intends to reflect on how the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated these processes focusing on school education in particular. Health Big Data and apps have been crucial to take concrete measures to fight the pandemic, while platforms have helped organize vaccination rounds. Nevertheless, they have also be…
Fake news e Media Education. Note per una prospettiva di analisi e di intervento sistemica e contestuale.
La recente attenzione al tema della manipolazione dell’informazione dovuta al fenomeno delle fake news – esploso nel 2016 con la Brexit e l’elezione di Donald Trump e rinvigorito oggi dall’emergenza del Coronavirus – ha ancora una volta portato a ragionare sul ruolo dell’educazione per far sì che i cittadini possano acquisire le competenze per autogovernare responsabilmente il proprio comportamento online. La media education sembra oggi essere diventata una priorità non solo, com’è ovvio, per educatori e insegnanti, ma anche per l’opinione pubblica in generale e soprattutto per i governi e l’industria stessa dei media. In questo contributo si intende sostenere che la media education può for…
Active Audiences
The concept of the active audience has been one of the most fruitful and provocative ones in the field of media literacy as it has brought media educators to seriously question the traditional ways of defining both their students’ involvement with the media and the effects they supposedly produce on them.
Genitori e figli in rete. Strategie di digital parenting
La ricerca su “Abitudini e stili di vita dei ragazzi e delle ragazze a Palermo”, tenendo sullo sfondo il tema della povertà educativa, si è mossa sostenendo l’ipotesi che analizzando gli stili di consumo culturale e mediale, di fruizione del tempo libero, e altri indicatori specifici, sia possibile fornire una definizione più ampia e complessa di povertà educativa, come molta della più recente letteratura sull’argomento sta peraltro già sostenendo . Se, per esempio, definiamo la povertà educativa come «insieme complesso di fattori che generano il mancato o limitato accesso a istruzione e formazione nonché alle opportunità di apprendimento nel corso della vita, al pieno esercizio della citta…
Sociabilty and Leisure in Italy from Unity to Present
The Italian history of the practices and forms of leisure relies on a series of solid and well credited, albeit recent, studies (Pivato and Tonelli, 2001; Cavazza, 2003, 2005; Cavazza and Scalpellini, 2006; Tarozzi and Viani, 1992). In this chapter we mostly draw from this literature in order to interpret the history of leisure as the history of change in the Italian forms of sodalité, sociabilité and socialité across 150 years (from unity to present). In the first part, by using a specific interpretative scheme (Lo Verde, 2009), we describe the forms and practices of leisure and their changes in three different historical periods which basically coincide with the three different regimes es…