Clara Martínez Fuentes

La seda valenciana: turismo de patrimonio

La Comunitat Valenciana cuenta con sólidos elementos patrimoniales relacionados con la seda. Patrimonio inmaterial como las fiestas de las Fallas, patrimonio material como la Lonja de la Seda, ambas reconocidas por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Mundial, e infinidad de otros patrimonios materiales o inmateriales de alto valor se reparten a lo largo del territorio. La combinación de todos estos elementos podría permitir la definición y diseño de un producto turístico de alto valor. En los últimos años, el turismo de Patrimonio Mundial Inmaterial se está consolidando como un segmento de marca específico dentro del turismo patrimonial cuyas características es preciso analizar y valorar para poder d…

research product

Resistance to change: a literature review and empirical study

This paper examines organizational change, focusing on the distinction of changes according to their scope and presenting a typology of evolutionary and strategic changes. It also offers an in‐depth study of resistance to change. Through empirical research, the paper analyzes the importance of the sources of resistance to change defined theoretically, and considers both types of changes. The article shows which sources of resistance differ most, according to the scope of change, offering hints about where organizations should pay special attention when initiating a change process.

research product

ISO 9000‐based quality assurance approaches and their relationship with strategic analysis

Many organisations use the ISO 9000 series as a reference framework to establish their quality assurance system. In doing so, most of them overlook the process of interpreting and adapting these standards to their own characteristics and capabilities. As a result, there is a misunderstanding with respect to the objectives of the standards. The correct implementation of the ISO 9000 series requires a preliminary analysis that facilitates the adaptation of them to the particular circumstances of a company. Therefore, this paper pays attention to the relationship existing between ISO 9000 implementation and the use of strategic diagnosis tools. The employment of such tools could be studied as …

research product

Gestión del talento en la empresa española. Rol del departamento de recursos humanos

El propósito de este artículo es doble: explicar, con base en la revisión de la literatura especializada, el concepto de talento y el rol del departamento de recursos humanos en la gestión de talento; y analizar, mediante el método Delphi, y para las empresas españolas, la percepción de los expertos consultados sobre la definición de talento, así como también, el rol del departamento de recursos humanos y el efecto de la actual crisis en la gestión del talento. Los resultados evidencian que: talento es entendido como una mezcla de competencias y compromiso que las personas demuestran mediante un desempeño excepcional, coincidiendo con la conceptuación más aceptada recientemente; el departam…

research product

Analysis of the implementation of ISO 9000 quality assurance systems

Examines the literature relating to the implementation of quality assurance systems and then uses a questionnaire to a number of organisations and consultants to compare “practice” with “theory”. Analyses the implementation process for quality assurance systems designed to meet the requirements of the ISO 9000 standard to identify the role of the different “actors” to find out which factors facilitate the implementation or make it more difficult. Suggests that the primary motivation for introducing ISO 9000 systems is to improve image and reputation rather than processes.

research product

Measuring hospital service quality: a methodological study

Quality in the service sector has been extensively researched during the last years. The publication of a sequence of measurement tools has allowed homogenizing the study of this issue. The object of the present work is to develop a methodological analysis for the use of the SERVQUAL measure scale in the Spanish public health sector. We analyse the reliability of this measure scale, its dimensionality, using comparison with other studies. Finally we consider the main criticism frequently made in the literature.

research product