Giulia Ferrini
Continuous-Variable Instantaneous Quantum Computing is Hard to Sample
Instantaneous quantum computing is a sub-universal quantum complexity class, whose circuits have proven to be hard to simulate classically in the Discrete-Variable (DV) realm. We extend this proof to the Continuous-Variable (CV) domain by using squeezed states and homodyne detection, and by exploring the properties of post-selected circuits. In order to treat post-selection in CVs we consider finitely-resolved homodyne detectors, corresponding to a realistic scheme based on discrete probability distributions of the measurement outcomes. The unavoidable errors stemming from the use of finitely squeezed states are suppressed through a qubit-into-oscillator GKP encoding of quantum information,…
Multimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combs
Multimode entanglement is an essential resource for quantum information processing and quantum metrology. However, multimode entangled states are generally constructed by targeting a specific graph configuration. This yields to a fixed experimental setup that therefore exhibits reduced versatility and scalability. Here we demonstrate an optical on-demand, reconfigurable multimode entangled state, using an intrinsically multimode quantum resource and a homodyne detection apparatus. Without altering either the initial squeezing source or experimental architecture, we realize the construction of thirteen cluster states of various sizes and connectivities as well as the implementation of a secr…
Probabilistic Fault-Tolerant Universal Quantum Computation and Sampling Problems in Continuous Variables
Continuous-Variable (CV) devices are a promising platform for demonstrating large-scale quantum information protocols. In this framework, we define a general quantum computational model based on a CV hardware. It consists of vacuum input states, a finite set of gates - including non-Gaussian elements - and homodyne detection. We show that this model incorporates encodings sufficient for probabilistic fault-tolerant universal quantum computing. Furthermore, we show that this model can be adapted to yield sampling problems that cannot be simulated efficiently with a classical computer, unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. This allows us to provide a simple paradigm for short-term experi…
Polynomial approximation of non-Gaussian unitaries by counting one photon at a time
In quantum computation with continous-variable systems, quantum advantage can only be achieved if some non-Gaussian resource is available. Yet, non-Gaussian unitary evolutions and measurements suited for computation are challenging to realize in the lab. We propose and analyze two methods to apply a polynomial approximation of any unitary operator diagonal in the amplitude quadrature representation, including non-Gaussian operators, to an unknown input state. Our protocols use as a primary non-Gaussian resource a single-photon counter. We use the fidelity of the transformation with the target one on Fock and coherent states to assess the quality of the approximate gate.
Optimal control of quantum superpositions in a bosonic Josephson junction
We show how to optimally control the creation of quantum superpositions in a bosonic Josephson junction within the two-site Bose-Hubbard model framework. Both geometric and purely numerical optimal control approaches are used, the former providing a generalization of the proposal of Micheli et al [Phys. Rev. A 67, 013607 (2003)]. While this method is shown not to lead to significant improvements in terms of time of formation and fidelity of the superposition, a numerical optimal control approach appears more promising, as it allows to create an almost perfect superposition, within a time short compared to other existing protocols. We analyze the robustness of the optimal solution against at…
Continuous-Variable Sampling from Photon-Added or Photon-Subtracted Squeezed States
We introduce a new family of quantum circuits in Continuous Variables and we show that, relying on the widely accepted conjecture that the polynomial hierarchy of complexity classes does not collapse, their output probability distribution cannot be efficiently simulated by a classical computer. These circuits are composed of input photon-subtracted (or photon-added) squeezed states, passive linear optics evolution, and eight-port homodyne detection. We address the proof of hardness for the exact probability distribution of these quantum circuits by exploiting mappings onto different architectures of sub-universal quantum computers. We obtain both a worst-case and an average-case hardness re…
A direct approach to Gaussian measurement based quantum computation
In this work we introduce a general scheme for measurement based quantum computation in continuous variables. Our approach does not necessarily rely on the use of ancillary cluster states to achieve its aim, but rather on the detection of a resource state in a suitable mode basis followed by digital post-processing, and involves an optimization of the adjustable experimental parameters. After introducing the general method, we present some examples of application to simple specific computations.