Luis Rojo-bofill

Auditory hallucinations in anorexia nervosa

The paper describes two case studies of patients with anorexia nervosa who suffer from auditory hallucinations as the only psychotic symptom. A review of the literature regarding clinical cases of anorexic patients with hallucinations is discussed. Hallucinations in anorexic patients are conceptualized according to different theoretical models which point to a dimensional view of eating disorders. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

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Involvement of leucocyte/endothelial cell interactions in anorexia nervosa.

Background Anorexia nervosa is a common psychiatric disorder in adolescence and is related to cardiovascular complications. Our aim was to study the effect of anorexia nervosa on metabolic parameters, leucocyte–endothelium interactions, adhesion molecules and proinflammatory cytokines. Materials and Methods This multicentre, cross-sectional, case–control study employed a population of 24 anorexic female patients and 36 controls. We evaluated anthropometric and metabolic parameters, interactions between leucocytes polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), proinflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL…

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Teasing and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Spanish Adolescents

The purpose of this study is to investigate the associations between peer teasing and body dissatisfaction (BD), emotional symptoms, drive for thinness (DT), and abnormal eating behaviors, as well as to analyze the mediating role of gender and body mass index (BMI) in such disorders. We screened 57,997 school children between 13 and 16 years of age. Scores in weight-related teasing and competency-related teasing were higher among girls, as well as overweight or obese individuals. Weight-teasing correlated more strongly with abnormal eating attitudes and behaviors, whereas competency-teasing correlated with emotional symptoms. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that weight-teasing is…

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Teasing as a risk factor for abnormal eating behaviours: A prospective study in an adolescent population.

Abstract Introduction There are discrepancies in the literature about the role of teasing in the onset of eating pathology. This article aims to establish the influence of teasing in abnormal eating behaviours and attitudes in the adolescent population. Material and methods This is a two-year prospective study conducted in 7167 adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age. In a first assessment, teasing about weight and teasing about abilities were measured by means of the POTS.questionnaire. Its association with eating psychopathology after two years was analysed controlling nutritional status (BMI), body dissatisfaction, drive to thinness, perfectionism (EDI), emotional symptoms and hyperac…

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Burlas como factor de riesgo para conductas alimentarias anómalas: estudio prospectivo en una población adolescente

Resumen Introduccion Existen discrepancias en la literatura sobre el papel de las burlas en la aparicion de clinica alimentaria. El objetivo de este articulo es establecer la influencia de las burlas sobre la aparicion de conductas alimentarias anomalas en una poblacion adolescente. Material y metodos Se trata de un estudio prospectivo a 2 anos en el que participaron 7.167 adolescentes de entre 13 y 15 anos. En una evaluacion basal se estudio su exposicion a burlas sobre el peso y sobre las capacidades, mediante el cuestionario POTS. Posteriormente, se analizo su asociacion con psicopatologia alimentaria (EAT) ulterior controlando el efecto del estado nutricional (IMC), la insatisfaccion co…

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Genetic and environmental contributions to perfectionism and its common factors

Abstract The aims of this study: (1) To evaluate the relative contributions of genetics and environment to perfectionism and it's two constructs: self-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism. (2) To clarify genetic and environmental common origins of both personal and social components. Methods: Participants were 258 pairs of adolescent Spanish twins. Socially prescribed and self-oriented perfectionism were assessed using the perfectionism subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory. Statistics: univariate and bivariate twin models, according to sex. Results; Heritability of self-oriented perfectionism was 23% in boys and 30% in girls, and of socially prescribed perfectionism 39% in b…

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Evidence for shared environmental contributions to attention-deficit/hyperactivity traits. A twin study

Background and objectives: Behavior-genetic analyses have shown that measurements of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are genetically-influenced. In view of limited studies on ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in Spanish samples, this study aims to explore the genetic architecture of ADHD symptoms; inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity in a Spanish twin schoolchildren sample. Methods: Participants were 258 pairs of adolescent Spanish twins. Symptoms of ADHD, inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity were assessed by means of a sub-scale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Univariate twin models, according to sex, were run to assess the heritability of…

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Influencias genéticas y ambientales en rasgos psicológicos y actitudes alimentarias en una población escolar española

Resumen Introduccion La heredabilidad de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, como la anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia nerviosa, se ha estimado alrededor del 22% al 62%. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la influencia de los factores geneticos y ambientales que contribuyen en la expresion de los factores psicologicos medidos a traves del Eating Disorders Inventory , en funcion del sexo, en adolescentes de la Comunidad Valenciana (Espana). Material y metodos Quinientas ochenta y cuatro parejas de gemelos de 13 a 18 anos de edad. Para determinar la cigosidad los profesores rellenaron un cuestionario de similitud fisica. Se aplicaron las subescalas del Eating Disorders Invento…

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Eating disorders: Considerations on nosology, etiology and treatment in the XXI century

Amazing advances have been made in medical sciences since the first international conference on eating disorders (ED) was held in the 1970s, and there have been remarkable changes in the field of ED itself. Back then, virtually all that was talked about was anorexia nervosa; clinicians and researchers were mainly concerned about the possible hypothalamic and endocrine factors that seemed to be involved and there had been no epidemiological studies or controlled trials with psychiatric drugs or psychotherapy. Although the picture today is quite different, there are still significant gaps which even affect the classification of these disorders, as well as their neurobiological bases and both …

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Do children with overweight respond faster to food-related words?

Abstract Overweight in childhood is a risk factor in developing obesity as an adult, thus having severe consequences on the individuals’ physical health and psychological well-being. Therefore, studying the cognitive and emotional processes that sustain overweight is essential not only at a theoretical level but also to develop effective interventions. In the present experiment, we examined whether children with overweight respond faster to food-related than non-food-related words in a word recognition task: lexical decision. The participants were 24 children diagnosed with exogenous overweight and 24 children with a healthy weight. The stimulus list included positively valenced food-relate…

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Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: consideraciones sobre nosología, etiopatogenia y tratamiento en el siglo xxi

Resumen Desde la primera conferencia internacional sobre los trastornos alimentarios, celebrada en los anos 70, hasta la actualidad, el desarrollo de las ciencias medicas ha sido sorprendente. En el campo de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) tambien se han producido cambios notables. En las fechas iniciales practicamente solo se hacia mencion de la anorexia nerviosa y sus posibles factores hipotalamicos y endocrinos; no habia estudios epidemiologicos ni ensayos controlados con psicofarmacos o psicoterapia. El panorama actual es bien diferente aunque hay carencias importantes que afectan a la propia nosografia de estas patologias, al conocimiento de sus bases neurobiologicas y …

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Altered Mitochondrial Function and Oxidative Stress in Leukocytes of Anorexia Nervosa Patients

ContextAnorexia nervosa is a common illness among adolescents and is characterised by oxidative stress.ObjectiveThe effects of anorexia on mitochondrial function and redox state in leukocytes from anorexic subjects were evaluated.Design and settingA multi-centre, cross-sectional case-control study was performed.PatientsOur study population consisted of 20 anorexic patients and 20 age-matched controls, all of which were Caucasian women.Main outcome measuresAnthropometric and metabolic parameters were evaluated in the study population. To assess whether anorexia nervosa affects mitochondrial function and redox state in leukocytes of anorexic patients, we measured mitochondrial oxygen consumpt…

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The role of attentional biases to appetitive stimuli in childhood overweight

Overweight during childhood constitutes a high-risk factor for adult obesity. An abnormal attention to food stimuli (i.e., a bias) has been suggested as an underlying mechanism to the onset and/or maintenance of obesity. Previous literature supports the existence of a biased attention toward food stimuli in adults with obesity. However, it is unknown whether this attentional bias occurs in high-risk children for adult obesity. We aimed to examine attentional biases to food at different stages of attention processing in overweight children. A dot-probe task was applied to 25 children with overweight and 25 healthy-weight children (8-12 years old). Attentional preference to or avoidance of pl…

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Genetic and environmental influences on psychological traits and eating attitudes in a sample of Spanish schoolchildren.

Introduction: The heritability of eating disorders has been estimated to range from 22% to over 62%.The aim of this study is to determine the relative influence of genetics and environment that contribute to the drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, perfectionism, and ineffectiveness, by evaluating sex differences in a sample of adolescent twins from Valencia, Spain. Material and methods: Five hundred eighty-four pairs of adolescent twins between 13 and 18 years of age completed the study. To determine zygosity, teachers responded to a questionnaire on physical similarity. Psychological traits of eating disorders were assessed with four sub-scales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI);…

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