E.-m. Lemmel

Weitere Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der T-Zell-Hyperreaktivität in NZB-Mäusen

NZB-Mause und von ihr abgeleitete NZBxNZW-Hybriden entwickeln spontan eine in Klinik und Pathophysiologie dem humanen SLE sehr ahnliche Erkrankung. Die auffalligen Parallelen zwischen diesem Tiermodell und humanen Autoimmunerkrankungen begrunden die Hoffnung, das in diesem Modell gewonnene Erkenntnisse zu einem besseren Verstandnis und letztlich zu einer effektiveren Therapie der humanen Autoimmunerkrankungen beitragen konnen.

research product

Kinetics of the reactive cell clones after immunosuppression and induction of tolerance. II. Different recovery of 19 S and 7 S plaque-forming cells after induction of tolerance

By the aid of two alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide (CP) and 036.5122, (Asta), applied after a single dose of antigen, tolerance to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), has been induced in NMRI mice. Duration and characteristics of recovery were followed by a second antigenic challenge at various time intervals and by determination of 19 S and 7 S plaque-forming cells (PFC) 4 days later. During recovery from the tolerant state two phases of responsiveness could be differentiated: an early phase with no or markedly reduced numbers of total PFC, all of them being of the IgM type; a later phase with a steady increase in total PFC up to normal values, paralleled by an increase in the proportion of 7…

research product

Inhibition of T cell activityin vivo: a test model for quantitative evaluation

A test model is presented which, in comparison with the conventional models of skin transplantation or graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction in mice, permits a more sensitive quantitative evaluation of T cell inhibition in vivo. Prospective donors (type AA) are immunized with prospective recipient material (type AB); the resulting T cell reaction of A versus B is inhibited by consecutive treatment. Extent of inhibition can be evaluated after transfer of the pretreated AA material onto AB recipients by calculation of remaining GvH reactivity, if compared to adequate control tranfers. In this model the target animal for T cell reactivity (the AB recipient) remains untouched from immunosuppressive …

research product

Increased respiratory burst activity of monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in psoriasis.

SUMMARY We studied the respiratory burst activity of peripheral blood monocytes and polymorphonu clear leukocytes (PMN) in eleven patients with psoriasis and eleven healthy controls, using zymosan particles to activate the phagocytes in vitro. The activation of the phagocytes was measured in a luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) assay. We found a significantly higher respiratory burst activity of both monocytes and PMN in patients with psoriasis compared with the control subjects. The percentages of monocytes in psoriatics did not differ from those of the controls. The higher amount of zymosan-induced CL activity generated in the patient group was unrelated to the age of the individual.…

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