Christian Poivey
From the Reference SEU Monitor to the Technology Demonstration Module On-Board PROBA-II
The reference SEU Monitor system designed and presented in 2005 (R. H. SOslashrensen, F.-X. Guerre, and A. Roseng ldquoDesign, testing and calibration of a reference SEU monitor system,rdquo in Proc. RADECS, 2005, pp. B3-1-B3-7) has now been used by many researchers at many radiation test sites and has provided valuable calibration data in support of numerous projects. As some of these findings and results give new insight into improved inter-facility calibrations and provide additional inputs into ongoing SEE research, a few of the more interesting cases are presented. Furthermore the dasiadetector elementpsila, the Atmel AT60142F SRAM, now in a hybrid configuration, will form the key dete…
Statistical Analysis of Heavy-Ion Induced Gate Rupture in Power MOSFETs—Methodology for Radiation Hardness Assurance
A methodology for power MOSFET radiation hardness assurance is proposed. It is based on the statistical analysis of destructive events, such as gate oxide rupture. Examples of failure rate calculations are performed.
Microbeam SEE Analysis of MIM Capacitors for GaN Amplifiers
Broad-beam and microbeam single-event effect tests were performed on metal–insulator–metal capacitors with three different thicknesses of silicon nitride (Si3N4) dielectric insulator: 250, 500, and 750 nm. The broad-beam tests indicated that the devices with the thicker, 500- and 750-nm dielectric did not have a greater breakdown voltage. The surrounding structures of the capacitor were suspected to be a possible cause. Microbeam techniques made it possible to localize the failure location for the 500- and 750-nm devices. The failure occurs in the air bridge structure connected to the top capacitor plate, which can therefore be considered as an edge effect, while for the 250-nm devices, the…
Proton Direct Ionization in Sub-Micron Technologies : Test Methodologies and Modelling
Two different low energy proton (LEP) test methods, one with quasi-monoenergetic and the other with very wide proton beam energy spectra, have been studied. The two test methodologies have been applied to devices that were suggested from prior heavy-ion tests to be sensitive to proton direct ionization (PDI). The advantages and disadvantages of the two test methods are discussed. The test method using quasi-monoenergetic beams requires device preparation and high energy resolution beams, but delivers results that can be interpreted directly and can be used in various soft error rate (SER) calculation methods. The other method, using a heavily degraded high energy proton beam, requires littl…
Technology Impact on Neutron-Induced Effects in SDRAMs : A Comparative Study
International audience; This study analyses the response of synchronous dynamic random access memories to neutron irradiation. Three different generations of the same device with different node sizes (63, 72, and 110 nm) were characterized under an atmospheric-like neutron spectrum at the ChipIr beamline in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK. The memories were tested with a reduced refresh rate to expose more single-event upsets and under similar conditions provided by a board specifically developed for this type of study in test facilities. The board has also been designed to be used as a nanosatellite payload in order to perform similar tests. The neutron-induced failures were studi…
Influence of beam conditions and energy for SEE testing
GANIL/Applications industrielles; The effects of heavy-ion test conditions and beam energy on device response are investigated. These effects are illustrated with two types of test vehicles: SRAMs and power MOSFETs. In addition, GEANT4 simulations have also been performed to better understand the results. Testing to high fluence levels is required to detect rare events. This increases the probability of nuclear interactions. This is typically the case for power MOSFETs, which are tested at high fluences for single event burnout or gate rupture detection, and for single-event-upset (SEU) measurement in SRAMs below the direct ionization threshold. Differences between various test conditions (…
Electron-Induced Upsets and Stuck Bits in SDRAMs in the Jovian Environment
This study investigates the response of synchronous dynamic random access memories to energetic electrons and especially the possibility of electrons to cause stuck bits in these memories. Three different memories with different node sizes (63, 72, and 110 nm) were tested. Electrons with energies between 6 and 200 MeV were used at RADiation Effects Facility (RADEF) in Jyvaskyla, Finland, and at Very energetic Electron facility for Space Planetary Exploration missions in harsh Radiative environments (VESPER) in The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland. Photon irradiation was also performed in Jyvaskyla. In these irradiation tests, stuck bits originating from electro…