Martial Pernet
Commercial Arbitration Law
This publication provides a summary of the mechanisms governing French domestic and international arbitration.It aims to :-provide an overview of the subject matter;-highlight the main differences between French domestic and international arbitration;-explain the relationship between arbitration and state justice.
Le siège de l'arbitrage international
In international matters, the arbitral tribunal has no choice but to settle in the territory of a State in order to render its award. The choice of this "host State" would then determine the seat of international arbitration. But what choice do we make? How? By whom ? What to do in case of uncertainty of this choice? What effects will this determination then have in creating the tribunal, in rendering and enforcing its award, or in choosing the applicable laws? There is no single answer to these simple questions. Indeed, international arbitration law attaches varying importance to the notion of seat, in the sense that it will depend primarily on one's vision of the place and source of arbit…
In the rail sector, France needs to do more to connect its regional networks to the European network
In an article for "Le Monde" newspaper, the legal expert Martial Pernet notes that, despite the texts in force, which he urges to be applied, efforts must be made to achieve the unification of the European rail network.
Conciliation is not required prior to arbitration by the President of the Bar in case of a dispute between French lawyers
In two decisions of the First Civil Chamber dated 8 March 2023, the French Cour de cassation indicated that, even though articles 7 and 21 of the Act of 31 December 1971 and article 142 of the Decree of 27 November 1991 referred to conciliation prior to arbitration by the President of the Bar, it was not compulsory. Non-compliance with this requirement cannot therefore be sanctioned by a dismissal.
Le dialogue juge - arbitre dans la création et l'application de normes juridiques
The relations between state and arbitral justice, which were previously conflictual, have now clearly calmed down. Indeed, judges today are maintaining a constructive dialogue with arbitrators, which has led to both the creation and the application of transnational law. This communication thus reviews the main phases of this normative construction, whose completion has led to the strengthening of arbitration in these functions of international commercial justice.
Impression 3D et propriété intellectuelle: Un aperçu français
Technological developments and the expiry of patents in three-dimensional printing are making this technology less and less expensive and with increased performance. Now widespread in the manufacturing industry, 3D printing is about to cross the threshold of our homes. The dematerialization of objects into exchangeable digital files raises many questions about the enforcement of intellectual property rights in French Law.
Le non-respect de l’ordre du jour établi à la convocation de l’Assemblée Générale: un motif légitime à l’annulation d’une décision sociale sur la base de l’abus du droit de vote.
L’exclusion abusive d’un associé par une assemblée générale extraordinaire convoquée pour prendre acte de sa démission, conduit à l’annulation de la décision de cette assemblée sur le fondement de l’article 1844-10 al. 3 du code civil.
Remboursement de billets non-volés et Covid-19 : Circulez, il n'y a rien « avoir » !
Les passagers du secteur aérien se voient actuellement proposés des avoirs (ou « voucher ») par les compagnies européennes, en compensation de l’annulation de leur vol du fait de la Covid-19. Motivée par des considérations financières, la compensation par avoirs de vols « secs » ne doit pas cependant être assimilée juridiquement à un remboursement au sens du droit français et européen.; Les passagers du secteur aérien se voient actuellement proposés des avoirs (ou « voucher ») par les compagnies européennes, en compensation de l’annulation de leur vol du fait de la Covid-19. Motivée par des considérations financières, la compensation par avoirs de vols « secs » ne doit pas cependant être as…