Juergen Schrezenmeir
Fermented Milk Consumption and Common Infections in Children Attending Day-Care Centers: A Randomized Trial
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Selektive Blutentnahme aus dem Sinus petrosus inferior: Vergleich von CRF- und TRH-Stimulation
In 10 patients with hypophyseal Cushing microadenomas, selective bilateral sampling from the inferior petrosal sinuses was performed and the effect of stimulation by iv TRH and CRF was compared. On the side of the microadenoma. ACTH concentration rose from 650 +/- 242 pg/ml to 2712 +/- 843 pg/ml following injection of CRF and 2025 +/- 242 pg/ml after TRH. Contralateral values were 165 +/- 79 pg/ml, 490 +/- 200 pg/ml and 165 +/- 72 pg/ml respectively. Prolactin concentration on the side of the adenoma was 98 +/- 49 ng/ml before stimulation, 236 +/- 62 ng/ml after CRF and 747 +/- 168 ng/ml after TRH. Contralateral concentration was 22 +/- 10 ng/ml, 64 +/- 19 ng/ml respectively. Sampling local…
A CRF-Producing and -Secreting Tumor of the Lung
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has recently been isolated from ovine hypothalamus, characterized chemically, and synthesized. Upton and Amatruda (1971) first suggested that CRF-like activity occurred in neoplastic tissues, and Hashimoto et al. (1980) subsequently detected CRF-like activity in an extract of an ACTHproducing nephroblastoma. Recently, Carey et al. (1984) and Asa et al. (1984) used immunocytochemical techniques to demonstrate CRF in postmortem tumor material obtained from patients with a carcinoma of the prostate and an intrasellar gangliocytoma.
Long-term treatment of acromegaly with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 over 6 months.
This study examined the effects of the long-acting selective mini somatostatin analogue (SMS) 201-995 in two acromegalic patients who were treated for 3 and 6 months, respectively. During treatment the mean growth hormone levels (25.3 and 20.8 ng/ml vs 5.9 and 10.6 ng/ml) and somatomedin C levels (6.2 and 6.2 IU/ml vs 3.3 and 3.8 IU/ml) decreased and the patients reported an improvement in their symptoms. The main side effect was an increase in stool fat excretion which did exceed the normal range (less than 7 g/day) in one patient. Five acromegalics who received 2 X 50 micrograms SMS 201-995/day for 5 days showed a significant increase of stool fat excretion (1.7 vs 3.5 g/day; p less than …
Oxygen profile of microencapsulated islets: effect of immobilised hemoglobin in the alginate matrix
Comparison of glycemic response and insulin requirements after mixed meals of equal carbohydrate content in healthy, type-1, and type-2 diabetic man
The postprandial insulin requirements after three mixed meals of equal carbohydrate and energy content were assessed in 10 type-1 and 12 type-2 diabetics by a glucose-controlled insulin infusion system. These were compared with the glycemic response to the same meals of 10 healthy individuals (glycemic index). In type-1 diabetics, we found the highest insulin requirements after consumption of a continental breakfast (low fibre, low protein, high fat). Ten percent less insulin was infused after milk (low fat, high protein) and 30% less after an English breakfast (high fibre, high protein). Type-2 diabetics showed no significant differences in insulin requirements between the three test meals…
Zentralnervöse Appetitregulation: Mechanismen und Bedeutung für die Entstehung der Adipositas
This review focuses on neurotransmitter and neuropeptide actions on food ingestion, as well as on some of the mechanisms that may lead to the development and maintenance of obesity. In particular, the role of hypothalamic amines (catecholamines, serotonin) in appetite control is described. Thus, hypothalamic noradrenaline appears to stimulate food intake, while an enhanced brain serotonergic neurotransmission leads to a suppression of food ingestion, preferentially of carbohydrate intake. The involvement of brain serotonin neurons in appetite control is most attractive, since serotonin synthesis and release is readily affected by either precursor loading (i.e., 1-tryptophan) or pharmacologi…
Fine-needle biopsy of parathyroid adenomas
High-resolution real-time sonography was performed in 15 cases of clinically and chemically suspected primary hyperparathyroidism and in 20 patients with different thyroid nodules. The suspected enlarged parathyroid glands and the thyroid nodules were percutaneously punctured under sonographic control. Concentrations of parathyroid hormone, human thyroglobulin, and human calcitonin were measured in the aspirate, and immunocytology was performed. The mean concentration of the aspirated parathyroid hormone in the parathyroid glands was 4,013.6 pmol/l +/- 4,519 (SD) as compared with 14.9 pmol/l +/- 8.7 in the thyroid nodules. Thyroglobulin was present in the aspirated fluid of parathyroid aden…
Intraoperative localization of malignant pheochromocytoma by 123-i-metaiodobenzylguanidine single probe measurement
Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging is a well-established method for locating intra- and extraadrenal pheochromocytomas. We investigated whether preoperative injection of 123-I-MIBG might be useful for intraoperative staging of chromaffine tumor cells. This was performed in a 46-year-old patient in whom the diagnosis of a malignant pheochromocytoma had been established by 123-I-MIBG imaging and enhanced catecholamine secretion. The rationale for intraoperative staging in this patient was a discrepancy between computed tomography (CI) of the abdomen and the radionuclide imaging, because scintigraphy revealed a mass with MIBG uptake in the right lower abdomen that could not be visualized b…
The Phenomenon of a High Triglyceride Response to an Oral Lipid Load in Healthy Subjects and Its Link to the Metabolic Syndrome
Excessive postprandial triglyceride (TG) responses despite normal fasting TG levels have been described in single cases within small groups of healthy subjects and in patients with obesity or precocious atherosclerosis, known to be associated with high insulin fasting levels. To clarify this association, fasting and postprandial TG and insulin levels were studied in 113 healthy young (25.7 +/- 2.6 years), normal weight (body mass index 20.8 +/- 2.3 kg/m2) male subjects who were selected from among 117 subjects on the basis of TG fasting levels200 mg/dl. After a 12-hour fast a standardized liquid lipid load was administered containing 58 g mainly saturated fat and 1,017 kcal energy. Both fas…
Treatment of Severe Reactive Hypoglycemia With a Somatostatin Analogue (SMS 201-995)
• Reactive (or postprandial) hypoglycemia can sometimes represent a severe disorder refractory to conventional therapeutic measures. We present in this first individual trial, to our knowledge, that the administration of a somatostatin analogue (SMS 201 -995) may alleviate the severity of complaints and does not appear to be diabetogenic. The effects of the somatostatin analogue were documented in a 5-hour oral glucose tolerance test, where not only the glucose-induced and C-peptide rise was clearly attenuated, but also the blood glucose concentration did not fall low enough to induce hypoglycemic symptoms. ( Arch Intern Med. 1990;150:2401-2402)
Long-term function of porcine islets and single cells embedded in barium-alginate matrix.
The influence of alginate-embedding on the maintenance of functioning and morphological integrity in long-term culture of isolated porcine islets and islet cells was studied. Free-floating islets and islet cells served for control. Function was tested after the 1st, 2nd and 4th week. Basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion of embedded islets decreased slightly, but significantly after the first week (from 4.39 +/- 0.64 to 2.87 +/- 0.47 at normal and from 11.96 +/- 1.44 to 4.76 +/- 0.78 microU pro 24 h pro islet at elevated glucose concentration, p < 0.05 and < 0.01, resp.) and remained unchanged thereafter. Glucose-stimulation resulted in significant increases in insulin secretion at…