Sanna Mönkölä

Controlled time integration for the numerical simulation of meteor radar reflections

We model meteoroids entering the Earth[U+05F3]s atmosphere as objects surrounded by non-magnetized plasma, and consider efficient numerical simulation of radar reflections from meteors in the time domain. Instead of the widely used finite difference time domain method (FDTD), we use more generalized finite differences by applying the discrete exterior calculus (DEC) and non-uniform leapfrog-style time discretization. The computational domain is presented by convex polyhedral elements. The convergence of the time integration is accelerated by the exact controllability method. The numerical experiments show that our code is efficiently parallelized. The DEC approach is compared to the volume …

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An optimization-based approach for solving a time-harmonic multiphysical wave problem with higher-order schemes

This study considers developing numerical solution techniques for the computer simulations of time-harmonic fluid-structure interaction between acoustic and elastic waves. The focus is on the efficiency of an iterative solution method based on a controllability approach and spectral elements. We concentrate on the model, in which the acoustic waves in the fluid domain are modeled by using the velocity potential and the elastic waves in the structure domain are modeled by using displacement.Traditionally, the complex-valued time-harmonic equations are used for solving the time-harmonic problems. Instead of that, we focus on finding periodic solutions without solving the time-harmonic problem…

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Controllability method for acoustic scattering with spectral elements

We formulate the Helmholtz equation as an exact controllability problem for the time-dependent wave equation. The problem is then discretized in time domain with central finite difference scheme and in space domain with spectral elements. This approach leads to high accuracy in spatial discretization. Moreover, the spectral element method results in diagonal mass matrices, which makes the time integration of the wave equation highly efficient. After discretization, the exact controllability problem is reformulated as a least-squares problem, which is solved by the conjugate gradient method. We illustrate the method with some numerical experiments, which demonstrate the significant improveme…

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Generalized finite difference schemes with higher order Whitney forms

Finite difference kind of schemes are popular in approximating wave propagation problems in finite dimensional spaces. While Yee’s original paper on the finite difference method is already from the sixties, mathematically there still remains questions which are not yet satisfactorily covered. In this paper, we address two issues of this kind. Firstly, in the literature Yee’s scheme is constructed separately for each particular type of wave problem. Here, we explicitly generalize the Yee scheme to a class of wave problems that covers at large physics field theories. For this we introduce Yee’s scheme for all problems of a class characterised on a Minkowski manifold by (i) a pair of first ord…

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Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction between acoustic and elastic waves

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On the Accuracy and Efficiency of Transient Spectral Element Models for Seismic Wave Problems

This study concentrates on transient multiphysical wave problems for simulating seismic waves. The presented models cover the coupling between elastic wave equations in solid structures and acoustic wave equations in fluids. We focus especially on the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical solution based on higher-order discretizations. The spatial discretization is performed by the spectral element method. For time discretization we compare three different schemes. The efficiency of the higher-order time discretization schemes depends on several factors which we discuss by presenting numerical experiments with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta and the fourth-order Adams-Bashforth time-steppin…

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Spectral element method and controllability approach for time-harmonic wave propagation

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Constraining the Pre-atmospheric Parameters of Large Meteoroids: Košice, a Case Study

Out of a total around 50,000 meteorites currently known to science, the atmospheric passage was recorded instrumentally in only 25 cases with the potential to derive their atmospheric trajectories and pre-impact heliocentric orbits. Similarly, while observations of meteors generate thousands of new entries per month to existing databases, it is extremely rare they lead to meteorite recovery (http://www.meteoriteorbits.info/). These 25 exceptional cases thus deserve a thorough re-examination by different techniques—not only to ensure that we are able to match the model with the observations, but also to enable the best possible interpretation scenario and facilitate the robust extraction of …

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Comparison between the shifted-Laplacian preconditioning and the controllability methods for computational acoustics

Processes that can be modelled with numerical calculations of acoustic pressure fields include medical and industrial ultrasound, echo sounding, and environmental noise. We present two methods for making these calculations based on Helmholtz equation. The first method is based directly on the complex-valued Helmholtz equation and an algebraic multigrid approximation of the discretized shifted-Laplacian operator; i.e. the damped Helmholtz operator as a preconditioner. The second approach returns to a transient wave equation, and finds the time-periodic solution using a controllability technique. We concentrate on acoustic problems, but our methods can be used for other types of Helmholtz pro…

research product

Systematisation of Systems Solving Physics Boundary Value Problems

A general conservation law that defines a class of physical field theories is constructed. First, the notion of a general field is introduced as a formal sum of differential forms on a Minkowski manifold. By the action principle the conservation law is defined for such a general field. By construction, particular field notions of physics, e.g., magnetic flux, electric field strength, stress, strain etc. become instances of the general field. Hence, the differential equations that constitute physical field theories become also instances of the general conservation law. The general field and the general conservation law together correspond to a large class of relativistic hyperbolic physical …

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Generalized wave propagation problems and discrete exterior calculus

We introduce a general class of second-order boundary value problems unifying application areas such as acoustics, electromagnetism, elastodynamics, quantum mechanics, and so on, into a single framework. This also enables us to solve wave propagation problems very efficiently with a single software system. The solution method precisely follows the conservation laws in finite-dimensional systems, whereas the constitutive relations are imposed approximately. We employ discrete exterior calculus for the spatial discretization, use natural crystal structures for three-dimensional meshing, and derive a “discrete Hodge” adapted to harmonic wave. The numerical experiments indicate that the cumulat…

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Efficient Time Integration of Maxwell's Equations with Generalized Finite Differences

We consider the computationally efficient time integration of Maxwell’s equations using discrete exterior calculus (DEC) as the computational framework. With the theory of DEC, we associate the degrees of freedom of the electric and magnetic fields with primal and dual mesh structures, respectively. We concentrate on mesh constructions that imitate the geometry of the close packing in crystal lattices that is typical of elemental metals and intermetallic compounds. This class of computational grids has not been used previously in electromagnetics. For the simulation of wave propagation driven by time-harmonic source terms, we provide an optimized Hodge operator and a novel time discretizati…

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GPU-accelerated time integration of Gross-Pitaevskii equation with discrete exterior calculus

The quantized vortices in superfluids are modeled by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation whose numerical time integration is instrumental in the physics studies of such systems. In this paper, we present a reliable numerical method and its efficient GPU-accelerated implementation for the time integration of the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The method is based on discrete exterior calculus which allows us the usage of more versatile spatial discretization than traditional finite difference and spectral methods are applicable to. We discretize the problem using six different natural crystal structures and observe the correct choices of spatial tiling to decrease the truncation error…

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High-quality discretizations for microwave simulations

We apply high-quality discretizations to simulate electromagnetic microwaves. Instead of the vector field presentations, we focus on differential forms and discretize the model in the spatial domain using the discrete exterior calculus. At the discrete level, both the Hodge operators and the time discretization are optimized for time-harmonic simulations. Non-uniform spatial and temporal discretization are applied in problems in which the wavelength is highly-variable and geometry contains sub-wavelength structures. peerReviewed

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Time-harmonic elasticity with controllability and higher-order discretization methods

The time-harmonic solution of the linear elastic wave equation is needed for a variety of applications. The typical procedure for solving the time-harmonic elastic wave equation leads to difficulties solving large-scale indefinite linear systems. To avoid these difficulties, we consider the original time dependent equation with a method based on an exact controllability formulation. The main idea of this approach is to find initial conditions such that after one time-period, the solution and its time derivative coincide with the initial conditions.The wave equation is discretized in the space domain with spectral elements. The degrees of freedom associated with the basis functions are situa…

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Tietotekniikan kandidaattiseminaarin kehityspolkuja 2012-2015

Jyväskylän yliopiston Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan Tietotekniikan laitoksella selvitettiin kandidaatintutkielmien tehokkaamman edistymisen mahdollisuuksia kandidaattiseminaaria kehittämällä ja ohjausresursseja keskittämällä. Aiemman toteutustavan analysoinnin ja tutkimusongelman muotoilun pohjalta suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin useita tutkimus- ja kehitystoimenpiteitä, joiden tuloksena syntyi vaiheistamiseen ja tiedeviestinnän entistä saumattomampaan integrointiin perustuva KandiX-malli. Tässä raportissa kuvataan mallin iteratiivista kehittämistä ja vuosien 2012-2015 aikana saatuja tuloksia, joiden mukaan kandidaatintutkielman työstämiseen kuluva aika on lyhentynyt muutamaan kuukauteen…

research product

Time-harmonic solution for acousto-elastic interaction with controllability and spectral elements

The classical way of solving the time-harmonic linear acousto-elastic wave problem is to discretize the equations with finite elements or finite differences. This approach leads to large-scale indefinite complex-valued linear systems. For these kinds of systems, it is difficult to construct efficient iterative solution methods. That is why we use an alternative approach and solve the time-harmonic problem by controlling the solution of the corresponding time dependent wave equation. In this paper, we use an unsymmetric formulation, where fluid-structure interaction is modeled as a coupling between pressure and displacement. The coupled problem is discretized in space domain with spectral el…

research product

Discrete exterior calculus for photonic crystal waveguides

The discrete exterior calculus (DEC) is very promising, though not yet widely used, discretization method for photonic crystal (PC) waveguides. It can be seen as a generalization of the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The DEC enables efficient time evolution by construction and fits well for nonhomogeneous computational domains and obstacles of curved surfaces. These properties are typically present in applications of PC waveguides that are constructed as periodic structures of inhomogeneities in a computational domain. We present a two-dimensional DEC discretization for PC waveguides and demonstrate it with a selection of numerical experiments typical in the application area. …

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Prospectives to tractor cabin design with computational acoustics tools

Computational acoustical models allow automated optimization of tractor design with respect to acoustic properties, which could speed up significantly the design process of tractor cabin prototypes. This article gives insightful prospectives to the tractor design process by considering modern computational acoustics technology. Mathematical formulation for a system consisting of vibrating elastic tractor structure and airfilled acoustic enclosure are given and a related numerical solution technique with finite element method (FEM) is presented. Simulation results produced with commercially available software are reviewed. nonPeerReviewed

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Controllability method for the Helmholtz equation with higher-order discretizations

We consider a controllability technique for the numerical solution of the Helmholtz equation. The original time-harmonic equation is represented as an exact controllability problem for the time-dependent wave equation. This problem is then formulated as a least-squares optimization problem, which is solved by the conjugate gradient method. Such an approach was first suggested and developed in the 1990s by French researchers and we introduce some improvements to its practical realization. We use higher-order spectral elements for spatial discretization, which leads to high accuracy and lumped mass matrices. Higher-order approximation reduces the pollution effect associated with finite elemen…

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Evolution and decay of an Alice ring in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

We use first-principles-derived numerical simulations to investigate the long-time evolution of a half-quantum vortex ring, an Alice ring, arising from the decay dynamics of an isolated monopole in the polar phase of a dilute spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate. In particular, we study the lifetime and decay characteristics of the Alice ring under different experimentally relevant conditions. We observe that, in a 87Rb condensate with a homogeneous external magnetic field, a well-centered Alice ring may survive for over 160 ms, and that during its lifetime it can contract back into a monopole, which again converts into an Alice ring. Interestingly, we notice an additional Alice ring, with an op…

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