Nassim Kamar
Cytomegalovirus infection management in solid organ transplant recipients across European centers in the time of molecular diagnostics: An ESGICH survey
Background Scant information is available about how transplant centers are managing their use of quantitative molecular testing (QNAT) assays for active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection monitoring in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. The current study was aimed at gathering information on current practices in the management of CMV infection across European centers in the era of molecular testing assays. Methods A questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey study was conducted by the European Study Group of Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts (ESGICH) of the Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). The invitation and a weekly reminder with a personal link to …
Is COVID‐19 infection more severe in kidney transplant recipients?
International audience; There are no studies which have compared the risk of severe Covid-19 and related mortality between transplant recipients and non-transplant patients. We enrolled two groups of patients hospitalized for Covid-19, i.e., kidney transplant recipients from the French Registry of Solid Organ Transplant (n=306) and a single-center cohort of non-transplant patients (n=795). An analysis was performed among subgroups matched for age and risk factors for severe Covid-19 or mortality. Severe Covid-19 was defined as admission (or transfer) to an intensive care unit, need for mechanical ventilation, or death.Transplant recipients were younger and had more comorbidities compared to…
Longterm Risk of Solid Organ De Novo Malignancies After Liver Transplantation: A French National Study on 11,226 Patients
IF 3.756; International audience; De novo malignancies are one of the major late complications and causes of death after liver transplantation (LT). Using extensive data from the French national Agence de la Biomédecine database, the present study aimed to quantify the risk of solid organ de novo malignancies (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers) after LT. The incidence of de novo malignancies among all LT patients between 1993 and 2012 was compared with that of the French population, standardized on age, sex, and calendar period (standardized incidence ratio; SIR). Among the 11,226 LT patients included in the study, 1200 de novo malignancies were diagnosed (10.7%). The risk of death was app…
12-month follow-up analysis of a multicenter, randomized, prospective trial in de novo liver transplant recipients (LIS2T) comparing cyclosporine microemulsion (C2 monitoring) and tacrolimus.
The LIS2T study was an open-label, multicenter study in which recipients of a primary liver transplant were randomized to cyclosporine microemulsion (CsA-ME) (Neoral) (n = 250) (monitoring of blood concentration at 2 hours postdose) C2 or tacrolimus (n = 245) (monitoring of trough drug blood level [predose]) C0 to compare efficacy and safety at 3 and 6 months and to evaluate patient status at 12 months. All patients received steroids with or without azathioprine. At 12 months, 85% of CsA-ME patients and 86% of tacrolimus patients survived with a functioning graft (P not significant). Efficacy was similar in deceased- and living-donor recipients. Significantly fewer hepatitis C–positive pati…
Итоговое резюме KDIGO 2018 по гепатиту С для рекомендаций по ХБП: достижения в оценке и менеджменте
Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has adverse liver, kidney, and cardiovascular consequences in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), including those on dialysis therapy and in those with a kidney transplant. Since the publication of the original Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) HCV Guideline in 2008, major advances in HCV management, particularly with the advent of direct-acting antiviral therapies, have now made the cure of HCV possible in CKD patients. In addition, diagnostic techniques have evolved to enable the noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis. Therefore, the Work Group undertook a comprehensive review and update of the KDIGO HCV in CKD Guideline.…
Executive summary of the 2018 KDIGO Hepatitis C in CKD Guideline: welcoming advances in evaluation and management
Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has adverse liver, kidney, and cardiovascular consequences in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), including those on dialysis therapy and in those with a kidney transplant. Since the publication of the original Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) HCV Guideline in 2008, major advances in HCV management, particularly with the advent of direct-acting antiviral therapies, have now made the cure of HCV possible in CKD patients. In addition, diagnostic techniques have evolved to enable the noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis. Therefore, the Work Group undertook a comprehensive review and update of the KDIGO HCV in CKD Guideline.…
Clinical utility of biochemical markers for the prediction of COVID-19-related mortality in kidney transplant recipients
International audience
Risk factors of de novo malignancies after liver transplantation: a French national study on 11004 adult patients.
International audience; Background: After liver transplantation (LT),de novo malignancies are one of the leading causes of late mortality. The aim of the present retrospective study was to identify the risk factors of de novo malignancies in a large cohort of LT recipients in France, using Fine and Gray competing risks regression analysis.Methods: The study population consisted in 11004 adults transplanted between 2000 and 2013, who had no history of pre-transplant malignancy, except primary liver tumor. A Cox model adapted to the identification of prognostic factors (competitive risks) was used.Results: From the entire cohort, one (or more)de novo malignancy was reported in 1480 L T recipi…