A. Muttray
Enzephalopathie nach Intoxikation mit einem Anticholinergikum
A 55-year-old chemical laboratory technician developed mydriasis and ocular hypertension, which lasted for 6 weeks, after synthesizing several kilograms of a scopolamine-related test agent with anticholinergic action and then decanting a powdery intermediary substance, the dust of which he may have inhaled. Six weeks later he suddenly had symptoms of an acute intoxication while synthesizing a scopolamine-related substance. The anticholinergic delirium regressed completely within one day requiring no treatment. But subsequently he developed symptoms of a toxic encephalopathy. This only partially regressed over the following 3 years. Its probable cause is thought to have been either the manif…
Obstruktives Schlafapnoesyndrom durch eine berufliche Lösungsmittelexposition
History and admission findings A 52-year-old man working in a chemical laboratory was referred with the possible diagnosis of toxic encephalopathy. For 17 years he had been exposed to high concentrations of perchlorethylene and n-butanol vapours which every day had caused acute symptoms of organic solvent intoxication. Current complaints were autonomic nervous system symptoms, loss of concentration and memory, and fatigue in the second half of the day. The patient was obese but in good general condition. Investigations Neuropsychiatric examination confirmed the reported loss of concentration and planning ability at work. The polysomnogram indicated an increased number of largely obstructive…
Raynaud-Phänomen bei einer beruflichen Vibrationsbelastung
Anamnese und klinischer Befund: Eine 34-jahrige Steinmetzin wurde mit der Fragestellung eines vibrationsbedingten vasospastischen Syndroms (VVS) begutachtet. Ihre Hande waren langjahrig gegenuber den hochfrequenten Schwingungen verschiedener Werkzeuge exponiert gewesen. Die Patientin berichtete uber Weisfingeranfalle an den Langfingern, die bei Kalte aufgetreten waren. Der korperliche Befund war zu diesem Zeitpunkt regelrecht. Untersuchungen: Der Kaltwasserprovokationstest zeigte an den Langfingern der rechten Hand eine leicht verzogerte Wiedererwarmung; die Kapillarmikroskopie der Finger war regelrecht. Diagnose und Verlauf: Das leichtgradige Raynaud-Phanomen wurde als Berufskrankheit der …