Maria Rita Asaro
Use of voltage gradient gel electrophoresis in apoptotic DNA analysis
In this paper the use of voltage gradient gel electrophoresis (VGGE) in the electrophoretic analysis of apoptotic DNAs is described. The peculiarity of VGGE fractionation in enhancing DNA bands in the gel by reducing their thickness was used to obtain a rapid, more selective and higher-quality electrophoretic fractionation of apoptotic DNA with respect to conventional electrophoresis. The use of VGGE fractionations also allowed a reduced amount of DNA to be used to detect a characteristic apoptotic DNA ladder pattern, in a lower agarose gel concentration, with respect to conventional electrophoretic fractionation
Modified apparatus for voltage gradient gel electrophoresis.
We built a modified version of voltage gradient gel electrophoresis system to correct distortions in nucleic acids electrophoretic migration patterns occurring at the edges of the gel when the original voltage gradient apparatus is used. The new device allows correct fractionation of nucleic acids also when electrophoresis is performed at high voltages.