Dhananjay Zope
Sodium release and saltiness perception in dairy product systems: influence of food composition and oral parameters
International audience
Role of mastication, salivation and food bolus formation on salt release during bread consumption
Role of mastication, salivation and food bolus formation on salt release during bread consumption. 2. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating
Characterization of bread breakdown during mastication by image texture analysis
National audience; Reducing sodium intake in Western diet is advised for reducing hypertension and risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Sodium is mainly consumed via processed foods and among them breads are one of the most important sources of salt [1]. The present study investigated the changes in mastication and salivation for bread samples with different composition and texture, their respective contribution to food bolus formation, and the impact on salt release. The study set-up included five subjects presenting different chewing efficiency and four different breads from different composition and structure (two French baguettes (bakery (BB) and supermarket (BS)), a toast bread (…