Paloma Escamilla-fajardo
HRM versus QCA: what affects the organizational climate in sports organizations?
The Organizational Climate (OC) provides valuable information about the work environment perceived by employees, directly influencing job satisfaction, organizational commitment and performance. Th...
Does size matter? Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Spanish sports clubs
Despite its importance, entrepreneurship in organizations has not been widely addressed in the sports association sector (sports clubs). In this context, this study analyses the relationships of en...
Tipos de organizaciones deportivas en España
El deporte ha sido considerado un fenómeno de masas con un trascendental poder de seguimiento y congregación, aportando un importante valor económico y social. Hoy en día, en España nos encontramos en un entorno cambiante, en el que las demandas y necesidades de la población son cada vez más diversas, teniendo como consecuencia una obligatoria adaptación y versatilidad por parte de las organizaciones. Dichos cambios estructurales, funcionales y organizativos requieren de una sostenibilidad, tanto de las instalaciones deportivas como de los servicios ofertados. Este hecho cada vez se hace más complicado, por lo que el concepto tradicional de organización deportiva ha ido cambiando. En este e…
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Soccer: Web of Science Bibliometric Analysis
According to the existing literature, there is growing interest in the sports industry by individuals involved in entrepreneurship and innovation. However, no bibliometric analyses on the importance of and interest that these individuals have in the football industry have been conducted. A total of 220 articles and reviews retrieved from Thomson Reuters Web of Science (Core Collection&trade
Incorporating TikTok in higher education: Pedagogical perspectives from a corporal expression sport sciences course
Abstract Social media have revolutionised the way humans communicate and socialise. Education is also changing; social media are transforming educational environments, and online or blended learning are increasingly used. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this change. In this paper, we present an educational innovation where TikTok (a social media that is based on creating and sharing 15–60-s video, which has experienced a significant breakthrough during the COVID-19 pandemic) is used as a pedagogical tool. 65 Spanish sport science students participated in this study. A mixed research method was designed to analyse the effect of TikTok use on students. The SPSS 23.0 and NVivo12 …
Introducción de LinkedIn en la gestión del deporte para crear entornos de aprendizaje en línea
[EN] Social media have become a valuable resource for the teaching community, enabling online teaching and learning environments to be created. These tools have gained prominence as a result of the pandemic caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, making it viable to continue teaching through these channels. On the other hand, social media are a fundamental element in the day-to- day work of sport managers, being a very useful tool for managing aspects as diverse as brand image, fan engagement and sponsorship. This work shares an educational innovation named "LinkedIn (r)evolution", carried out with a total of 118 students (72.4% men and 27.6% women) of sport management from two Spanis…
Does the level of competition influence the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and service quality?
In times of economic instability and increasingly competitive environments, organisations need to differentiate themselves and find the best version of themselves. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is increasingly present in organisations in general and constitutes an opportunity to improve performance in the sports associations sector. Sporting clubs are organisations of great qualitative and quantitative relevance, although few studies have approached their entrepreneurial character as an opportunity to seek success in achieving their goals. Although the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance has been well established, the moderating role o…
Percepciones de los residentes sobre el turismo deportivo: impactos, calidad de vida y apoyo al sector
El sector del turismo deportivo recibe cada vez una mayor atención por parte de los distintos agentes sociales, teniendo un alto impacto en distintas esferas de la sociedad. El turismo no sólo afecta a las actitudes de los residentes hacia su desarrollo, sino también a su calidad de vida en general. Una vez que una comunidad o población se convierte en un destino turístico, la calidad de vida de los residentes locales se ve afectada por el desarrollo del mismo. Por consiguiente, es relevante conocer cuáles son las percepciones de los residentes respecto al impacto que causa el turismo deportivo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las percepciones de los residentes de Gra…
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sports Entrepreneurship
Sports entrepreneurship has been considered an important part of sports organisations when overcoming crisis situations. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of the crisis derived from COVID-19 on sports entrepreneurship and whether there are differences in the prediction of entrepreneurship on service quality in non-profit sports clubs. To this end, 145 sports clubs were analysed before and after the outbreak of the virus in society. Paired sample-t tests were carried out to determine the differences in variables studied before (Time I) and after (Time II) the COVID-19 outbreak, and correlations and hierarchical linear regressions were used to analyse the relationship between t…
Práctica deportiva extraescolar y su relación con la autoestima y el rendimiento académico
espanolLa falta de actividad fisica en la sociedad es uno de los factores de riesgo mas importantes para sufrir enfermedades y una de las causas de muerte mas representativas. La sociedad propone alternativas, pero cada vez mas sedentarias y es por ello que la practica deportiva debe potenciarse para ayudar a tener una buena calidad de vida, mejorando a nivel fisico, pero tambien a nivel de autoconcepto, rendimiento academico y a nivel social, por lo que es una buena herramienta para propiciar el desarrollo integral de las personas. En este estudio se ha analizado el autoconcepto, el rendimiento academico y la practica deportiva extraescolar de los alumnos, con la intencion de comprobar si …
Economic performance in Spanish sports clubs: entrepreneurial orientation of professional and non-professional teams analysed through fsQCA
Sports clubs play an important role in the creation of social value, however, despite the scarcity of studies, analysing the associative sports environment from an economic perspective has an undeniable relevance. The entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has been largely related to the economic performance of the organisation, however, this study has found a difference in sports clubs related to their legal and organisational structure. The analysed sample is composed of 13 non-professional sports clubs and 13 professional sports clubs, using the fsQCA methodology. According to the results obtained, EO has an influence on the economic performance (EP) of sports clubs, with proactivity being the…
Physical activity using social media during the COVID-19 pandemic: the perceptions of sports science students
Abstract During the period of the COVID-19 lockdown, sports organizations and companies had to look for new ways to connect with their customers by offering physical activity (PA) alternatives to do at home. This study explores the perceptions of 175 undergraduate sports science students regarding their social media (SM) and PA patterns during the first Spanish COVID-19 lockdown period (March to May 2020). From their homes, the students completed an ad hoc online questionnaire. The data was analyzed using SPSS 23.0 software to perform descriptive and inferential analysis (t-test). The results show that the participants used SM during the COVID-19 lockdown to visualize or practice PA, percei…
Entrepreneurship and Resilience in Spanish Sports Clubs: A Cluster Analysis.
Entrepreneurial orientation can be an effective response by sports clubs to manage a recession, such as the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, its study can be fundamental to understand different ways of managing a recession. This study analyzes the entrepreneurial orientation of Spanish non-profit sports clubs to identify different groups and their profiles. The sample is composed of 145 Spanish non-profit sports clubs. Different validated scales have been used to analyze entrepreneurial orientation, business model adaptation, service quality, and economic and social performance (performance in social impact and performance in social causes). Entrepreneurial orientation is the variable used to di…
Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Passion for Work on Performance Variables in Sports Clubs
Entrepreneurial orientation and passion for work have been widely studied due to their effects on the behaviour and attitude of management teams in the short- and long-term. However, despite the influences of these variables on the sustainability and survival of an entity, there is a gap when considering the effects of these two performance variables in sports organisations. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to understand the influences of entrepreneurial orientation and passion for work on service quality and sporting performance. To this end, 199 Spanish non-profit sports clubs were analysed using instruments with good psychometric properties. Data analysis was carried out…
Práctica deportiva extraescolar y su relación con el autoconcepto y el rendimiento académico
La falta de actividad física en la sociedad es uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes para sufrir enfermedades y una de las causas de muerte más representativas. La sociedad propone alternativas, pero cada vez más sedentarias y es por ello que la práctica deportiva debe potenciarse para ayudar a tener una buena calidad de vida, mejorando a nivel físico, pero también a nivel de autoconcepto, rendimiento académico y a nivel social, por lo que es una buena herramienta para propiciar el desarrollo integral de las personas. En este estudio se ha analizado el autoconcepto, el rendimiento académico y la práctica deportiva extraescolar de los alumnos, con la intención de comprobar si el hech…
Creation of a brand model through SEM to predict users' loyalty and recommendations regarding a public sports service.
Brand perception is a key element in achieving business success: how a brand is perceived by current and potential users determines what they think and their disposition towards the brand. The users' perception also determines whether they will perceive the sports service as offering a greater quality or value than other services, whether they will be more loyal, or whether they will recommend the service. This paper analyses the brand perception of users of a public sports service, creating a model of structural equations that analyses how credibility and trust influence a user's congruence with the brand and the generation of positive attitudes towards the brand and how these variables in…
During adolescence, there is a significant risk of sports abandonment associated with sedentarism and overweight. For this reason, Physical Education (PE) classes should be an opportunity to bring physical activity and sport closer to schoolchildren developing, and consolidating healthy lifestyle habits. Considering the importance that teaching communication procedures can have in the motivation of students, and given the lack of specific studies that investigate the influence of these processes on the motivation to practice sport in the context of PE, the aim of this study is to determine the effect of the teacher's communicational dimensions (challenging, encouragement and praise, non-ver…
The Rise of Social Media in Sport: A Bibliometric Analysis
Social media has revolutionized the sports industry by changing the way athletes, coaches, clubs, federations, sport companies and other industry actors interact. Although academic interest in the emergence of social media in the context of sports has increased in recent years, these platforms have not been studied from a bibliometric viewpoint. Therefore, this study examined the scientific production of social media in sports using descriptive bibliometric software. The most prolific authors, journals, institutions, number of citations and networks of authorship are identified. From the bibliometric analysis, implications for sport managers and future research directions for social media …
Sport entrepreneurs’ performance in business
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is one of the performance measurements in the research on sport entrepreneurship. Another measure of performance studied is coopetition (simultaneous collaboration ...
Exploring Environmental and Entrepreneurial Antecedents of Social Performance in Spanish Sports Clubs: A Symmetric and Asymmetric Approach
The social function of non-profit sports clubs is undeniable, so analyzing the factors that influence their performance is vital. The aim of this study is to understand the influence of entrepreneurial factors (entrepreneurial orientation) and environmental factors (dynamism, hostility and complexity) on social performance using a symmetrical (Hierarchical regression model) and asymmetrical (qualitative comparative analysis) approach. The social performance of this particular type of organization is of great importance in an environment where sustainability from a social point of view is increasingly on the agenda of governments, organizations and society in general. A total of 209 Spanish …
Orientación emprendedora y rendimiento en clubes deportivos españoles
La presente tesis está compuesta por un compendio de artículos que analizan la relación existente entre la orientación emprendedora y diferentes variables de rendimiento en clubes deportivos españoles. El artículo I analiza la relación entre la orientación emprendedora y el rendimiento social en clubes deportivos españoles, valorando el efecto de variables organizativas estructurales como el tipo de financiación y el nivel de competición. Para ello se utilizan dos metodologías complementarias: modelos lineales con análisis de moderación y modelos basados en análisis comparativo cualitativo. Según los resultados obtenidos existe un efecto directo positivo de las dimensiones de la orientación…