Virgil Nicula

The Need to Approach the Management of the Tourist Destination by the Central and Local Public Authorities in Romania

Abstract In the medium and long term, priorities in the development of tourism aim to develop a complex tourist offer, making the most of the natural and anthropogenic resources existing in connection with the preservation of the environment and the heritage. On the long run, it will contribute to raising the living standards of the population, especially social categories with lower chances of reintegration into the labour market (people made redundant in industry, elderly people etc.). Implementation of the strategy at regional level must be achieved through an active partnership between Romanian public authorities, economic agents and private investors, with the involvement of the federa…

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Rural and Gastronomical Tourism in Baltic Countries

The Baltic countries are apparently similar but actually very different not only concerning their language and culture but also their lifestyle. Regarding rural tourism, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania have many common points: given the care for the remarkable natural environment and for preserving traditions and rural tourism practiced in each of the Baltic countries, filled with recreation and active desire for knowledge, traditional life, and beauty of nature in protected areas. Rural tourism also contributes to preserving the cultural heritage, and youth people are encouraged to know and keep the traditions alive. The rural tourist offer is complemented by the variety of gastronomy, whic…

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Street Food and Street Vendors, a Culinary Heritage?

This paper examines the theoretical discourse surrounding street food and tells how street food is multidimensional and spatially contingent, but also tackles food safety and aspects related to street vendors’ issues. The street food sector offers to the guests various dishes and drinks prepared at the place of sale or only marketed by itinerant merchants or by vendors with stationary carts, either on the streets or in other public places that may be of interest for tourists. Fast food is generally associated with globalization, so present in high income per capita countries. This paper aims to present a radiography of street food marketing, an image that defines a particular region or coun…

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Evaluating the Possibilities of Improving the Quality of Tourism Services of the “Eco- Guesthouses” from Mărginimea Sibiului

This paper provides an overview of the possibilities of improving the quality of tourism services of the ”eco-guesthouses” from Marginimea Sibiului in the context where the international studies indicate that lately tourists have become more experienced and expect good quality products in chosen holiday destinations. Currently, the international market of ecotourism has developed with 10-12% annually, having the fastest growth in the world tourism sector and tending to become an independent market segment, under the influence of factors such as: travelers prefer to choose educational holidays, their desire to escape to nature and spend quality time with friends or family, etc. In these circ…

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Regional Tourism Development in Romania – Consistency with Policies and Strategies Developed at EU Level

Abstract The national tourism development master plan for the period 2007-2026 focuses on tourism resources of the regions. The regional tourism development strategy should have the opportunities and threats that are found in every county of the region as guide marks. Their identification leads to facilitate the implementation of tourism development strategy, the opportunity maximum use being the revival and growth ramp of tourist activities, preventing threats ensure the proper functioning of the implementation process. In this paper we analyzed a series of indicators of tourist movement in the eight development regions of Romania.

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Balneary Tourism, a Chance for Sustainable Regional Development

The Balneary tourism is part of the other forms of tourism due to the many social and economic benefits that it derives from the positive effects it has on the physical and mental health of people. Under the current conditions in which the trend of gradual replacement of allopathic treatments with some milder, less toxic ones such as those based on natural factors of cleanliness, parallel to the shift of the center of gravity from treatment to prevention, the role of spa tourism is becoming more and more important. This all the more so, the global trends show a positive evolution of the demand for the wellness component of the health tourism.

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Ways of Promoting Cultural Ecotourism for Local Communities in Sibiu Area

Abstract Now, Romanian tourism is being confronted with problems of infrastructure and image, and this is a reason we consider that the chance of sustainable development of this area is being represented by promoting niche tourism, namely cultural ecotourism. In an age of globalization, the authentic cultural patrimony is that which makes the difference and represents an opportunity for sustainable development of local communities. The essence of sustainable development is represented by the harmonious integration of economic development, by responsible governing, by ensuring the social cohesion and community man - nature. By the attested value cultural ecotourism can become a touristic pro…

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Ways to Promoting Rural, Cultural and Gastronomical Tourism in Mărginimea Sibiului

In 2009, the touristic potential of Marginimea Sibiului is recognised both nationally and internationally for its unique ethnographic, cultural, architectural and historical heritage and it has also won the Golden Apple Award of World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers. In 2015, this area with rich traditions won a price for promoting local gastronomy. Cheeses of Marginimea Sibiului are an important part of this region's culinary and cultural tradition, and its diversity comes from specific production techniques. The Sheep Cheese Route provides an excellent opportunity for discovering the pastoral world of Marginimea Sibiului, with its picturesque settlements and calm lifestyle. D…

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Business Tourism Market Developments

Abstract This paper analyzes the developments of business tourism market in the current economic environment. Internationally, business tourism has reached impressive levels; the World Tourism Organization estimated it at over 14% of the tourist movement and nearly 20% of all tourist revenues. Given the close connections with diverse areas, the business tourism was marked recently by an increasing trend closely related to the overall economic development manifested worldwide, with the opening of new markets, the intensification of international relations and contacts of all kinds.

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Evolution of Tourist Accommodation Structures in Romanian's Developing Regions in the Context of New Challenges at European Level

Abstract This paper analyzes the evolution of tourist structures with functions of tourist accommodation in the eights development regions of Romania Romania. Given the financial crisis, the differences between regions in terms of tourism infrastructure have accentuated. Investments to modernize tourist infrastructure and resorts can certainly revive tourism in many regions, which in its turn can help the economic growth of the area.

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The development of the output during the last decades and the same time with growing population namely energy, raw material demands for industry and food have highlighted the conflict between man and nature, between the processes of social-economic development and natural resources with troubling consequences on the ecologic balance of the planet. If the models were taken into consideration before the beginning of the present economic-financial global crisis in present we can say that we match the second model: stopping the rhythm of economic development, even if the best model should represent the sustainable development. Of course that elaborating a new development model of the human soci…

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Tourism, which, by its specific, uses natural resources, is an important contribution to environmental damage. In this context, efforts to find and promote holiday forms that have a low environmentalimpact, forms known as ecotourism, ecological tourism, tourism in protected areas, green tourism. Tourism industry stakeholders have become increasingly sensitive to environmental issues and few are those who now believe commercial activities have nothing to do with the development of ecological actions. Also many tour operators believe that the natural resources have economic value only if they are reasonably valued.

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