Andrey Milchev
Conformations and orientational ordering of semiflexible polymers in spherical confinement.
Semiflexible polymers in lyotropic solution confined inside spherical nanoscopic “containers” with repulsive walls are studied by molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory, as a first step to model confinement effects on stiff polymers inside of miniemulsions, vesicles, and cells. It is shown that the depletion effects caused by the monomer-wall repulsion depend distinctly on the radius R of the sphere. Further, nontrivial orientational effects occur when R, the persistence length ℓp, and the contour length L of the polymers are of similar magnitude. At intermediate densities, a “shell” of wall-attached chains is forming, such that the monomers belonging to those chains a…
Bending or buckling: Compression-induced phase transition in a semi-flexible polymer brush
Molecular-dynamics simulations are presented for systems of densely grafted semiflexible macromolecules grafted to a planar non-adsorbing substrate, studying the case where the persistence length of the polymers is of the same order as their contour length so that the polymer brush may exhibit nematic order. We focus our attention on the case where the first bond must orient perpendicularly to the substrate (so the structure resembles a "Fakir's bed" for short chains and a "polymer bristle" for longer chains). When such layers are exposed to uniform compression, the pressure vs. distance relationship exhibits two stages: i) for very small compression the chains exhibit "buckling" yet mainta…
Understanding the properties of liquid-crystalline polymers by computational modeling
Abstract A topical review of recent theoretical work on the properties of lyotropic solutions and melts containing semiflexible polymers in thermal equilibrium is given, with a focus on the liquid-crystalline and smectic order of these systems in the bulk and under confinement. Starting with a discussion of single chain properties in terms of the Kratky-Porod worm-like chain model and its limitations, extensions along the lines of Onsager’s theory for the isotropic-nematic transition of solutions of hard rods are briefly reviewed. This discussion is followed by a review of recent Molecular Dynamics simulations and classical Density Functional Theory calculations. It is argued that, even in …
Phase Separation in a Binary Mixture of Semiflexible Polymers Confined in a Repulsive Sphere
A polymer chain trapped between two parallel repulsive walls: A Monte-Carlo test of scaling behavior
An off-lattice bead-spring model of a polymer chain trapped between two parallel walls a distance D apart is studied by Monte-Carlo methods, using chain lengths N in the range $$32 \le N \le 512$$ and distances D from 4 to 32 (in units of the maximum spring extension). The scaling behavior of the coil linear dimensions parallel to the plates and of the force on the walls is studied and discussed with the help of current theoretical predictions. Also the density profiles of the monomers across the slit are obtained and it is shown that the predicted variation with the distance z from a wall, $$\rho (z) \propto {z^{1/\nu }}$$ , is obtained only when one introduces an extrapolation length λ in…
Polymer brushes in solvents of variable quality: Molecular dynamics simulations using explicit solvent
The structure and thermodynamic properties of a system of end-grafted flexible polymer chains grafted to a flat substrate and exposed to a solvent of variable quality are studied by molecular dynamics methods. The macromolecules are described by a coarse-grained bead-spring model, and the solvent molecules by pointlike particles, assuming Lennard-Jones-type interactions between pairs of monomers (epsilon(pp)), solvent molecules (epsilon(ss)), and solvent monomer (epsilon(ps)), respectively. Varying the grafting density sigma(g) and some of these energy parameters, we obtain density profiles of solvent particles and monomers, study structural properties of the chain (gyration radius componen…
Star polymers confined in a nanoslit: a simulation test of scaling and self-consistent field theories
The free energy cost of confining a star polymer where f flexible polymer chains containing N monomeric units are tethered to a central unit in a slit with two parallel repulsive walls a distance D apart is considered, for good solvent conditions. Also the parallel and perpendicular components of the gyration radius of the star polymer, and the monomer density profile across the slit are obtained. Theoretical descriptions via Flory theory and scaling treatments are outlined, and compared to numerical self-consistent field calculations (applying the Scheutjens–Fleer lattice theory) and to Molecular Dynamics results for a bead-spring model. It is shown that Flory theory and self-consistent fi…
Linear Dimensions of Adsorbed Semiflexible Polymers: What can be learned about their persistence length?
Conformations of partially or fully adsorbed semiflexible polymer chains are studied varying both contour length $L$, chain stiffness, $\ensuremath{\kappa}$, and the strength of the adsorption potential over a wide range. Molecular dynamics simulations show that partially adsorbed chains (with ``tails,'' surface attached ``trains,'' and ``loops'') are not described by the Kratky-Porod wormlike chain model. The crossover of the persistence length from its three-dimensional value (${\ensuremath{\ell}}_{p}$) to the enhanced value in two dimensions ($2{\ensuremath{\ell}}_{p}$) is analyzed, and excluded volume effects are identified for $L\ensuremath{\gg}{\ensuremath{\ell}}_{p}$. Consequences fo…
Stretching of Free Chains Confined in Concave Brush-Coated Nanocylinders
The structure of a free flexible macromolecule confined in a cylindrical nanopore whose wall is coated by a polymer brush is studied by Monte Carlo simulation, varying the grafting density as well as the radius of the cylindrical pore. Because of this confinement, the free chain is stretched in axial direction; while for small grafting densities of the brush the end-to-end distance increases monotonously with decreasing pore radius, a nonmonotonic variation occurs for larger grafting densities. We show that this effect is due to strong interpenetration of the free chain and the brush chains; for very narrow pores a strong layering of cylindrical shells is found, and comparison with self-con…
Osmotic pressure, atomic pressure and the virial equation of state of polymer solutions: Monte Carlo simulations of a bead-spring model
A recently introduced coarse-grained model of polymer chains is studied analyzing various contributions to the pressure as obtained from the virial theorem as a function of chain length N, temperature T and density ϕ. The off-lattice model of the polymer chains has anharmonic springs between the beads, but of finite extensibility, and the Morse-type interaction between beads is repulsive at very short distances and attractive at intermediate distances. Solvent molecules are not explicitly included. It is found that the covalent forces along the chain (modelled by the spring potentials) contribute a negative term to the pressure, irrespective of temperature, which vanishes linearly in ϕ as ϕ…
Polymer Brushes on Flat and Curved Substrates: What Can be Learned from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Semiflexible Polymers in the Bulk and Confined by Planar Walls
Semiflexible polymers in solution under good solvent conditions can undergo an isotropic-nematic transition. This transition is reminiscent of the well-known entropically-driven transition of hard rods described by Onsager’s theory, but the flexibility of the macromolecules causes specific differences in behavior, such as anomalous long wavelength fluctuations in the ordered phase, which can be understood by the concept of the deflection length. A brief review of the recent progress in the understanding of these problems is given, summarizing results obtained by large-scale molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory. These results include also the interaction of semiflexib…
The smectic phase in semiflexible polymer materials: A large scale Molecular Dynamics study
Abstract Semiflexible polymers in concentrated lyotropic solution are studied within a bead-spring model by molecular dynamics simulations, focusing on the emergence of a smectic A phase and its properties. We systematically vary the density of the monomeric units for several contour lengths that are taken smaller than the chain persistence length. The difficulties concerning the equilibration of such systems and the choice of appropriate ensemble (constant volume versus constant pressure, where all three linear dimensions of the simulation box can fluctuate independently) are carefully discussed. Using HOOMD-blue on graphics processing units, systems containing more than a million monomeri…
Frenkel-Kontorova model with anharmonic interactions
It is shown that consideration of more realistic interatomic potentials (with limited tensile strength) within the framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova model may lead to a breakdown of the soliton picture in systems with competing periodicities. Closed analytical expressions for the form of a single soliton in an anharmonic chain reveal discontinuities which indicate a disintegration of the entire system beyond some critical values of the misfit, and/or of the height of the periodic substrate potential. The length of anharmonic solitons depends essentially on both the sign and the magnitude of the misfit. The influence of misfit on the pinning-unpinning transition is also investigated.
Hydrokinetic simulations of nanoscopic precursor films in rough channels
We report on simulations of capillary filling of high-wetting fluids in nano-channels with and without obstacles. We use atomistic (molecular dynamics) and hydrokinetic (lattice-Boltzmann) approaches which point out clear evidence of the formation of thin precursor films, moving ahead of the main capillary front. The dynamics of the precursor films is found to obey a square-root law as the main capillary front, z^2(t) ~ t, although with a larger prefactor, which we find to take the same value for the different geometries (2D-3D) under inspection. The two methods show a quantitative agreement which indicates that the formation and propagation of thin precursors can be handled at a mesoscopic…
How does stiffness of polymer chains affect their adsorption transition?
The adsorption transition and the structure of semiflexible adsorbed macromolecules are studied by a molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained, bead-spring type model. Varying chain length N and stiffness κ (which is proportional to the persistence length lp in d = 3 dimensions) as well as the strength ϵwall of the adsorption potential, the adsorbed monomer fraction, orientational bond order parameter, and chain linear dimensions are studied. In the simulations, excluded volume interactions normally are included but can be “switched off,” and thus, the influence of excluded volume (leading to deviations from predictions of the wormlike chain model) can be identified. It is shown tha…
Anomalous Fluctuations of Nematic Order in Solutions of Semiflexible Polymers
The nematic ordering in semiflexible polymers with contour length $L$ exceeding their persistence length $\ell_p$ is described by a confinement of the polymers in a cylinder of radius $r_{eff}$ much larger than the radius $r_\rho$, expected from the respective concentration of the solution. Large scale Molecular Dynamics simulations combined with Density Functional Theory are used to locate the Isotropic-Nematic ($I-N$)-transition and to validate this cylindrical confinement. Anomalous fluctuations, due to chain deflections from neighboring chains in the nematic phase are proposed. Considering deflections as collective excitations in the nematically ordered phase of semiflexible polymers el…
Adsorption of Oligomers and Polymers into a Polymer Brush Formed from Grafted Ring Polymers
The interaction of a ring polymer brush with a solution containing oligomers or free linear flexible macromolecules is studied by Monte Carlo simulation, varying the chain length of the free chains, and in selected cases also the lengths of the rings. Two grafting densities are studied, corresponding to semidilute and very concentrated conditions, and a comparison with the corresponding case of brushes formed from grafted linear chains is made. Although the ring polymer linear dimensions in the brushes show an anomalous scaling with ring length, similar to (noncatenated) ring polymer melts, the concentration profiles of oligomers and long macromolecules in ring polymer brushes differ only v…
Unconventional ordering behavior of semi-flexible polymers in dense brushes under compression
Using a coarse-grained bead-spring model for semi-flexible macromolecules which form a polymer brush, the structure and dynamics of the polymers were investigated, varying the chain stiffness and the grafting density. The anchoring conditions for the grafted chains were chosen such that their first bonds were oriented along the normal to the substrate plane. The compression of such a semi-flexible brush by a planar piston was observed to be a two-stage process: for a small compression the chains were shown to contract by "buckling" deformation whereas for a larger compression the chains exhibited a collective (almost uniform) bending deformation. Thus, the stiff polymer brush underwent a 2n…
Entropic Unmixing in Nematic Blends of Semiflexible Polymers
Binary mixtures of semiflexible polymers with the same chain length but different persistence lengths separate into two coexisting different nematic phases when the osmotic pressure of the lyotropic solution is varied. Molecular Dynamics simulations and Density Functional Theory predict phase diagrams either with a triple point, where the isotropic phase coexists with two nematic phases, or a critical point of unmixing within the nematic mixture. The difference in locally preferred bond angles between the constituents drives this unmixing without any attractive interactions between monomers.
Finite-size scaling analysis of the ?4 field theory on the square lattice
Monte-Carlo calculations are performed for the model Hamiltonian ℋ = ∑i[(r/2)Φ 2(i)+(u/4)/gF4(i)]+∑ (C/2)[Φ (i)−Φ(j)]2 for various values of the parametersr, u, C in the crossover region from the Ising limit (r→-∞,u+∞) to the displacive limit (r=0). The variableφ(i) is a scalar continuous spin variable which can lie in the range-∞<φ(i)<+∞, for each lattice site (i).φ(i) is a priori selected proportional to the single-site probability in our Monte Carlo algorithm. The critical line is obtained in very good agreement with other previous approaches. A decrease of apparent critical exponents, deduced from a finite-size scaling analysis, is attributed to a crossover toward mean-field values at t…
A new insight into the isotropic–nematic phase transition in lyotropic solutions of semiflexible polymers: density-functional theory tested by molecular dynamics
Semiflexible polymers in solution are studied for a wide range of both contour length L and persistence length lp as a function of monomer concentration under good solvent conditions. Both density-functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods are used, and a very good agreement between both techniques is observed for rather stiff polymers. Evidence for a new mechanism of order parameter fluctuations in the nematic phase is presented, namely collective deformations of bundles of wormlike chains twisted around each other, and the typical wavelengths and amplitudes of these modes are estimated. These long wavelength fluctuations cause a reduction of the order parameter…
Phase Separation and Nematic Order in Lyotropic Solutions: Two Types of Polymers with Different Stiffnesses in a Common Solvent
The interplay of the isotropic-nematic transition and phase separation in lyotropic solutions of two types of semiflexible macromolecules with pronounced difference in chain stiffness is studied by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics simulations. While the width of the isotropic-nematic two-phase coexistence region is narrow for solutions with a single type of semiflexible chain, the two-phase coexistence region widens for solutions containing two types of chains with rather disparate stiffness. In the nematic phase, both types of chains contribute to the nematic order, with intermediate values of the order parameter compared to the corresponding single component solutions. As …
Smectic C and Nematic Phases in Strongly Adsorbed Layers of Semiflexible Polymers
Molecular dynamics simulations of semiflexible polymers in a good solvent reveal a dense adsorbed layer when the solution is exposed to an attractive planar wall. This layer exhibits both a nematic and a smectic phase (smA for short and smC for longer chains) with bond vectors aligned strictly parallel to the wall. The tilt angle of the smC phase increases strongly with the contour length of the polymers. The isotropic-nematic transition is a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and also the nematic-smectic transition is continuous. Our finding demonstrates thus a two-dimensional realization of different liquid crystalline phases, ubiquitous in three dimensions, that occurs in a single monomolecu…
Dynamics of a Spreading Nanodroplet: A Molecular Dynamic Simulation
The spreading of polymer nanodroplets upon a sudden change from partial to complete wetting on an ideally flat and structureless solid substrate has been studied by molecular dynamic simulations using a coarse-grained bead-spring model of flexible macromolecules. Tanner's law for the growth of the lateral droplet radius {R(f) t 0.1 } is found to hold as long as the droplet does not disintegrate into individually moving chains. The data for the contact angle θ following from Tanner's law correspond to a dependence on time {θ(t) t -0.3 }. Our analysis of the mean square displacements of the polymer centers of mass reveals several dynamic regimes during the process of spreading. PACS numbers: …
Semiflexible Polymers in Spherical Confinement: Bipolar Orientational Order Versus Tennis Ball States
Densely packed semiflexible polymers with contour length L confined in spheres with radius R of the same order as L cannot exhibit uniform nematic order. Depending on the chain stiffness (which we vary over a wide range), highly distorted structures form with topological defects on the sphere surface. These structures are completely different from previously observed ones of very long chains winding around the inner surface of spheres and from nematic droplets. At high densities, a thin shell of polymers close to the sphere surface exhibits a tennis ball texture due to the confinement-induced gradual bending of polymer bonds. In contrast, when the contour length of the chains is significant…
Polymer droplets on substrates with striped surface domains: molecular dynamics simulations of equilibrium structure and liquid bridge rupture
The structure of a polymer nanodroplet adsorbed on a flat lyophobic substrate chemically decorated with a lyophilic stripe of width 2RD is studied by molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained bead–spring model of short macromolecules (containing N = 20 effective monomers). Varying the stripe width, the strength of the monomer–wall attraction and the temperature, the equilibrium morphology of the resulting droplets is studied and discussed in terms of current phenomenological theories. In the second part, the behaviour of a liquid bridge connecting two such lyophilic stripes a distance L apart is analysed. It is shown that for large enough L such free-standing films are unstable and …
Structure of Polymer Brushes in Cylindrical Tubes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Molecular Dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained bead-spring model of flexible macromolecules tethered with one end to the surface of a cylindrical pore are presented. Chain length $N$ and grafting density $\sigma$ are varied over a wide range and the crossover from ``mushroom'' to ``brush'' behavior is studied for three pore diameters. The monomer density profile and the distribution of the free chain ends are computed and compared to the corresponding model of polymer brushes at flat substrates. It is found that there exists a regime of $N$ and $\sigma$ for large enough pore diameter where the brush height in the pore exceeds the brush height on the flat substrate, while for large enoug…
Interface Localization-Delocalization in a Double Wedge: A New Universality Class with Strong Fluctuations and Anisotropic Scaling
Using Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling methods we study ``wetting'' in Ising systems in a $L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{L}_{y}$ pore with quadratic cross section. Antisymmetric surface fields ${H}_{s}$ act on the free $L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{L}_{y}$ surfaces of the opposing wedges, and periodic boundary conditions are applied along the $y$ direction. In the limit $L\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\infty}$, ${L}_{y}/{L}^{3}=\mathrm{c}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{t}$, the system exhibits a new type of phase transition, which is the analog of the ``filling transition'' that occurs in a single wedge. It is charac…
Polymer translocation through a nanopore induced by adsorption: Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model
Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation of a bead-spring model of flexible macromolecules threading through a very narrow pore in a very thin rigid membrane are presented, assuming at the cis side of the membrane a purely repulsive monomer-wall interaction, while the trans side is attractive. Two choices of monomer-wall attraction epsilon are considered, one choice is slightly below and the other slightly above the "mushroom to pancake" adsorption threshold epsilon(c) for an infinitely long chain. Studying chain lengths N=32, 64, 128, and 256 and varying the number of monomers N(trans) (time t=0) that have already passed the pore when the simulation started, over a wide range, we find for epsiloneps…
Computer Simulation Studies of Chain Dynamics in Polymer Brushes
Center-of-mass and single monomer motion in grafted chains comprising a strongly stretched polymer brush in thermal equilibrium are studied by large scale molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of a coarse-grained model. Good solvent conditions are assumed. Our findings seriously question earlier theoretical predictions about the relaxation described by Rouse dynamics of brush coatings. Thus, the correlation functions of parallel and perpendicular components of the mean distance of the center-of-mass from the grafting site, the squared gyration radius and end-to-end distance, are found to deviate strongly from a simple exponential decay. While the relaxation times extracted from the…
Nanodroplets on a solid plane: wetting and spreading in a Monte Carlo simulation
Abstract The wetting behavior and spreading dynamics of small polymer melt droplets in the course of transition from partial to complete wetting conditions on a flat structureless solid substrate have been studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. From the density profiles of the drops we determine the contact angles at varying strength of the van der Waals surface forces in the whole interval of partial wetting. The validity of Young's equation is then tested whereby the surface tension of the melt/vapor interface is derived independently from interfacial fluctuation analysis, and the surface free energy of the melt at the substrate—from the anisotropy of the local pressure at the wall. T…
Molecular dynamics simulations of capillary rise experiments in nanotubes coated with polymer brushes.
The capillary filling of a nanotube coated with a polymer brush is studied by molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model, assuming various conditions for the fluid-wall and fluid-brush interactions. Whereas the fluid is modeled by simple point particles interacting with Lennard-Jones forces, the (end-grafted, fully flexible) polymers that form the brush coating are described by a standard bead-spring model. Our experiments reveal that capillary filling is observed even for walls that would not be wetted by the fluid, provided the polymer brush coating itself wets. Generally, it is found that the capillary rise always proceeds through a t1/2 law with time t while the underlying…
Spherical polymer brushes under good solvent conditions: molecular dynamics results compared to density functional theory.
A coarse grained model for flexible polymers end-grafted to repulsive spherical nanoparticles is studied for various chain lengths and grafting densities under good solvent conditions, by Molecular Dynamics methods and density functional theory. With increasing chain length the monomer density profile exhibits a crossover to the star polymer limit. The distribution of polymer ends and the linear dimensions of individual polymer chains are obtained, while the inhomogeneous stretching of the chains is characterized by the local persistence lengths. The results on the structure factor of both single chain and full spherical brush as well as the range of applicability of the different theoretic…
Blends of Semiflexible Polymers: Interplay of Nematic Order and Phase Separation
Mixtures of semiflexible polymers with a mismatch in either their persistence lengths or their contour lengths are studied by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics simulation. Considering lyotropic solutions under good solvent conditions, the mole fraction and pressure is systematically varied for several cases of bending stiffness κ (the normalized persistence length) and chain length N. For binary mixtures with different chain length (i.e., NA=16, NB=32 or 64) but the same stiffness, isotropic-nematic phase coexistence is studied. For mixtures with the same chain length (N=32) and large stiffness disparity (κB/κA=4.9 to 8), both isotropic-nematic and nematic-nematic unmixing oc…
Capillary Rise in Nanopores: Molecular Dynamics Evidence for the Lucas-Washburn Equation
When a capillary is inserted into a liquid, the liquid will rapidly flow into it. This phenomenon, well studied and understood on the macroscale, is investigated by Molecular Dynamics simulations for coarse-grained models of nanotubes. Both a simple Lennard-Jones fluid and a model for a polymer melt are considered. In both cases after a transient period (of a few nanoseconds) the meniscus rises according to a $\sqrt{\textrm{time}}$-law. For the polymer melt, however, we find that the capillary flow exhibits a slip length $\delta$, comparable in size with the nanotube radius $R$. We show that a consistent description of the imbibition process in nanotubes is only possible upon modification o…
Capillary Rise in Nanotubes Coated with Polymer Brushes
The spontaneous rise of a fluid in a brush-coated nanocapillary is studied by molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained model. The cases of changing wettability of both the capillary walls and the brush were examined. We also investigated the impact of polymer chain length on the transport of fluid along the nanotube. We found that capillary filling takes place in both lyophilic and lyophobic tubes, provided that the polymer brush coating is wetted by the fluid. In all the cases studied, capillary rise proceeds by a time-square law, but the mechanisms behind them (Lucas-Washburn or diffusive propagation) differ, depending on the chain length N. For a wettable wall, the speed of flui…
Capillary Nematization of Semiflexible Polymers
emiflexible polymers under good solvent conditions confined by two planar parallel repulsive walls are investigated for a wide range of monomer concentrations and distances between the walls, for a case where persistence length and contour length of the macromolecules are almost equal. Chain conformations and local nematic ordering near the walls are studied by both molecular dynamics methods and density functional theory, putting it in perspective with the recent work where the isotropic phase of semiflexible polymer solutions in the vicinity of a single repulsive wall in semi-infinite geometry is considered. Profiles of the total density of monomers as well as densities of end- and middle…
Cylindrical confinement of solutions containing semiflexible macromolecules: surface-induced nematic order versus phase separation
Solutions of semiflexible polymers confined in cylindrical pores with repulsive walls are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations for a wide range of polymer concentrations. Both the case where both lengths are of the same order and the case when the persistence length by far exceeds the contour length are considered, and the enhancement of nematic order along the cylinder axis is characterized. With increasing density the character of the surface effect changes from depletion to the formation of a layered structure. For binary 50 : 50 mixtures of the two types of polymers an interplay between surface enrichment of the stiffer component and the isotropic-nematic transition is found, and a…
Polymer solutions confined in slit-like pores with attractive walls: An off-lattice Monte Carlo study of static properties and chain dynamics
Using a bead spring model of flexible polymer chains, the density profiles and chain configurational properties of polymer solutions confined between parallel plates were studied. A wide range of density ϕ, chain length N, and strength e of a short-range attractive wall potential was investigated. Both a temperature T in the good solvent regime (T > θ, θ being the Theta temperature where a chain in unconfined bulk three-dimensional solution would behave ideally) and a temperature in the bad solvent regime (T θ) show a crossover from two-dimensional excluded volume behavior (Rg ∝ N2ν with ν = 3/4) to ideal random walk behavior (ν = 1/2), the relaxation times show effective exponents Zeff (τ …
Controlling the Interactions between Soft Colloids via Surface Adsorption
By employing monomer-resolved computer simulations and analytical considerations based on polymer scaling theory, we analyze the conformations and interactions of multiarm star polymers strongly adsorbed on a smooth, two-dimensional plane. We find a stronger stretching of the arms as well as a stronger repulsive, effective interaction than in the three dimensional case. In particular, the star size scales with the number of arms $f$ as $\sim f^{1/4}$ and the effective interaction as $\sim f^{2}$, as opposed to $\sim f^{1/5}$ and $\sim f^{3/2}$, respectively, in three dimensions. Our results demonstrate the dramatic effect that geometric confinement can have on the effective interactions and…
Monte Carlo simulations of phase transitions of systems in nanoscopic confinement
Abstract When simple or complex fluids are confined to ultrathin films or channels or other cavities of nanoscopic linear dimensions, the interplay of finite size and surface controls the phase behavior, and may lead to phase transitions rather different from the corresponding phenomena in the bulk. Monte Carlo simulation is a very suitable tool to clarify the complex behavior of such systems, since the boundary conditions providing the confinement can be controlled and arbitrarily varied, and detailed structural information on the inhomogeneous states of the considered systems is available. Examples used to illustrate these concepts include simple Ising models in pores and double-pyramid-s…
Polymer brushes on flat and curved surfaces: How computer simulations can help to test theories and to interpret experiments
Theoretical descriptions of static properties of polymer brushes are reviewed, with an emphasis on monodisperse macromolecules grafted to planar, cylindrical, or spherical substrates. Blob concepts and resulting scaling relations are outlined, and various versions of the self-consistent field theory are summarized: the classical approximation and the strong stretching limit, as well as the lattice formulation. The physical justification of various inherent assumptions is discussed, and computer simulation results addressing the test of the validity of these approximations are reviewed. Also, alternative theories, such as the single chain mean field theory and the density functional theory, …
Excess free energy of nanoparticles in a polymer brush
Abstract We present an efficient method for direct determination of the excess free energy Δ F of a nanoparticle inserted into a polymer brush. In contrast to Widom's insertion method, the present approach can be efficiently implemented by Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics methods also in a dense environment. In the present investigation the method is used to determine the free energy penalty Δ F ( R , D ) for placing a spherical particle with an arbitrary radius R at different positions D between the grafting plane and the brush surface. Deep inside the brush, or for dense brushes, one finds Δ F ∝ R 3 whereas for shallow nanoclusions Δ F ∝ R 2 , regardless of the particle interaction (…
Polymer chains confined into tubes with attractive walls: A Monte Carlo simulation
A bead-spring off-lattice model of a polymer chain with repulsive interactions among repeating units confined into straight tubes of various cross sections, DT2, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. We are also varying the chain length from N = 16 to 128 and the strength of a short-range attractive interaction between the repeating units and the walls of the tube. Longitudinal and perpendicular static linear dimensions of the chains are analyzed, as well as the density profile of repeating units across the tube. These data are interpreted in terms of scaling concepts describing the crossover between three-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional chain conformations and the adsorption transiti…
A grand ensemble Monte Carlo study of metal adsorption on a (110) bcc substrate
Abstract The multilayer adsorption of a metal on a (110) bcc substrate has been studied by a grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulation in continuous, three-dimensional space. The obtained values of the critical parameters are compared with the results of a similar 2D Monte Carlo calculation and are interpreted in the spirit of the theory of Asada. A sharp transition from monolayer to multilayer adsorption is observed. The transition is accompanied by a substantial structural rearrangement in the adlayers immediately at the substrate. Generally it appears that the inclusion of the third dimension in the simulation reveals some important features of the phase transition and of the structure of t…
The escape transition of a compressed star polymer: Self-consistent field predictions tested by simulation
The escape transition of a polymer "mushroom" (a flexible chain grafted to a flat non-adsorbing substrate surface in a good solvent) occurs when the polymer is compressed by a cylindrical piston of radius $R$, that by far exceeds the chain gyration radius. At this transition, the chain conformation abruptly changes from a two-dimensional self-avoiding walk of blobs (of diameter $H$, the height of the piston above the substrate) to a "flower conformation", i.e. stretched almost one-dimensional string of blobs (with end-to-end distance $\approx R$) and an "escaped" part of the chain, the "crown", outside the piston. The extension of this problem to the case of star polymers with $f$ arms is c…
Adsorption of Semiflexible Polymers in Cylindrical Tubes
Conformations of wormlike chains in cylindrical pores with attractive walls are explored for varying pore radius and strength of the attractive wall potential by molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model. Local quantities such as the fraction of monomeric units bound to the surface and the bond-orientational order parameter as well as the radial density distribution are studied, as well as the global chain extensions parallel to the cylinder axis and perpendicular to the cylinder surface. A nonmonotonic convergence of these properties to their counterparts for adsorption on a planar substrate is observed due to the conflict between pore surface curvature and chain stiffness. …
Escape Transition of a Grafted Polymer Chain
The escape transition of a flexible polymer chain of chain length N, end-grafted at a hard wall and compressed by a piston of radius R in good solvent conditions, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation and by phenomenological arguments. In contrast to previous theories which have predicted a jump in the force f at a critical value H t of the height H of the piston above the wall, we find that the transition (which is sharp only for N → ∞) is characterized by a flat region of f in the f — H isotherm, i. e. a jump in the height occurs at the transition from H esc , t to H imptt , with (H imp , t — H esc , t )/H esc , t ≈ 0.26. At the transition the constant force f t is predicted and observed t…
Anomalous Slowdown of Polymer Detachment Dynamics on Carbon Nanotubes
The "wrapping" of polymer chains on the surface of carbon nanotubes allows one to obtain multifunctional hybrid materials with unique properties for a wide range of applications in biomedicine, electronics, nanocomposites, biosensors, and solar cell technologies. We study by means of molecular dynamics simulations the force-assisted desorption kinetics of a polymer from the surface of a carbon nanotube. We find that, due to the geometric coupling between the adsorbing surface and the conformation of the macromolecule, the process of desorption slows down dramatically upon increasing the windings around the nanotube. This behavior can be rationalized in terms of an overdamped dynamics with a…
Adsorption-induced polymer translocation through a nanopore: a Monte Carlo investigation
Abstract We study the translocation of a coarse-grained flexible polymer through a nanopore in a membrane induced by its adsorption on the trans side of the membrane. Dramatic differences in the threading behavior are observed if the adhesion to the membrane wall, e w , is below or above the adsorption threshold e c r . For e w e c r (weak adsorption) the activation barrier for translocation is at c cis 0 ≈ N / 2 (in terms of the fraction of chain c cis = N cis / N before the pore), independent of chain length N. For e w > e c r this barrier is at a constant (vanishing) number of passed trans monomers for all N. The mean time of chain passage τ trans ∝ c cis 1.3 when c cis c cis 0 . It scal…
Static and Dynamic Properties of Adsorbed Chains at Surfaces: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Bead-Spring Model
The adsorption of flexible polymers from dilute solution in good solvents at attractive walls is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained off-lattice model, varying chain length N and ...
Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates
This chapter deals with the mechanical properties of single polymer chains, aggregates, and supramolecular complexes. The topics discussed cover a broad range from fundamental statistical mechanics of the equilibrium elastic properties of single polymer chains to details of the behavior of binding pockets in biomolecular assemblies as observed by force spectroscopy. The first section treats the equilibrium mechanical properties of single polymer chains in various environments, investigated via extensive simulations employing coarse-grained models that have proven extremely successful in many branches of polymer physics, namely the bond-fluctuation model and the self-avoiding walk model. Apa…
Evidence of thin-film precursors formation in hydrokinetic and atomistic simulations of nano-channel capillary filling
We present hydrokinetic Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics simulations of capillary filling of high-wetting fluids in nano-channels, which provide clear evidence of the formation of thin precursor films, moving ahead of the main capillary front. The dynamics of the precursor films is found to obey the Lucas-Washburn law as the main capillary front, z2(t) proportional to t, although with a larger prefactor, which we find to take the same value for both geometries under inspection. Both hydrokinetic and Molecular Dynamics approaches indicate a precursor film thickness of the order of one tenth of the capillary diameter. The quantitative agreement between the hydrokinetic and atomistic m…
Phase transitions in nanosystems caused by interface motion: the Ising bipyramid with competing surface fields.
The phase behavior of a large but finite Ising ferromagnet in the presence of competing surface magnetic fields +/- H_s is studied by Monte Carlo simulations and by phenomenological theory. Specifically, the geometry of a double pyramid of height 2L is considered, such that the surface field is positive on the four upper triangular surfaces of the bi-pyramid and negative on the lower ones. It is shown that the total spontaneous magnetization vanishes (for L -> infinity) at the temperature T_f(H), related to the "filling transition" of a semi-infinite pyramid, which can be well below the critical temperature of the bulk. The discontinuous vanishing of the magnetization is accompanied by a…
Monte Carlo simulation of micelle formation in block copolymer solutions
Short block copolymers in selective solvents (bad for A-block, good for B-block) are modeled by flexible bead-spring chains, where beads interact with short range Morse potentials of variable strength. It is shown that already very short chains (N A = N B = 2) exhibit a rather well-defined critical micelle concentration (cmc). The mass distribution of the micelles and their gyration tensor components as well as their internal structure are studied. It is shown that the relaxation time increases exponentially with the strength E AA of the attractive energy between the A-monomers, and thus frozen-in micelles of medium size are obtained when E AA is chosen too large. Our results are compared t…
Polymer brushes under flow and in other out-of-equilibrium conditions
Polymer brushes are formed from flexible linear macromolecules tethered at one chain end to a solid substrate, forming a dense polymeric layer of polymer chains which are more or less stretched in the direction perpendicular to the substrate surface. These systems find interest also due to numerous applications (colloid stabilization, improvement of lubrication properties when the surfaces are exposed to shear, protection of the surface against adsorption of nanoparticles or proteins, etc.), for which often the dynamic non-equilibrium response of these brushes to external perturbation is important. The present review summarizes recent computer simulation studies pertinent to these questions…
Semiflexible Polymers Interacting with Planar Surfaces: Weak versus Strong Adsorption
Semiflexible polymers bound to planar substrates by a short-range surface potential are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations to clarify the extent to which these chain molecules can be considered as strictly two-dimensional. Applying a coarse-grained bead-spring model, the chain length N and stiffness &kappa
Critical Wetting and Interface Localization—Delocalization Transition in a Double Wedge
Using Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling methods we study “wetting” in Ising systems in a L x L x L y pore with quadratic cross section. Antisymmetric surface fields H s act on the free L x L y surfaces of the opposing wedges, and periodic boundary conditions are applied along the y-direction. Our results represent the first simulational observation of fluctuation effects in three dimensional wetting phenomena and corroborate recent predictions on wedge filling. In the limit L → ∞ L y /L 3 = const the system exhibits a new type of phase transition, which is the analog of the “filling transition” that occurs in a single wedge. It is characterized by critical exponents α = 3/4, β…
Critical adsorption of a single macromolecule in polymer brushes.
The adsorption of long flexible macromolecules by polymer brush-coated surfaces is studied by molecular dynamics simulations and by calculations using density functional and self-consistent field theories. The case of repulsive interactions between the substrate surface and the monomers of both the brush polymers and the extra chains that can get absorbed into the brush is considered. Under good solvent conditions, critical absorption can occur, if the interaction between the monomers of the brush polymers and the extra chain is (weakly) attractive. It is shown that it is possible to map out the details of the critical absorption transition, if the chain length and/or the grafting density o…
Densely packed semiflexible macromolecules in a rigid spherical capsule
The ordering of semiflexible polymers with persistence length lp and contour length L confined in a sphere of radius R is studied by molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model. Monomer densities are chosen where the corresponding bulk lyotropic solution or melt is a well-ordered nematic, and purely repulsive walls of the rigid confining sphere are considered. It is found that polymers close to the walls are bent according to the curvature of the confining spheres with all their monomers in a few layers parallel to the sphere surface, whereas the remaining macromolecules closer to the sphere center have one chain end and their center of mass far from the surface. The latter cha…
Dynamics of single semiflexible polymers in dilute solution
We study the dynamics of a single semiflexible chain in solution using computer simulations, where we systematically investigate the effect of excluded volume, chain stiffness, and hydrodynamic interactions. We achieve excellent agreement with previous theoretical considerations, but find that the crossover from the time τb, up to which free ballistic motion of the monomers describes the chain dynamics, to the times W−1 or τ0, where anomalous monomer diffusion described by Rouse-type and Zimm-type models sets in, requires two decades of time. While in the limit of fully flexible chains the visibility of the anomalous diffusion behavior is thus rather restricted, the t3/4 power law predicted…
Dynamics of Polymer Chains Confined in Slit-Like Pores
Monte Carlo simulations of an off-lattice bead spring model of polymer chains are presented, confining the chains between two repulsive parallel planes a distance D apart. Varying the chain length N from N = 16 to N = 128, we show that under good solvent conditions the chains behave like two-dimensional self-avoiding walks, their mean square gyration radius scales as (R g 2 ) N 2v with v = 3/4. The density profile across the slit is independent of N and maximal in the center of the slit. The dynamical properties of the chains are found to be in full agreement with the Rouse model with excluded volume in d = 2 dimensions, the relaxation times vary like τ N Z with z = 2v +1 = 5/2, the diffusi…
Adsorption and structure formation of semiflexible polymers on spherical surfaces
Abstract Rigid spheres with a short-range attractive potential are taken as a coarse-grained model of vesicles, which contain a solution of semiflexible polymers in their interior. Assuming good solvent conditions with an implicit description of the solvent, effective monomers experience bond-length and bond-angle potentials as well as excluded-volume interaction. Due to the attractive vesicle surface, phase separation occurs between a thin shell of adsorbed monomers at the surface and a rather dilute, and therefore, disordered polymer solution in the sphere interior. While at a planar attractive surface the wormlike chains would exhibit liquid crystalline (nematic and smectic) order, the c…
Polymer absorption in dense polymer brushes vs. polymer adsorption on the brush-solvent interface
Molecular-dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model of a dense brush of flexible polymers (of type A) interacting with a long flexible macromolecule (of type B) are presented, considering the case of an attractive AB interaction, while effective interactions between AA and BB pairs of monomers are repulsive. Varying the strength of the attraction between unlike monomers, an adsorption transition at some critical value is found, where the B-chain is bound to the brush-solvent interface, similar to the adsorption on a planar solid substrate. However, when is much higher than , the long macromolecule is gradually “sucked in” the brush, developing many pieces that are locally stretched in …
Diffusion of single particles in cellular media
Diffusion of single particles in cellular media Victor Pereyra, "Andrey Milchev, and Victor Fleurov Institut fur Physik, Universitst Mainz, D 55-099 Mainz, Republic Federal of Germany Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 10)0 Sofia, Bulgaria Beverly and Raymond Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel (Received 3 November 1993)
Entropic Unmixing in Nematic Blends of Semiflexible Polymers.
Binary mixtures of semiflexible polymers with the same chain length, but different persistence lengths, separate into two coexisting different nematic phases when the osmotic pressure of the lyotropic solution is varied. Molecular Dynamics simulations and Density Functional Theory predict phase diagrams either with a triple point, where the isotropic phase coexists with two nematic phases or a critical point of unmixing within the nematic mixture. The difference in locally preferred bond angles between the constituents drives this unmixing without any attractive interactions between monomers.
Semiflexible polymers confined in a slit pore with attractive walls: two-dimensional liquid crystalline order versus capillary nematization
Semiflexible polymers under good solvent conditions interacting with attractive planar surfaces are investigated by Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and classical Density Functional Theory (DFT). A bead-spring type potential complemented by a bending potential is used, allowing variation of chain stiffness from completely flexible coils to rod-like polymers whose persistence length by far exceeds their contour length. Solvent is only implicitly included, monomer-monomer interactions being purely repulsive, while two types of attractive wall-monomer interactions are considered: (i) a strongly attractive Mie-type potential, appropriate for a strictly structureless wall, and (ii) a corrugat…
Fluctuations and lack of self-averaging in the kinetics of domain growth
The fluctuations occurring when an initially disordered system is quenched at timet=0 to a state, where in equilibrium it is ordered, are studied with a scaling theory. Both the mean-sizel(t)d of thed-dimensional ordered domains and their fluctuations in size are found to increase with the same power of the time; their relative size fluctuations are independent of the total volumeLd of the system. This lack of self-averaging is tested for both the Ising model and the φ4 model on the square lattice. Both models exhibit the same lawl(t)=(Rt)x withx=1/2, although the φ4 model has “soft walls”. However, spurious results withx≷1/2 are obtained if “bad” pseudorandom numbers are used, and if the n…
Semiflexible polymers under good solvent conditions interacting with repulsive walls.
Solutions of semiflexible polymers confined by repulsive planar walls are studied by density functional theory and Molecular Dynamics simulations, to clarify the competition between the chain alignment favored by the wall and the depletion caused by the monomer-wall repulsion. A coarse-grained bead-spring model with bond bending potential is studied, varying both the contour length and the persistence length of the polymers, as well as the monomer concentration in the solution (good solvent conditions are assumed throughout, and solvent molecules are not included explicitly). The profiles of monomer density and pressure tensor components near the wall are studied, and the surface tension of…
Anomalous Structure and Scaling of Ring Polymer Brushes
A comparative simulation study of polymer brushes formed by grafting at a planar surface either flexible linear polymers (chain length $N_L$) or (non-catenated) ring polymers (chain length $N_R=2 N_L$) is presented. Two distinct off-lattice models are studied, one by Monte Carlo methods, the other by Molecular Dynamics, using a fast implementation on graphics processing units (GPUs). It is shown that the monomer density profiles $\rho(z)$ in the $z$-direction perpendicular to the surface for rings and linear chains are practically identical, $\rho_R(2 N_L, z)=\rho_L(N_L, z)$. The same applies to the pressure, exerted on a piston at hight z, as well. While the gyration radii components of ri…
A Monte Carlo study of diffusion in "living polymers"
We report the first numeric experiments on diffusion in living polymers (polymers that can break and recombine reversibly, and are characterized by an exponential molecular weight distribution). In the simulation we use a modification of the bond fluctuation model which is known to reproduce the correct Rouse dynamics of polymer chains. The diffusion coefficient D reveals a Rouse-type behaviour D ∝ 1/L, where L is the average chain length of the polydisperse system. We also find a D ∝ exp [ − V/2kBT] dependence on the bond energy V, whereas at constant temperature the diffusion coefficient turns out to be inversely proportional, D ∝ ρ−1, to the monomer density of the system ρ in agreement w…
Escape transition of a compressed polymer mushroom under good solvent conditions
The escape transition of a flexible polymer chain of chain length N, endgrafted at a hard wall and compressed by a piston of radius R, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation and by phenomenological arguments. In contrast to previous theories which have considered the transition as a function of a (fixed) height H of the piston above the wall, we consider the transition as a function of the conjugate variable, the force f acting on the piston. We find that the transition (which is sharp only for N → ∞) is characterized by a flat region of f in the f vs. H isotherm, i.e. a jump in the height occurs at the transition from Hesc,t to Himp,t, with (Himp,t − Hesc,t)/Hesc,t ≈ 0.26.
Monte Carlo simulations of Ising models and polymer blends in double wedge geometry: Evidence for novel types of critical phenomena
Abstract Two-phase coexistence in systems with free surfaces is enforced by boundary fields requiring the presence of an interface. Varying the temperature or the surface field, one can observe new types of phase transitions where the interface essentially disappears (it becomes bound to a wall or a wedge or a corner of the system). These transitions are simulated with Monte Carlo for Ising ferromagnets and polymer blends, applying finite size scaling analysis. Anisotropic critical fluctuations may occur, and in the limit where the system becomes macroscopically large in all three directions the order parameter vanishes discontinuously (either because its exponent β = 0 , or its critical am…
Polymer Brushes on Flat and Curved Substrates: Scaling Concepts and Computer Simulations
The scaling concepts for isolated flexible macromolecules in good solvent grafted with one chain end to a flat surface (polymer mushrooms) as well as for layers of many overlapping end-grafted chain molecules (polymer brushes) are introduced. Monte Carlo attempts to test these concepts are briefly reviewed. Then the extension of these concepts to polymer brushes grafted to the interior of a cylinder surface is discussed. Molecular Dynamics results on chain average linear dimensions in the direction normal to the grafting surface and in axial direction are described, as well as distribution functions for the density of end monomers and of all monomers of the chains. It is argued that under t…
Cover Picture: Macromol. Theory Simul. 7/2006
Nematic order in solutions of semiflexible polymers: Hairpins, elastic constants, and the nematic-smectic transition
Coarse-grained models of lyotropic solutions of semiflexible polymers are studied by both molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations, using an implicit solvent bead-spring model with a bond-angle potential. We systematically vary the monomer density, persistence length, and contour length over a wide range and explore the full range from the isotropic-nematic transition to the nematic-smectic transition. In the nematic regime, we span the entire regime from rigid-rod like polymers to thin wormlike chains, confined in effective straight tubes caused by the collective nematic effective ordering field. We show that the distribution of bond angles relative to the …
Wedge filling and interface delocalization in finite Ising lattices with antisymmetric surface fields
Theoretical predictions by Parry et al. for wetting phenomena in a wedge geometry are tested by Monte Carlo simulations. Simple cubic $L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{L}_{y}$ Ising lattices with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic exchange and four free $L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{L}_{y}$ surfaces, at which antisymmetric surface fields $\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}{H}_{s}$ act, are studied for a wide range of linear dimensions $(4l~Ll~320,30l~{L}_{y}l~1000),$ in an attempt to clarify finite size effects on the wedge filling transition in this ``double-wedge'' geometry. Interpreting the Ising model as a lattice gas, the problem is equivalent to a li…
Semiflexible polymer brushes and the brush-mushroom crossover.
Semiflexible polymers end-grafted to a repulsive planar substrate under good solvent conditions are studied by scaling arguments, computer simulations, and self-consistent field theory. Varying the chain length N, persistence length lp, and grafting density σg, the chain linear dimensions and distribution functions of all monomers and of the free chain ends are studied. Particular attention is paid to the limit of very small σg, where the grafted chains behave as "mushrooms" no longer interacting with each other. Unlike a flexible mushroom, which has a self-similar structure from the size (a) of an effective monomer up to the mushroom height (h/a ∝ N(v), ν ≈ 3/5), a semiflexible mushroom (l…
Local Viscosity in the Vicinity of a Wall Coated by Polymer Brush from Green-Kubo Relations
When fluids are confined in slit pores between parallel walls, their static structures and their dynamical properties exhibit inhomogeneity in the z-direction perpendicular to the wall. Of particular interest are local bulk viscosity η b (z) and shear viscosity η s (z). Here, we discuss an algorithm to estimate these quantities from Green-Kubo relations using equilibrium molecular dynamics. As an application example, a polymer brush (macromolecules end-grafted to a substrate at z= 0) interacting with a solvent formed from point-like particles is given.