Trinidad Casasús
Herramientas matemáticas para la valoración de la ampliación de una infraestructura portuaria
infraestructura portuaria ya consolidada, que conlleva unas inversiones a largo plazo. Para ello hay que recurrir a medios de an´alisis capaces de recoger, en la medida de lo posible, la incertidumbre sobre la futura evoluci´on de los tr´aficos de mercanc´?as, sobre el efecto de la competencia entre puertos, etc., y que los m´etodos tradicionales no aproximan en toda su dimensi´on. Existe, adem´as, un problema de decisi´on de pol´?tica ´optima de gesti´on del proyecto que depende de variables de decisi´on que modelizan las opciones presentes en el mismo. Las oportunidades de inversi´on han sido tratadas como una colecci´on de opciones americanas sobre activos reales. Nosotros hemos optado p…
A Problem of Optimization in a Case of Foreign Investment
The aim of the paper is to solve an optimization problem in an economic system with a central bank and a set of private agents. Each agent aims to maximize her expected utility, with rational expectations and being risk averse. The agents follow a profitability-risk criterium to face the portfolio diversification problem between foreign or domestic investment. An explicit formula for the optimal amount of foreign investment as a function of the expected exchange rate and an explicit formula for the exchange rate are obtained. These formulas show the hard influence of the expected exchange rate, the variance and the risk aversion on the agents’ decisions.
Soft Computing Methods for Personnel Selection Based on the Valuation of Competences
Personnel selection based on candidates' competences is a difficult task due to the imprecise description of the applicants' competences and to the existence of several experts simultaneously evaluating those attributes. In this context, fuzzy sets theory provides suitable tools for the attainment of the maximum possible information from imprecise data. In this work, personnel selection methods are proposed that rely on the definition of an ideal candidate. Aggregated fuzzy valuations of each candidate are obtained taking into account the individual valuations provided by the experts. Then, candidates are ranked based on their similarity with the ideal candidate. Three different scenarios a…
Feedback-based continuous improvement measures on the use of short mathematical videos in university education
The main objective of this work is to make a proposal for continuous improvement on the use of short educational videos in order to improve the teaching-learning process at Mathematics I, a university subject present in the curriculum of several social-economical degrees such as Bussiness Administration, Economics, or International Business at the Universitat de València (Spain). In order to enhance the quality of this process, it is necessary to make inquiries of the impressions that the students have about it. In this particular case, we wanted to know the perception that students had after the use of short educational videos of applied mathematics contents during the course. These vide…
On the importance of perspective and flexibility for efficiency measurement: effects on the ranking of decision-making units
[EN] The efficiency of a firm can be assessed from several perspectives and using a variety of methodologies. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is one of the most commonly used methodologies. Conventional DEA analyses or models allow one to classify decision-making units (DMUs) into efficient and inefficient ones based on their efficiency scores, which could also be used for ranking DMUs; however, such rankings generally show many ties. Super-efficiency DEA analyses have been proposed to address the tie issue. On the other hand, conventional DEA analyses only take account of a single perspective in estimating efficiency scores. Cross-efficiency DEA analyses provide an alternative that takes a…
Selección de personal basada en métodos difusos
[ES] Las decisiones de los directivos en cuanto a la selección de personal determinan en gran medida el éxito de la empresa. Una elección adecuada de los empleados proporciona una ventaja comparativa. Proponemos un método borroso para la selección de personal basado en la gestión de competencias y la comparación con la valoración que la empresa considera más adecuada para cada trabajo (el candidato ideal). Nuestro método utiliza la distancia de Hamming y el Matching Level Index. Los algoritmos, implementados con el software Sta¿Designer, nos permite establecer un ranking de candidatos, incluso cuando las competencias del candidato ideal han sido evaluadas tan solo en parte. Nuestro enfoque …