Catherine Labruère-chazal
Effets de l'accompagnement d'un projet personnel sur l'estime de soi de stagiaires d'un centre de formation de football
L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les effets de l’accompagnement d’un projet personnel sur l’evolution de l’estime de soi de stagiaires d’un centre de football en fin de formation. 22 stagiaires ont ete repartis au hasard en deux groupes egaux : un groupe experimental (accompagnement de projet) et un groupe controle (tâche neutre). L’intervention proposait aux participants des entretiens individuels visant l’elaboration et la planification d’un projet oriente principalement sur les domaines sportif et scolaire. 10 mesures repetees toutes les 3 semaines (4 avant et 6 apres l’intervention) de l’estime globale de soi, de la valeur physique percue et des sentiments de competence la cons…
DACORD - Computer-Assisted Drawing of Archaeological Pottery (the CADAPtable system)
International audience
Customized and non-customized live-born birth-weight curves of single and uncomplicated pregnancies from the Burgundy perinatal network. Part I – methodology
International audience; Objectives: To establish non-customized and customized birth-weight curves of single and uncomplicated pregnancies according to gestational age.Materials and methods: We used data for 64,173 mother-infants pairs from the Burgundy perinatal network database (France) over the period 2005-2013. A validated procedure was used to link mothers with their newborns, and maternal and fetal pathologies likely to affect birth weight were excluded. Multiple regression analysis with covariate selection was used to build a customized growth curve with maternal and fetal parameters.Results: Using this methodology, three different curves were generated: an unadjusted curve for birth…
Candida albicansis able to use M cells as a portal of entry across the intestinal barrierin vitro
Candida albicans is the most frequent yeast responsible for systemic infections in humans. These infections mainly originate from the gastrointestinal tract where C. albicans can invade the gut epithelial barrier to gain access to the bloodstream. Along the gut, pathogens can use Microfold (M) cells as a portal of entry to cross the epithelial barrier. M cells are specialized cells mainly located in the follicule-associated epithelium of Peyer patches. In this study, we used scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy, adhesion and invasion assays and fungal mutants to investigate the interactions of C. albicans with M cells obtained in an established in vitro model whereby enterocyte-lik…
Self-Reported Adjustment of Teenagers at Soccer Training Centers: The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale
The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to measure adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers, particularly newcomers. The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale was adapted from the Institutional Integration Scale and assesses the trainee's adjustment to operating and social activities. The scale was tested on a sample of 136 trainees from four soccer centers. Exploratory analysis indicated that the 13 items formed five factors: peer adjustment, boarding supervisor adjustment, soccer adjustment, scholastic adjustment, and boarding adjustment. These factors had internal consistency reliability ranging from .76 to .94.
Les cellules M : une porte d’entrée pour le franchissement de la barrière intestinale par Candida albicans
Candida albicans est un pathogene opportuniste pouvant provoquer des infections systemiques chez des patients immunodeprimes. L’origine de ces infections est principalement d’origine endogene, notamment a partir du tractus gastro-intestinal, ou le champignon peut penetrer a travers la barriere epitheliale intestinale pour gagner ensuite la circulation sanguine. Au niveau de la muqueuse intestinale, les enterocytes forment une monocouche de cellules assurant l’integrite et l’impermeabilite du tissu digestif. Au niveau des plaques de Peyer notamment, les cellules Microfold (ou cellules M) sont associees aux enterocytes et jouent un role important dans l’homeostasie digestive. En effet, ces ce…