S. Mahy
A decision tree to help determine the best timing and antiretroviral strategy in HIV-infected patients.
SUMMARYOptimal antiretroviral strategies for HIV-infected patients still need to be established. To this end a decision tree including different antiretroviral strategies that could be adopted for HIV-infected patients was built. A 10-year follow-up was simulated by using transitional probabilities estimated from a large cohort using a time-homogeneous Markov model. The desired outcome was for patients to maintain a CD4 cell count of >500 cells/mm3without experiencing AIDS or death. For patients with a baseline HIV viral load ⩾5 log10copies/ml, boosted protease inhibitor-based immediate highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) allowed them to spend 12% more time with CD4 ⩾500/mm3than…
Emergence of tularemia in France: paradigm of the Burgundy region
International audience; We report three consecutive cases of tularemia occurring in Burgundy, France, a region previously considered not endemic for tularemia. The patients presented with varied and unspecific clinical manifestations. The epidemiological circumstances, especially the mode of contamination, were not particularly suggestive of tularemia. Serological diagnosis was delayed in two cases because of the lack of significant antibody titers at the time of admission. In contrast, a diagnosis could readily be obtained in all three cases by detection of Francisella tularensis DNA from clinical samples using PCR-based methods. These cases highlight the increased incidence and geographic…
Impact of immunodepression and moderate alcohol consumption on coronary and other arterial disease events in an 11-year cohort of HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy
Objective To investigate the relationship between response to antiretroviral therapy (ART), alcohol use and occurrence of a major coronary or other arterial disease event (CADE) in HIV-infected individuals. Design A cohort study. A Cox model was used to identify the correlates of a first occurrence of a major CADE. Setting The French ANRS CO8 APROCO-COPILOTE cohort was set up in 1997 to study clinical progression and patient-reported outcomes (PRO) after initiating a protease inhibitor-containing ART. Clinical data were retrieved from medical records. Self-administered questionnaires collected data on PRO and behaviours, including alcohol use. Participants Metabolic data were only available…
The usefulness of NEWS2 at day 7 of hospitalization in predicting COVID-19 evolution and as an early endpoint in therapeutic trials
Highlights • There is a need for reliable tools to predict the evolution of hospitalized patients suffering from COVID-19 • The likelihood of unfavourable evolution for patients hospitalized for COVID-19 with a National • Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) below 7 at Day 7 of hospitalization is nearly non-existent • Such a score could thus be used to allow earlier discharge of the patients and as a judgement criterion in therapeutic trials
Severe hypovitaminosis D correlates with increased inflammatory markers in HIV infected patients
Abstract Background Even though it has been suggested that antiretroviral therapy has an impact on severe hypovitaminosis D (SHD) in HIV infected patients, it could be speculated that the different levels of residual inflammation on HAART (Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy) could contribute to SHD and aggravate bone catabolism in these patients. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in an unselected cohort of 263 HIV infected outpatients consulting during Spring 2010. Clinical examinations were performed and medical history, food habits, sun exposure and addictions were collected. Fasting blood samples were taken for immunological, virological, inflammation, endocrine and bone…
Is there a need to widely prescribe antibiotics in patients hospitalized with COVID-19?
Highlights • Antibiotics were a main part of COVID-19 treatments during the first epidemic peak. • Bacterial coinfections seem to be rare, especially if no ICU transfer needed. • We studied the place of antibiotics and the impact on prognosis of patients. • Antibiotics were prescribed if more severe infection and has no impact on prognosis. • We think that antibiotic therapy must be not widely prescribed.