Joan Bernabeu Auban

Iron Age craftworks in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. An approach based in Cultural Inheritance Theory

Este trabajo tiene por objeto realizar una aproximación a las artesanías sobre materias duras de origen animal durante la Edad del Hierro en la PI y al estudio de los materiales como un medio para acercarnos a la sociedad que los produjo.  La problemática abordada contempla los procesos de la producción artesanal, la transmisión del conocimiento y la circulación de algunos de estos bienes. Hemos elegido dos tipos de piezas singulares: los peines de marfil y las placas de telar de hueso. Consideramos que este tipo de producciones constituye un fenómeno complejo y conforma una práctica cultural que recrea con códigos propios los gustos y la demanda de la época. A nivel metodológico, la Théori…

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De la prospección sistemática al laboratorio GIS en La Canal de Navarrés

El trabajo que presentamos se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto NSF “The Emergence of Coupled Natural and Human Landscapes in the Western Mediterranean”, en el área comprendida por la actual comarca de La Canal de Navarres. Este espacio se convierte en uno de las áreas elegidas para un programa de recogida de datos centrado en la prospección sistemática “off site “ o “patch-based” (Barton et al. 2004; Dunnell 1992). Los datos relativos a la cultura material se combinan con la información espacial y ecológica, lo cual permite una comprensión dinámica de los mismos.

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El neolític antic a la Marina Alta

Joan Bemabeu Auban - No citado en usuarios UV

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The Chronology of Archaeological Assemblages Based on Automatic Bayesian Procedure: Eastern Iberia as Study Case

The purpose of this work is to show an automatic Bayesian procedure to obtain accurate chronological information of archaeological assemblages characterized by palimpsest or neither radiocarbon dates and whose temporal information comes only from bifacial flint arrowheads.In this work, a classification based on the Dirichlet-multinomial inferential process and its posterior predictive probability distribution are applied. Its purpose is to predict the chronological period of archaeological assemblages (levels or sites) based on the predictive probability distribution of each bifacial flint arrowhead types defined in the Eastern Iberia during the 4th and 3rd millennium cal BC. The results of…

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Mas d’Is (Penàguila, Alicante): farms and Early Neolithic causewayed camps in the Serpis valley

In this paper, results from recent archaeological field work carried out in the Neolithic village of Mas d’Is (Penàguila, Alicante) are presented. We focus on an important set of domestic and monumental architectural structures. Integration of data from the site in a regional context allows us to rethink the social relations of the first farmers in the area. At the same time, radiocarbon data from our excavations show a finer chronology of the neolithization in Western Mediterranean, and what is more important to approach its historical process.

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Socio-Ecological Contingencies with Climate Changes over the Prehistory in the Mediterranean Iberia

International audience; We conducted palynological, sedimentological, and chronological analyses of a coastal sediment sequence to investigate landscape evolution and agropastoral practices in the Nao Cap region (Spain, Western Mediterranean) since the Holocene. The results allowed for a reconstruction of vegetation, fire, and erosion dynamics in the area, implicating the role of fire in vegetation turnover at 5300 (mesophilous forests replaced by sclerophyllous scrubs) and at 3200 calibrated before present (cal. BP) (more xerophytics). Cereal cultivation was apparent from the beginning of the record, during the Mid-Neolithic period. From 5300 to 3800 cal. BP, long-lasting soil erosion was …

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Les valls del Serpis: campanya de prospecció 2011

Troballes més importants de la campanya de 2011.

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C14 y poblamiento en las comarcas centro-meridionales del País Valenciano (c. 7000-1500 cal BC).

Las comarcas centro-meridionales del País Valenciano y sus cuencas fluviales constituyen áreas con documentación excelente de la Prehistoria Reciente, gracias al interés continuado de la investigación desde el s. XIX hasta hoy. En este trabajo, presentamos un análisis combinado de series de fechas C14 junto con datos relativos al poblamiento, para comprender mejor la dinámica local desde el Mesolítico a la Edad de Bronce. Palabras clave: radiocarbono; poblamiento; sumatorios de probabilidad; Prehistoria Reciente.

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Cocina cave revisited: Bayesian radiocarbon chronology for the last hunter-gatherers and first farmers in Eastern Iberia

Abstract Recent excavations and radiocarbon work conducted at Cocina Cave (Valencia region, Eastern Iberia) provide new insights into the transition from foraging to farming in the eastern Iberian Peninsula between 8000 and 7300 cal yrs. BP. Cocina cave was discovered in 1940 and excavated by L. Pericot from 1941 to 1945. J. Fortea continued excavations in the 70s. Despite early international recognition and great promise of significance, the materials recovered from these excavations have only been partially analyzed and published. A new project started in 2012 is focused on these cave deposits with the main goal of understanding the occupation sequence during the neolithization process in…

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Taphonomic processes inconsistent with indigenous Mesolithic acculturation during the transition to the Neolithic in the Western Mediterranean

Abstract We applied taphonomic analysis combined with geostatistical approaches to investigate the hypothesis that Cocina cave (Eastern Iberia) represents an acculturation context for the appearance of Neolithic Cardial pottery. In the 1970s, Fortea suggested that this important site was a prime example of acculturation because of the presence of early Neolithic pottery in late Mesolithic contexts. Since that time Cocina cave has been heralded as an example of indigenous hunter-gatherers incorporating Neolithic cultural elements into their lifeways. We analyzed the area excavated by Fortea in the 1970s by digitizing archaeological records and testing the spatial distribution of artifacts us…

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An integrated program of geophysical survey, coring, and test excavations to study a 4th millennium bc-cal ditch at Alt del Punxó (Muro de L’alcoi, Alacant)

The potentially long and interesting archaeological sequence revealed by systematic survey at the site of Alt Del Punxó (Muro de l’Alcoi, Alacant) was the basis for initiating a study of the locality’s subsurface structures using new methods of remote sensing. Geophysical survey (magnetometry and tomography) and systematic augering revealed buried structures, including monumental earthworks, and guided subsequent excavations to collect more detailed data about the nature and age of these prehistoric features. The information recovered, including new radiocarbon dates, offers a new perspective on the organization of prehistoric populations in this region of south-central Valencia since the b…

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Technological style, chaîne opératoire, and labor investment of early Neolithic pottery

Se presentan los datos tecnológicos derivados del muestreo del conjunto cerámico del Neolítico antiguo de las comarcas centrales valencianas. A través de ellos se realiza una aproximación al estilo tecnológico a través del concepto de "cadena operativa" al tiempo que se discute el grado de inversión de trabajo en algunas de las producciones específicas que definen este horizonte cultural. Todo ello nos permite, entre otros aspectos, aproximarnos a la relación entre secuenca productiva, tecnología y estilo decorativo.

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Iberian Neolithic Networks: The Rise and Fall of the Cardial World

Recent approaches have described the evolutionary dynamics of the first Neolithic societies as a cycle of rise and fall. Several authors, using mainly c14 dates as a demographic proxy, identified a general pattern of a boom in population coincident with the arrival of food production economies followed by a rapid decline some centuries afterwards in multiple European regions. Concerning Iberia, we also noted that this phenomenon correlates with an initial development of archaeological entities (i.e., ‘cultures’) over large areas (e.g. the Impresso-Cardial in West Mediterranean), followed by a phase of ‘cultural fragmentation’ by the end of Early Neolithic. These results in a picture of high…

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A Bayesian Approach for Timing the Neolithization in Mediterranean Iberia

AbstractIn this paper, we compile recent14C dates related to the Neolithic transition in Mediterranean Iberia and present a Bayesian chronological approach for testing thedual model, a mixed model proposed to explain the spread of farming and husbandry processes in eastern Iberia. The dual model postulates the coexistence of agricultural pioneers and indigenous Mesolithic foraging groups in the Middle Holocene. We test this general model with more regional models of four geographical areas (Northeast, Upper, and Middle Ebro Valley, and Eastern and South/Southeastern regions) and present a filtered summed probability of all14C dates known in the region in order to compare socioecological dyn…

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New insigths relating to the beginning of the Neolithic in the eastern Spain: Evaluating empirical data and modelled predictions

Abstract In this paper we present recent research concerning the neolithization process in the East of Spain, evaluating the time span between the last hunther-gatherer groups and the first farmers ( c . 5950–5150 cal. BC). To do that we have compiled and filtered current information about radiocarbon dates and sites in order to discuss the state of the art relating to the models used to explain the Neolithic spread in the region. In this sense we compare archaeological data with recent results of virtual model (ABM) in accordance with the scenarios and mechanisms proposed. On this basis we evaluate the empirical data relating to the current model for explaining the Neolithic spread at the …

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Radiocarbon dates, climatic events, and social dynamics during the Early Neolithic in Mediterranean Iberia

Abstract Our goal in this paper is to examine the socioecological dynamics of the Early Neolithic period in Iberia in order to test the usefulness of temporal probability curves built from dated sites as a relative proxy for exploring possible links between trends in population patterns and climatic fluctuations. We compare the information for the entire Iberian Peninsula with four Mediterranean regions, investigating the climate–population relationships that emerge when we zoom into particular regions. We evaluate climatic and other possible causes of similarities in the shapes of temporal probability curves across the Peninsula, associated with demographic changes in the Early Neolithic s…

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The origins of agriculture in Iberia: a computational model

Here we discuss the importance of using the rich and growing database of high-precision, audited radiocarbon dates for high-resolution bottom-up modelling to focus on problems concerning the spread of the Neolithic in the Iberia. We also compare the spread of the Late Mesolithic (so-called Geometric) and the Early Neolithic using our modelling environment. Our results suggest that the source of radiocarbon data used to evaluate alternative hypotheses plays an important role in the results and open up new lines of research for the future.

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Mas d'Is y las construcciones con fosos del VI al III milenio cal a.C.

Desde el VI milenio cal a.C. se documentan en toda Europa cierta clase de estructuras excavadas de dimensiones y morfología variables, comúnmente conocidas como Fosos. En la Península Ibérica, el desarrollo de la arqueología de campo ha proporcionado en las dos últimas décadas un notable incremento de esta clase de estructuras asociadas a poblados con silos y hoyos que suelen ocupar amplias extensiones. Su morfología y su cronología son diversos; así, aunque se han dado a conocer fosos que remontan al VI milenio cal a.C., no está claro que puedan relacionarse con los clásicos Recintos de Fosos que parecen ser característicos del IV y III milenios cal a.C. En el presente trabajo pretendemos …

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Circulación, intercambio, interacción, interdependencia. De la cultura material a la red social

Probablemente las evidencias de circulación cuyo soporte son los objetos materiales, bien como materia prima o bien como bienes manufacturados, constituyen el campo privilegiado para el análisis del intercambio durante la Prehis- toria. La diversidad de métodos arqueométricos con que enfrentarse al problema de la procedencia de determinados ma- teriales no ha hechos más que aumentar en los últimos decenios. Un marco como el de este congreso, centrado en temas de Redes podría ser un lugar adecuado para reformular esta pro- blemática dirigiendo nuestra atención no sólo hacia las formas de circulación, o los métodos que permiten su caracteriza- ción, sino también hacia las redes …

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