M. Jesús Lagarda
Determination of sialic acid and gangliosides in biological samples and dairy products: A review
Gangliosides are sphingolipids containing one or more moieties of sialic acid in their structure. Both gangliosides and sialic acid are bioactive compounds related to animal physiology. Due to their biological relevance, analytical methods adapted to each type of matrix have been developed over time. The present study reviews the main methods applied to the analysis of sialic acid and gangliosides in biological samples and dairy products.
Comparison of spectrophotometric and HPLC methods for determining sialic acid in infant formulas
Abstract Two methods for determining sialic acid in infant formulas – spectrophotometry and HPLC with fluorescence detection – have been optimised and validated, the first one allows to determine total sialic acid while the second allows to differentiate the two main forms of sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)). A common sample preparation procedure (hydrolysis and purification) for both methods has been proposed. The linearity (from 6 to 150 μg of total sialic acid in the assay for spectrophotometry, and from 12.5 to 250 ng and 1 to 5 ng of Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc, respectively, for HPLC) is adequate. The detection and quantification limits (0.29…
Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on sialic acid and gangliosides present in human milk and infant formulas.
The effects of simulated gastrointestinal digestion upon sialic acid and gangliosides in infant and follow-on formulas and human milk, as well as their bioaccessibility, have been evaluated. The gastric stage is the step that causes a greater decrease in sialic acid and ganglioside contents. The intestinal stage only decreases the total and individual contents of gangliosides. After gastrointestinal digestion, neither sialic acid nor gangliosides were found in the nonbioaccessible fraction. The highest bioaccessibility (100 × content in soluble fraction after gastrointestinal digestion/total content) of sialic acid is found in human milk (87%), followed by infant formula (77%) and follow-on…
Bioavailability of zinc from infant foods byin vitro methods (solubility, dialyzability and uptake and transport by Caco-2 cells)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability of zinc from infant foods (adapted, follow-up and toddler milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals, FMC) using solubility, dialyzability and a model combining simulated gastrointestinal digestion and zinc uptake and transport by Caco-2 cells. The greater solubility of zinc from infant formulas compared with fruit juices (FMC) could be due to the greater casein phosphopeptide content resulting from casein hydrolysis. The highest zinc dialysis percentage corresponded to FMC, which on the other hand had the lowest zinc contents of the analyzed samples. The presence of organic acids in samples of this kind favors …
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometnc Determination of Chromium in Foods
Abstract A method is reported for determination of chromium in foodstuffs. Organic matter is digested with nitric acid, followed by oxidation to Cr(VI) and extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) after HC1 addition. Chromium determinations are performed by flame absorption spectroscopy. Absence of interferences is verified and recovery tests are performed on food samples. Quantitation limit (3.8 ng/mL), accuracy (NBS Standard Reference Material 1573 Tomato Leaves, 4500 ± 500 ng/g, found 3860 ± 409 ng/g), and precision (CV for vegetable matrix = 9.05%, CV for animal matrix = 14.95%) of the procedure are evaluated.
Bioavailability of calcium from milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals estimated by in vitro methods (solubility, dialyzability, and uptake and transport by caco-2 cells).
An adequate calcium intake during the first years of life is needed for normal growth and development and to prevent rickets. The bioavailability of calcium from infant foods (milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals, FMC), the dietary sources of calcium in these stages of life, has been estimated on the basis of simulated gastrointestinal digestion and calcium solubility and dialyzability values and on the efficiency of transport and uptake by Caco-2 cells. The ranking of samples according to calcium bioavailability depends on the use of solubility or dialyzability as criterion. On the basis of the former, the highest value corresponded to adapted formulas and the l…
Sialic acid (N-acetyl and N-glycolylneuraminic acid) and ganglioside in whey protein concentrates and infant formulae
Abstract Sialic acid and gangliosides content and profiles were analyzed in infant formulae, whey protein concentrates and human milk. In infant formulae, N-acetylneuraminic (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic (Neu5Gc) acid ranged from 147.6–199.7 to 3.3–8.3 mg L −1 , in whey protein concentrate from 1.6–2.4 g 100 g −1 to 2.8–20.2 mg 100 g −1 and in human milk from 299.9 to 2.1 mg L −1 . Gangliosides ranged from 0.25 to 2.29 mg lipid-bound sialic acid L −1 in reconstituted infant formula, the main gangliosides being GD 3 (73.3–55.5%), GM 3 (3.5–36.6%) and GT 3 (1.4–14.1%) and O-acetyl-GD 3 (5.3–18.9%). In whey protein concentrates, 0.7–55.6 mg lipid-bound sialic acid 100 g −1 were found with …
Sterol oxidation in ready-to-eat infant foods during storage.
The effect of storage on sterol oxidation of ready-to-eat infant foods was evaluated. Two different flavor (honey -LH- or fruits-LF-) liquid infant foods, prepared with milk and cereals, were stored for 0, 2, 4, 7 and 9 months, at 25ºC. Sterol oxidation products (SOP) were extracted by cold saponification, purified by silica solid-phase and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. -sitosterol was the most representative sterol, followed by cholesterol and campesterol. No significant differences in the total and single SOP content (0.8-1 mg/kg of product) were observed with respect to storage time and type of sample; the main SOP found was 7-ketositosterol (< …