Susanne Jong-raadsen

Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes

[Background] Monogenean flatworms are the main fish ectoparasites inflicting serious economic losses in aquaculture. The polyopisthocotylean Sparicotyle chrysophrii parasitizes the gills of gilthead sea bream (GSB, Sparus aurata) causing anaemia, lamellae fusion and sloughing of epithelial cells, with the consequent hypoxia, emaciation, lethargy and mortality. Currently no preventive or curative measures against this disease exist and therefore information on the host-parasite interaction is crucial to find mitigation solutions for sparicotylosis. The knowledge about gene regulation in monogenean-host models mostly comes from freshwater monopysthocotyleans and almost nothing is known about …

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Additional file 4: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes

Exploratory analysis of the samples prior to differential expression study. The FPKM density distributions showed three samples with anomalies (red arrows and red in the legend) that were not included in downstream analyses: gill infected parasitized 1 (A), gill infected non-parasitized 5 (B) and spleen infected 2 (D). All liver samples (C) showed uniform distributions and were included in the analyses. (PDF 292 kb)

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Additional file 3: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes

Pathway classification of DE genes. Bar plots representing the percentage of proteins involved in each broad Reactome pathway. The column labelled Reactome was added as a reference to show the percentage of genes in each category in the database. The other columns represent the percentage of differentially expressed (DE) genes in each category when considering all DE genes in all the tissues of the current experiment (Total) or per tissue, when compared to the control uninfected group. Gill samples are separated in parasitized (P) and non-parasitized (NP) gill sections. (PDF 343 kb)

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Additional file 1: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes

A) PCR-array results: Mean and SEM of the fold changes of the 45 selected genes in Sparicotyle infected fish (n = 10) calculated relative to the control uninfected group (n = 10) in parasitized gill portions (with parasite presence), non-parasitized gill portions (no parasite present) and spleen. Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test when normality conditions were not met were used to calculate p values comparing expression levels of control and infected animals per gene. Dark red and green indicate significantly up- or down-regulated genes, respectively, with p

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Additional file 2: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes

Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis based on the number of DE genes per tissue (FDR cutoff 0.05). The Tabs entitled “TISSUE EnrichGO” contain the detailed lists of the enriched GO total, up- and down-regulated sorted by ontology (Biological process (BP), Cellular compartment (CC) and Molecular function (MF)). (XLSX 49 kb)

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