Giovanni Bronzetti
Does board diversity affect firm performance? Evidence from the Italian Financial Sector
The aim of the study is to examine the effect of diversity in the board of directors on the performance of the listed Italian financial institutions. The sample is a data set of 177 firm-year observations covering 2011 to 2014. The performance of the firm is measured by Tobin’s Q while board diversity is analysed considering the percentage of female and foreign directors on the board (or their conjoint presence as a proxy of overall demographic diversity) and task-diversity is measured by board interlocking directorship and busy directors. Findings suggest that female directors have no effect on firm performance. Foreign directors and interlocking directorship have, instead, a positive stat…
A Critical Analysis of the Intellectual Capital Measuring, Managing, and Reporting Practices in the Non-profit Sector: Lessons Learnt from a Case Study
In management literature, intellectual capital (IC) is considered the key driver of the competitive advantage of the third millennium enterprise firm; consequently, measuring, managing and reporting IC has become a critical issue. Frameworks addressed to measure and report IC have proliferated, nevertheless the adoption of these frameworks is not so widespread in practice. The strong call for critically investigating IC practices has been raised by several leading authors in the area. Doing a critical and performative IC research means empirically researching IC organisational practices in specific contexts, in order to increase the understanding of the IC dynamics. By critically analysing …
La valutazione delle aziende familiari nelle transazioni intrafamiliari
La storia della piccola medio impresa italiana e` caratterizzata da sempre dalla conduzione dell’attivita` a livello familiare. In tale contesto, risulta fondamentale prepararsi alla successione dell’attivita` svolta, per salvaguardare l’entita` che caratterizza e contraddistingue l’azienda stessa, nonche´ il suo futuro. Qualora i familiari dell’imprenditore presentino le stesse capacita` del loro predecessore, e vogliano partecipare alla gestione, si presentano delle problematiche inerenti il passaggio generazionale in tema di valorizzazione del patrimonio aziendale ed, in alcuni casi, entra in gioco la normativa che gestisce le transazioni familiari volte alla successione delle attivita` …
La valutazione del capitale umano
Nell'economia della conoscenza gli intangibili costituiscono un importante fattore critico di successo e tra quest il capitale intellettuale. All'interno di tale grandezza si trova il capitale umano. La ricerca contribuisce a definirne le componenti ed individuare le variabili da porre in considerazione in sede di valutazione di azienda
Editorial: Is There Still Something to Learn about the Association of Corporate Governance with Firm Performance?
The association of Corporate Governance (CG) with Firm Performance (FP) has always been an issue relevant to management literature, despite the notable heterogeneity of studies and their mixed results highlighting the opportuneness of continuing to investigate the association of CG with FP. The article aims to contribute to this lively debate by pointing out the main causes of the mixed findings and the contributions of three papers which, in the authors’ opinion, add knowledge to the CG-FP research stream, which deserves more empirical research, as there is still something to learn about this association. us possibilities of majorly used social media websites and the products which are be…
A new Intellectual capital framework in the no profit sector
Intellectual capital (IC) is a key driver in value creation. According with the above more and more companies, for profit as well as no profit organizations (NPOs), direct their attention to new tools able to communicate to the stakeholders their intangible assets as value creator driver. IC in for-profit companies, but especially in NPOs is positively correlated with the performance. For this reason, during the last years the interest in the importance of IC in NPOs is increased. IC report becomes a fundamental tool in the disclosure of the NPOs’activities. Nowdays is necessary to use a correct frame work to represent the IC in terms of knowledge, skill, procedures and relationship spread …
Diversità di genere e sistema sanitario: un’analisi su un campione di aziende sanitarie italiane
Il lavoro analizza in che misura la diversità di genere fa parte delle attuali pratiche delle aziende sanitarie. Attraverso un’analisi di tipo statistico-inferenziale su un campione di 39 strutture ospedaliere appartenenti al Gruppo San Donato, ha lo scopo di valutare se la presenza delle donne nel CdA influenza la performance aziendale. I risultati suggeriscono che la diversità nelle aziende sanitarie è un tema poco esplorato e non mancano opportunità e ostacoli al percorso di carriera delle donne. L’analisi di correlazione e regressione conferma che la presenza delle donne è positivamente correlata all’indice di performance delle strutture; la strada per arrivare alla parità non è breve e…
L'adozione dello strumento Balanced Scorecard nelle società di gestione aeroportuale
Managment control in aeroportual companies
An innovative model for a sustainability report in no-profit organizations
After a review of the literature, the research aims to build a sustainability report for NPOs through a set of economic, environmental and social indicators based on best international practice. Then the report will be applied to a voluntary service centre (CSV) which, in terms of function and organisation, over a wide range, contains all the social and economic environmental variables to be monitored in any NPOs. The findings appear to suggest an innovative model of sustainability report for NPOs with a significant set of indicators that offer a new disclosure of the activity carried on by the organisation. The work is tested only on a limited number of NPOs which can be extended in the fu…
Le imprese di gestione aeroportuale. Aspetti di pianificazione e controllo
Imprese di gestione aeroportuale
La disclosure del capitale intellettuale. Un’analisi empirica delle società quotate italiane
Nell’attuale ambiente economico la ricchezza che un’azienda è in grado di generare è sempre più condizionata dalla sua capacità di apprendere, innovare, capitalizzare conoscenze e sviluppare relazioni. Tali elementi, identificati nella letteratura con il termine di capitale intellettuale, rappresentano per le aziende una risorsa chiave capace di generare vantaggi competitivi sulla concorrenza. Diventa pertanto essenziale comunicare e adeguatamente rappresentare tale risorsa. I documenti in cui è possibile trovare informazioni sul capitale intellettuale sono sia quelli di rendicontazione volontaria sia obbligatoria.Obiettivo del volume è di analizzare l’importanza del capitale intellettuale …
Intellectual capital disclosure in sustainability reports
The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the level and the quality of voluntary disclosures of Intellectual Capital (IC) in the sustainability reports on a sample of Italian listed companies. The authors conducted an analysis of twelve sustainability reports for two years (2009-2010). These are related to six firms selected among the most capitalized 37 Italian listed companies. To investigate the “level of disclosure,” the authors identified the presence of IC information, while to evaluate the “IC quality,” they constructed a voluntary disclosure index based on content analysis. IC information disclosure is more likely present in sustainability reports of firms with a higher levels of ap…
Gender diversity and governance: Analysis of Italian listed companies
In recent years, many countries have adopted different legislative and self-regulatory initiatives to be able to tackle the problem of the underrepresentation of women on boards. Also, Italy with Law No. 120/2011 introduced the gender issue adopting the normative that 1/3 of the elected members would be women. In this job, a primary aim was to study over the period 2016/2018 the impact of female presence on boards of 50 companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange. In depth, our results confirm that Italian Law has produced significant effects on the composition of the corporate board. The result of our study shows that women positively influence corporate performance, this is perfectly i…
Scopo dell'articolo è presentare lo stato dell'arte della diffusione del capitale intellettuale nel settore non profit, attraverso lo studio di ricerche nazionali ed internazionali aventi ad oggetto l'analisi degli intangibili nel terzo settore mediante l'analisi di un bilancio intellettuale i un'azienda non-profit, l'ANPAS Piemonte per il triennio 2004-2006 The main aim of the article is to investigate the state-of-the-art of the diffusion of intellecctual capital in the non profit sector, by analyzing national and international empirical researches and investigating the Intellectual Capital reports of an Italian nonprofit organization, Anpas Piemonte for the three year period 2004-2006
Chapter 2. A critical analysis of the main scorecard models for measuring and reporting IC in the non-profit sector The book focuses on Intellectual Capital (IC) reporting practices within the non-profit sector. This term is an umbrella term, which includes not only the non-profit (or third) sector in strict terms but also all sectors different from the for-profit sector. Nowadays, in a knowledge-based economy, knowledge is critical to for-profit organizations as it is to non-profit organizations (NPOs). In a new competitive environment, NPOs are requested to manage the existing resources efficiently and effectively and to create, maintain and develop new resources based on knowledge. In th…
Innovative IC framework in the non profit sector
The importance of intellectual capital in the non-profit sector generates the need to measure its role in the value creation process. The purpose of the paper is to study the application of intellectual capital within the non-profit sector, by turning attention to resources such as: knowledge, experience, and skills. Organizations, which are able to increase the knowledge of their staff and transform this knowledge into skills to improve services, can easily meet users’ needs and, thereby, become competitive. This contribution proposes to study how people’s knowledge can contribute to increasing social value, which is the non–profit organization’s aim. Furthermore, the goal is to de…
Intellectual capital reporting: A knowledge tool to coordinate a group of regional non-profit organisations
Whilst many organizations worldwide have stopped disclosing Intellectual Capital (IC), to the best of our knowledge, the only longstanding NPO still measuring, managing and reporting its IC is a large Italian non-profit organization (NPO), ANPAS Piemonte. The main aim of the article is thus to investigate the reasons why ANPAS Piemonte continues to deal with IC, to examine the determinants of this choice, the costs and the benefits management gets from IC measurement, management and reporting. In other words, the paper aims to explore the intellectual capital (IC) reporting process from an internal, managerial point of view. The paper employ a case study methodology to address its aim, and …
In doctrine, there is wide agreement on what is the main purpose of a company, identified as a firm’s capacity to create sustainable value. In the present economy, known as the knowledge economy, the main company value drivers are considered intangible resources and activities. The present work focuses on analysing the definition and measurement of Intellectual Capital in the non-profit or third sector organizations, and in particular in the health care sector, chosen for its relevance within the third sector.The contribution that this work seeks to provide is to give the reader a better comprehension of the IC theme in third sector organizations, by analysing the empirical evidence of IC n…
Business succession and intellectual capital management in family firms
Family businesses are institutions in which two seemingly disparate social units (i.e., families and businesses) are highly integrated. This connection extends to succession across generations and while natural, this can be a difficult process. The founder, thanks to his long stay in the family business, has a substantial amount of tacit knowledge related to the firm which can often determine business success. In the succession process it is important to diffuse and manage overall knowledge, or intellectual capital, to the successor. This study attempts to contribute to the literature casting some light on the business succession in a family firm informed by an intellectual capital perspect…
Intellectual capital information in sustainability reports: an analysis of Italian banking sector
In a knowledge-based economy Intellectual Capital is a main source for companies to gain competitive advantage. This study focuses on banking sector, which is one of the most knowledge-intensive industries. The aim of this paper is to examine empirically the level and the extent of Intellectual Capital (IC) information in the sustainability reports over the years 2006 and 2012. Several empirical studies have examined the quantity and the nature of IC information disclosure in annual reports in different industries and countries, but few studies have analyzed the ICD in the financial sector. Banks policies regarding how they contribute to the conservation of energy and natural resources and …
Le dimensioni della pianificazione strategica nelle università
Nel contributo si esamina lo stato di applicazione degli strumenti di pianificazione strategica nelle Università pubbliche Italiane nonché le modalità di sviluppo del processo di pianificazione e definizione degli obiettivi strategici. Si esaminano, a tal fine, la struttura e il contenuto dei documenti di pianificazione sulla base di due dimensioni (di contenuto e di processo) ritenute essenziali, dalla dottrina e dalla prassi nazionale e internazionale, in materia di gestione della Performance (performance management). Sulla base di tali dimensioni è definita una matrice di posizionamento all’interno della quale sono stati collocati, in funzione della qualità del piano e del processo segui…
L'applicazione degli strumenti di programmazione e controllo nelle aziende non profit
Questo volume vuol rendere omaggio al professor Sergio Terzani che, con l'inizio dell'anno accademico 2010-2011, conclude la sua vita didattica, omaggio reso da tutti coloro che sono "nati" e "cresciuti" a Firenze e che quindi, direttamente o indirettamente, sono stati suoi allievi. I temi affrontati sono di carattere generale e particolare, nel senso che le varie problematiche vengono trattate sia in termini assoluti, sia in relazione a determinati fenomeni e circoscritte situazioni. In ogni caso, anche là dove l'indagine vanta una lunga tradizione, sono state adottate impostazioni del tutto moderne che come tali, nel tener conto delle vigenti normative, assumono una dimensione che si coll…
The Measurement of Human Capital in Family Firms
Intangibles are the key elements underpinning the competitiveness of enterprises. Among them a decisive role is certainly represented by the skills, knowledge, skills and experience possessed by members within organizations, as fundamental drivers thanks to which delineate identity and strategic objectives. Intangible assets became the determinants and foremost sources of company success (Drucker, 1993). The literature on human capital proposed that firms require to recruit, nurture and retain talents so that the knowledge base can be extended, which has the capacity to improve an organization's overall productivity (Boxall, 2003; Lin & Wang, 2005, Lim et al., 2010; Mehralian et al., 20…
The application of intellectual capital reports in local authorities: analysis and empirical evidence
This paper aims to investigate intellectual capital management in a public organisation as the Chambers of Commerce; in particular, whether and to what extent intellectual capital contributes to overall accountability and what role intellectual capital plays as a management tool. In order to answer these questions, the paper examines a case study, the Chamber of Commerce of Verbania Cusio Ossola that, at present, is one of the few in Italy, which prepares an intellectual capital report, by dedicating to it a special section in its social budget, where IC is reported. The paper also describes the intellectual capital report used in the Chamber of Commerce, the information supplied and the ro…
Partecipazioni e bilancio
Corporate governance and performance: An analysis of Italian listed companies
In recent years, both corporate governance and performance management have been subjected to considerable changes. In this dynamic context, it is interesting to study the evolution of the relationship between performance and governance. Does governance still affect performance? The purpose of this paper is to verify the presence and intensity (extent) of the relationship between corporate governance and performance in Italian listed companies by using both accounting and non-accounting performance measures. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of prior firm performance on board composition and governance structure of some companies listed on the Italian stock exchange, an…
Il legame tra innovazione strategica, capitale intellettuale e tecnologie intelligenti
Il successo delle aziende è strettamente legato alla loro capacità di innovare, cioè di proporre soluzioni nuove o migliorative rispetto alle preesistenti. L’innovazione costituisce un elemento imprescindibile per il conseguimento di risultati competitivi soddisfacenti soprattutto nei moderni contesti economici, dove la tecnologia si evolve rapidamente e cambia le “condizioni di gioco”, facendo diventare obsoleti prodotti e conoscenze pregresse, mutando i confini dei mercati e cambiando i rapporti di potere tra attori economici (ad esempio, il cliente sempre più informato e connesso con il mondo grazie ad internet acquista più potere rispetto ai fornitori di beni e servizi). In Italia, così…
Intellectual Capital Report in the Healthcare Sector: An Analysis of a Case Study
In the healthcare sector the growing interest in intellectual capital begins with the understanding that the ability to maintain and develop knowledge within it is one of a major reason for the success of the structure. Knowledge presents in health care organizations is a valuable asset, essential to ensure a good quality of services, which has been not only enhanced but also continuously developed. In this sense, analyzing the intellectual capital in healthcare means put at the centre of attention knowledge, the processes that make it possible. This exploratory study aims to investigate the importance of intellectual capital in the healthcare sector, thorough the examination and interpreta…
Il bilancio d'esercizio secondo la normativa e i principi contabili nazionali
Disclosure of innovation on sustainability report
PurposeThere are several studies on various aspects of the disclosure of companies but there is little research on elements related to the disclosure of innovation in particular. The work aims to fill this important gap by examining to what extent the companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, which prepare the sustainability report (non-financial declaration – NFS), disseminate information relating to innovative activities.Design/methodology/approachThe methodology used to achieve the research goal has used multiple linear regression models (OLS), to study the factors that influence disclosure. The data were collected through the content analysis. The sample is made up of 171 companie…
L'iscrizione delle tangenti in bilancio
Iscrizione tangenti in bilancio
Measuring and reporting intangible assets in multi-sectoral science and technology park: AREA Science Park of Trieste
The aim of the present study is to describe the instrument of IC reporting for research organization (RO), which have a broad scope of activities that differ from universities and private firms. Generally, they are specialized in different field applied research and technology development. The present study focus on a public research center, which uses public funds and this means that there is a greater demand for accountability. The company under analysis is the AREA Science Park of Trieste (Italy), born in the late 70s. AREA is now one of the most important parks internationally, recognized in 2005 by the Ministry of Education as a Public Institution National Research first level and poin…
L'outsourcing uno strumento di pianificazione strategica. Analisi delle principali applicazioni nel sistema bancario italiano
Outsourcing come strumento di pianificazione strategica applicato al settore bancario
The sustainability report in the the NPOs. An innovative model
The growing attention toward sustainability report pushed companies, private and public as well, to adopt instruments able to rate sustainability and environmental impact. Many tools can be used to evaluate social communication but the sustainability report is the most complete to explore, measure, understand and communicate the results under this aspect. Through the sustainability report is possible to supply a balanced vision of the sustainability performance of an organization and to understand all the positive and negative effects generated running the activity. To report the activity NPOs as well, has to disclose results and their connection with the surrounding community as social, en…
family business
The influence of corporate governance's decision on corporate social responsibility
The need for an accurate and detailed disclosure, the need to understand the mechanisms of government under which the company is managed and controlled, are the starting point of the choices of the many stakeholders that revolve around the company. A large number of players is interested in corporate governance are among these, not only the major shareholders, but also an increasing number of small investors. CSR is an extension of firms efforts to foster effective corporate governance, ensuring firms sustainability via sound business practices that promote accountability and transparency. rnThe paper aims to explore the impact that various corporate governance mechanisms have on the commit…
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Internet Financial Reporting in Concentrated Ownership Companies
In the context of agency theory this study investigates the effect of corporate governance (CG) on Internet Fianncial Reporting disclosure (IFR) in concentrated ownership envitonment, such as Italy. We hypothesize that IFR may be explain in term of increasing trasparency in order to defen minority shareholder interest, so we predict, and find, a positive association between the extent of a firm's IFR and its CG and a negative assocaition between IFR and ownership structure. Abstract. This study investigates, upon agency theory, the effect of corporate governance (CG) on Internet Financial Reporting disclosure (IFR) in an ownership concentrated environment, such as Ita-ly. We hypothesize tha…
Innovations in Corporate Governance and Performance Management
In recent years, both corporate governance and performance management have been subject to significant forces for change: externally (as a reaction to changing regulatory requirements around the world) and internally (new managerial practices and initiatives inside enterprises). These emerging trends affect all enterprises from all sectors whether they are historically subject to formal external and government regulation (such as the financial services sector or healthcare), listing requirements (public companies and multinational companies) or informally structured family businesses and SMEs where wider groups of stakeholders are beginning to become active. For all enterprises changes in t…
Are mandatory non-financial disclosures credible? Evidence from Italian listed companies
According to the Directive 2014/95/EU on non‐financial information (NFI), from 2017 onwards, large companies of member states must provide social, environmental, and governance disclosures. This paper, focusing on the evaluation of the credibility of NFI in Italy after the implementation of the EU Directive, aims to investigate whether making non‐financial disclosures (NFDs) obligatory affect their credibility. From a theoretical perspective of material legitimacy theory, we investigated the NFDs of the 31 FTSE MIB Italian listed companies for the 2017 fiscal year. Through a meaning‐oriented content analysis, we developed a self‐constructed credibility index applying an operational framewor…
A Framework to Measure Intellectual Capital
New technologies have changed the structure of companies shifting the focus of creating value from material resources to intangibles. The competitive advantage is increasingly reliant on the presence of specific intangibles such as knowledge, experience, communication skills that are the main source of competitive advantage. Among the intangibles based on knowledge, intellectual capital certainly occupies a prominent place. In recent years the increasing complexity that characterized the business management influenced companies to adopt new models of reporting and accounting, taking into account issues and intangible factors not considered so far with the right attention. The objective of t…
LE IMPRESE SOCIALI Un’analisi degli aspetti di governance e rendicontazione
Negli ultimi anni il numero delle imprese che operano nel terzosettore è aumentato e le attività svolte si sono arricchite di contenuti.Oggi, infatti, le aziende non profit, oltre all’assistenza sociale esanitaria e alla formazione, svolgono attività di tutela dell’ambientee dell’ecosistema, di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e del turismosociale, di ricerca ed erogazione di servizi culturali. In questomutato quadro ambientale di riferimento, il legislatore con il D.Lgs155/2006 ha introdotto le imprese sociali, un nuovo strumento giuridicoche permette alle aziende del terzo settore di operare con maggiorefacilità sul mercato. Gli aspetti che caratterizzano queste impresesono due e s…
Intellectual Capital Reporting in the Italian Nonprofit Sector. An Image-Building or an Accountability Tool?
Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze intellectual capital (IC) measurement, management, and reporting practices at organizational level, with the aim to address a relevant research question: are IC reports used as accountability or as image-building tools? The article presents a single in-depth case study of an Italian nonprofit organization (NPO) which has been measuring and reporting its IC for several years. The research project was conducted using an interpretative approach, by analyzing organizational IC reports in the light of a framework, derived from corporate social responsibility (CSR) and IC literature, able to provide researchers with useful insights to interpret t…
Intellectual Capital in a Services-Oriented Firm
This chapter discusses the Intellectual Capital (IC) and its management within the services-oriented firms. It argues that IC and its management are as important as in a product-oriented firm. The authors aim to analyze the intellectual capital in the service-oriented firms, focusing on various components, such as human, structural, and relational capital (IC stock), and how to manage it (IC activities). Specifically, the authors examine IC stock and IC activities in a special type of Italian services firms: the Local Public Utility (LPU). These firms are peculiar since were affected by the privatization process and this has made a great need for rethinking the role of intellectual capital …
Il capitale
In questo capitolo si spiegano: il concetto di capitale; il capitale nel suo aspetto qualitativo: gli investimenti e i finanziamenti; il capitale nel suo aspetto quantitativo-monetario; le diverse configurazioni di capitale; le relazioni tra capitale e reddito
Il terzo settore ha vissuto un profondo processo di cambiamento per effetto del vertiginoso incremento del numero di organizzazioni no profit operanti sul mercato verificatosi negli ultimi decenni. Ciò è stato determinato prevalentemente dalla crisi del sistema welfare-state, per effetto della quale le imprese no profit hanno costituito per lo stato una valida alternativa a cui delegare numerosi servizi offerti ai cittadini. Questa situazione ha reso necessario, da parte delle aziende del terzo settore, spesso strutturate e gestite in modo elementare, l’utilizzo di strutture organizzative e di strumenti di gestione aziendale tipici delle aziende for profit.Il management del settore no profi…