Melilli D
Resistenza alla frattura di quattro materiali per protesi fissa provvisoria: valutazione comparativa in vitro
Reazioni pulpari alla malattia parodontale: studio istologico e istobatteriologico
Citotoxicity of four types of resins used for removable denture bases: in vitro comparative analysis
Objective: To compare the cytotoxicity of four types of resins used for manufacturing denture bases. Method and Materials: 9 disk-shaped samples of four resin (two heat-polymerized, one auto-polymerized, and one light-polymerized), 9 samples of glass (negative control) and 9 samples of lead (positive control) were made according to the manufacturer instructions. The materials were tested by contact with BALB/C 3T3 fibroblast cells. Each sample was tested after 24, 48 and 72 hours. The cellular vitality was verified through spectrophotometric analysis of the solution where the colour is directly related to the amount of metabolically active and living cells. The results were analyzed through…
Preparazioni coronali totali e parziali dei settori posteriori: valutazione della quantità di tessuti duri asportati
Analisi sperimentale comparativa in vitro della citotossicità di quattro tipi di resine per basi protesiche per protesi mobile
Scopo di questo lavoro in vitro è quello di confrontare la citotossicità di 4 tipi di resine per basi protesiche: Paladon 65 powder (termopolimerizzabile) (Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) (resina A); Lucitone 199 powder (termopolimerizzabile) (Dentsply/Trubyte Division, USA) (resina B), Vertex Self curing (autopolimerizzabile) (Vertex Dental, Netherland) (resina C), Eclipse Denture Base Resin (fotopolimerizzabile) (Dentsply/Trubyte Division, USA) (resina D). Sono stati realizzati 9 campioni di ciascuna resina, 3 campioni di piombo (controllo positivo) e 3 campioni di vetro (controllo negativo). Gli eventuali effetti citotossici sono stati ricercati attraverso test per contatto con fibroblasti BALB…
Retention strength of metallic posts with ball-attachments for tooth-supported overdentures
Infiltrazione marginale di tre sistemi di cementazione per inlay in composito: comparazione in vitro
Lo scopo del presente studio è quello di valutare in vitro l'infiltrazione marginale di inlays in composito cementati con tre differenti materiali. Su 36 molari e premolari estratti per motivi ortodontici o parodontali, sono state eseguite preparazioni MOD con margine cervicale sullo smalto. Dopo aver rilevato le impronta in polietere, sono stati realizzati gli inlays in resina composita. I campioni sono stati divisi casualmente in 3 gruppi: Gruppo1 cemento composito microibrido duale (Calibra, Dentsply, York, USA); Gruppo2 composito Flow (Charisma® flow, Heraeus Kulzer, Hanau, Germany); Gruppo3 cemento composito autoadesivo universale ( Relyx Unicum, 3M Espe). I campioni di ogni gruppo son…
Osseotite caricati a due mesi nei settori posteriori del mascellare superiore: controllo a 2 anni di due casi clinici
Aim Acid etched surface implants determine high clinical success rates, but little information is available about early loading in the posterior region of the maxilla, area at risk of failure. The aim of this work is to present two case reports of oral rehabilitation through acid etched surface implants (Osseotite, Implant Innovations - 3i, West Palm Beach, FL) loaded two months after insertion in the posterior maxilla. Materials and methods The success of Osseotite implants was assessed 12 and 24 months after prosthetic loading according to Albrektsson et al. criteria (1986). Results No clinical or radiographic signs of implant failure were observed during the two years follow-up. Conclusi…
Tooth implant-supported removable denture: a systemaric review
Purpose: The aim of this systematic review is to verify whether tooth-implant supported removable dentures (TISRD) can really be proposed to patients as a successful alternative to traditional prosthetic therapy. Methods: This systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines and the studies were selected by PubMed and Scopus. The keywords were “tooth-implant connection,” “removable denture,” “removable dental prosthesis,” “tooth and implant supported removable dentures,” “partial dentures,” and “overdenture.” The outcomes sought in the potentially eligible studies were the survival rate of TISRD, the patient satisfaction, presence of biological and technical complications; …