Piia Näykki


Finnish pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their strategic learning skills and collaboration dispositions

To support the development of pupils’ 21st-century skills, teachers themselves must also be competent in these skills and learn them during pre-service teacher education. The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of profiles emerge among Finnish first-year pre-service teachers’ (N = 872) in terms of perceptions of their strategic learning skills and collaboration dispositions and what background variables explain membership of the profiles found. Latent profile analysis showed five student profiles corresponding to perceived strategic learning skills and collaboration dispositions. The most robust factor explaining the membership of the profiles was life satisfaction. Pre-service te…

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Managing sudden change of working practices in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Preparing teacher-students for twenty-first-century learning practices (PREP 21) : a framework for enhancing collaborative problem-solving and strategic learning skills

With regard to the growing interest in developing teacher education to match the twenty-first-century skills, while many assumptions have been made, there has been less theoretical elaboration and empirical research on this topic. The aim of this article is to present our pedagogical framework for the twenty-first-century learning practices in teacher education. We will first review the current status of policy frameworks for the twenty-first-century learning skills. Based on our previous work and current understanding in the field of learning sciences, we will next elaborate the processes and strategies for collaborative problem-solving skills and strategic learning skills to specify curre…

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“You really brought all your feelings out” – Scaffolding students to identify the socio-emotional and socio-cognitive challenges in collaborative learning

Abstract The aim of this study is to explore how students experience and describe socio-cognitive and socio-emotional challenges in collaborative learning. The participants (N = 20) were teacher education students whose collaborative learning was supported with a designed regulation macro script during a six-week mathematics course. The purpose of the script was to provide structured phases during the collaborative learning tasks for the group members to plan, monitor, and evaluate their workings. The video data of groups' face-to-face work was collected and analysed by focusing on the different types of challenges the groups experienced and the types of challenges they described during the…

research product

Facilitating socio-cognitive and socio-emotional monitoring in collaborative learning with a regulation macro script – an exploratory study

This study examines student teachers’ collaborative learning by focusing on socio-cognitive and socio-emotional monitoring processes during more and less active script discussions as well as the near transfer of monitoring activities in the subsequent task work. The participants of this study were teacher education students whose collaborative learning was supported with a designed regulation macro script during a six weeks environmental science course. The script divided the group work into three phases, namely: the orientation phase, intermediate phase, and reflection phase. The script was put in use by prompting questions that were delivered to the students on tablets. Question prompts i…

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Expectations for supporting student engagement with learning analytics : an academic path perspective

There has been a growing interest in higher education to explore how learning analytics (LA) could be used to support student engagement. Providing actionable feedback with LA for students is an emerging area of research. Previous studies have commonly focused on course-level aspects of supporting engagement with LA, but students' perspectives have received limited attention. This study analyzed pre-service teachers’ needs and expectations for LA to support student engagement on the academic path level, which means observing the continuum of study periods and academic years. Qualitative content analysis was conducted for video-recorded student small-group conversations to analyze in-depth h…

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Student teachers’ feelings of anxiety and exhaustion: can self-regulated learning skills function as an antidote?

ABSTRACTThis study examines first-year student teachers’ (N = 310) self-evaluated, study-related anxiety and exhaustion, and self-regulated learning (SRL) skills. Our presumption is that feelings o...

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“Anything taking shape?” : Capturing various layers of small group collaborative problem solving in an experiential geometry course in initial teacher education

Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is widely recognized as a prominent 21st-century skill to be mastered. Until recently, research on CPS has often focused on problem solution by the individual; the interest in investigating how the theorized problem-solving constructs function as broader social units, such as pairs or small groups, is relatively recent. Capturing the complexity of CPS processes in group-level interaction is challenging. Therefore, a method of analysis capturing various layers of CPS was developed that aimed for a deeper understanding of CPS as a small-group enactment. In the study, small groups of teacher education students worked on two variations of open-ended CPS tasks…

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Teachers as learners – a qualitative exploration of pre-service and in-service teachers’ continuous learning community OpenDigi

This study explores pre-service and in-service teachers’ experiences in working as a learning community. Pre-service teachers (N = 60) and teacher educators (N = 9) from a Finnish university and in...

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Comparing technology acceptance of K‐12 teachers with and without prior experience of learning management systems : A Covid‐19 pandemic study

Covid-19 pandemic has caused a massive transformation in K-12 settings towards online education. It is important to explore the factors that facilitate online teaching technology adoption of teachers during the pandemic. The aim of this study was to compare Learning Management System (LMS) acceptance of Finnish K-12 teachers who have been using a specific LMS as part of their regular teaching before the Covid-19 pandemic (experienced group) and teachers who started using it for emergency remote teaching during the pandemic (inexperienced group). Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology framework, a self-report questionnaire was administered to 196 teachers (nexperienc…

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Varhaiskasvatushenkilöstön käsityksiä lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen kehittymisestä – Käytäntöön integroitu koulutus ammatillisen kehittymisen tukena

Lapset tarvitsevat aikuisen tukea oppiakseen säätelemään tunteitaan. Jotta varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilainen voi tarjota lapsille monipuolista ja sensitiivistä tunteiden säätelyn tukea osana pedagogista toimintaa, häneltä odotetaan oman roolin tiedostamista lapsen tunteiden kanssasäätelijänä. Lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukeminen pedagogisessa toiminnassa rakentuu kanssasäätelijän teoreettiselle tiedolle ja vaatii sen soveltamista käytännössä. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu, millaisia käsityksiä varhaiskasvatushenkilöstöllä on tunteiden kanssasäätelystä, ja kuinka käsitykset muuttuvat, kun heidän tietopohjaansa tunteiden kanssasäätelystä vahvistetaan työhön integroidun koulutuskokon…

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Student Teachers’ Video-Assisted Collaborative Reflections of Socio-Emotional Experiences During Teaching Practicum

This study explores video as a tool for student teachers in reflecting upon their own teaching practice. The particular interest is in exploring, what kind of socio-emotional experiences did the student teachers describe during the video-assisted collaborative reflection and what benefits student teachers experienced through the video-assisted collaborative reflections? The study implements a video-observation model (Participatory and Empowering Video Analysis- model, PEVA™) developed for a professional teacher education programme and investigates the model from student teachers’ perspective. The participants are student teachers in an international professional teacher education programme …

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Social sensitivity:a manifesto for CSCL research

International audience; Technologies for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) are playing an increasingly prominent role in educational contexts, especially as teachers and students strive to deal with pandemic-related constraints. However, the technologies being used for collaboration on a daily basis are not sufficiently equipped to promote collaborative learning as both a cognitive and a socio-emotional process. They may even run the risk of hindering the constructive exchange of ideas and provoking disputes and negative encounters. In this squib, we argue that the field of CSCL is failing to address this risk, because our research efforts are far too scattered and siloed. We…

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Insights into Finnish first-year pre-service teachers’ twenty-first century skills

This study focuses on Finnish pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their twenty-first century skills, especially their learning strategies, collaboration and teamwork, as well as knowledge and attitudes related to ICT in education. The target group consist of 263 first-year pre-service teachers from three universities. The results outline how pre-service teachers perceive their twenty-first century skills, the relationships between different areas of these skills, and the differences among pre-service teachers in terms of perceived skills. The results indicate that the pre-service teachers perceive themselves as skilled learners in terms of learning strategies used as well as collaboration …

research product

“You really brought all your feelings out” : Scaffolding students to identify the socio-emotional and socio-cognitive challenges in collaborative learning

The aim of this study is to explore how students experience and describe socio-cognitive and socio-emotional challenges in collaborative learning. The participants (N = 20) were teacher education students whose collaborative learning was supported with a designed regulation macro script during a six-week mathematics course. The purpose of the script was to provide structured phases during the collaborative learning tasks for the group members to plan, monitor, and evaluate their workings. The video data of groups' face-to-face work was collected and analysed by focusing on the different types of challenges the groups experienced and the types of challenges they described during the scripted…

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Virtual Reality for Collaborative Learning in Teacher Education

This poster discusses the potential of virtual reality (VR) for collaborative learning. VR can provide engaging, social and creative digital environments for collaborative knowledge construction but its pedagogically meaningful uses and affordances are only just developing. We present the design of a case study where pre-service teachers become acquainted with the pedagogical potential of VR through collaborative exploration and subsequently collaboratively design and reflect on authentic school projects using VR. nonPeerReviewed

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OpenDigi toimintamallin käsikirja : opettajat oppimistaitojen ja digipedagogiikan kehittäjäyhteisöissä

Yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen kiihtyessä on muuttuneisiin osaamistarpeisiin reagoitava myös koulutuksessa. Uudeksi kansalaistaidoksi ja ammatillisen osaamisen ytimeksi on nousemassa kyky uudistua ja sopeutua jat-kuvaan muutokseen. Suomalaisen koulutuksen laatu nojaa vahvasti akateemiseen opettajankoulutukseen. Yh-teiskunnallinen kehitys haastaa opettajankoulutusta ja kouluja tukemaan entistä vahvemmin ihmisten aktiivista roolia muutoksen tekijöinä ja siihen sopeutujina. Tutkintojen suorittamisen lisäksi koulutusjärjestelmän tulee antaa parempia valmiuksia aktiiviseen oppimiseen. Tämä edellyttää uudistumista koulutuksen kaikilla tasoilla. Koulutuksen muutos edellyttää oppilaitoksissa toimivien…

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