F. Peters

Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone-a lactation-promoting agent?

Objective— To study the lactational and hormonal responses to nasal administration of thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) in puerperal women with inadequate lactation. Design— Prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Subjects— 19 puerperal women with inadequate lactation (<50% of normal milk yield) on the 5th day postpartum. Interventions— 10 women were allocated to receive TRH administered by a nasal spray of 1 mg, four times daily, between suckling episodes, for 10 consecutive days starting on day 6 postpartum. Nine women were allocated to receive placebo sprays. Main outcome measures— Daily milk yield, serum levels of prolactin and thyroid hormones. Results— Before …

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Hypophysäre/Ovarielle Wirkstoffe

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Multicentre study of gestrinone in cyclical breast pain FRIEDOLF PETERS

Although the aetiology of cyclical mastalgia is poorly understood, the consistent finding of an increased prolactin stimulation response probably due to oestrogen dominance has led to the use of treatment with prolactin-lowering drugs and antioestrogens. The efficacy and safety in cyclical mastalgia of gestrinone, which has androgenic, anti-oestrogenic, and antiprogestagenic properties, were investigated in a multicentre study. In a double-blind randomisation procedure, 72 patients were allocated placebo and 73 treatment with gestrinone (2.5 mg twice a week) for 3 months. The patients recorded the severity of breast pain on a visual analogue scale before and during treatment and scored othe…

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Drainage großer Brustdrüsenabszesse unter ästhetischen und funktionellen Aspekten

In 11 puerperal women, a breast abscess was treated by drainage from the inframammary fold. Eight patients wished to continue breast feeding. During the healing period, the babies were not breast fed on the operated side. In 3 patients, the skin over the abscess necrotised, resulting in a defect of 1 to 2 cm. In 2 patients, a small seroma had to be punctured after removing the drainage tube. Aesthetic results were judged by the patients as good. Resumation of suckling on the operated side revealed only 15 to 20% milk yield compared to that of the other breast. This treatment meets aesthetic and function-preserving criteria.

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Entwicklungsstörungen der Mamma und deren Behandlung

Brustdrusenerkrankungen in Kindheit und Adoleszenz unterscheiden sich durch Art und Umfang von Erkrankungen der Erwachsenenjahre. Wahrend sich nach Ausreifung der Brust die meisten Probleme aus Veranderungen der Drusenstruktur ergeben, kommen in Kindheit und Adoleszenz genetische Vorgaben der Brustanlage und Entwicklung, besondere Reaktionen im Laufe der endokrinen Umstellung in der Pubertat sowie normale Reaktionen auf Endokrinopathien zum Tragen. Die Thelarche kann wahrend dem 8. und 14. Lebensjahr erwartet werden. Die Brustdrusenentwicklung dauert ca. 2,5 Jahre. Uberzahlige Brustanlagen (Mamillen und/oder Drusengewebe) trifft man bei 3–6 % der weiblichen Bevolkerung an. Kongenitale Anoma…

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Isolated erythema (cellulitis) of the breast.

Abstract This paper reports nine cases of breast cellulitis in women patients (four cases in pregnancy, four postmenopausal cases following hormone replacement therapy and one case of unilateral breast oedema following a mediastinal lymphoma). Biopsies were obtained from the erythematous area in one pregnant patient, one postmenopausal patient and the patient with breast oedema associated with the mediastinal lymphoma. Histology revealed unspecific dermatitis with extensive perivascular lymphoplasmocellular infiltrates. Histopathological examination of biopsies obtained from the underlying mammary tissue along with the corresponding mammographic data gave no evidence of mastitis or mammary …

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Non-puerperal mastitis

Der Begriff nonpuerperale Mastitis umfasst alle entzundlichen Veranderungen der weiblichen Brustdruse und der Brustwarze auserhalb der Laktationsphase. Daraus ergibt sich ein breites Spektrum sehr unterschiedlicher Erscheinungsformen, von der Mastitis des Neugeborenen, der Thelitis im Kindesalter, den bakteriell verursachten Entzundungen der Milchgange und der daraus resultierenden Abszessbildung, auch mit Fisteln sowie abakteriellen Entzundungen. Weiterhin werden hier auch entzundliche Veranderungen der Haut uber dem Brustkorper unterschiedlicher Genese beschrieben. Die Atiologie ist nicht einheitlich und in manchen Fallen letztlich auch nicht zu klaren. Bakteriell verursachte Entzundungen…

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