Igor Kostenyuk
Isolation, culture and plant regeneration from protoplasts of Sideritis angustifolia
Summary Factors promoting high yields of viable protoplasts from leaves of Sideritis angustifolia are reported. Isolated protoplasts divided and gave rise to callus when plated in modified liquid MS medium with growth regulators. Best plating efficiency was obtained when protoplast were cultured in the presence of 6 μM BA and 2 μM NAA. Calli were then transferred onto solidified regeneration media. Adventitious bud differentiation was only observed in calli grown on medium containing 8 μM BA and 2 μM NAA. These buds proliferated quickly when placed on hormone-free medium and subsequendy regenerated new buds and shoots. Once developed shoots were excised, the remaining tissues maintained thi…
Isolation of Alkaloids from Cultured Hybrid Cells of Rauwolfia serpentina*Rhazya stricta.
Two monoterpenoid indole alkaloids and four β-carbolines were isolated from a hydrid cell suspension culture generated from two Apocynaceous plants, Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. and Rhazya stricta Decaisne. This indicates that the function of alkoloid biosynthesis is retained after hybrid formation and that alkaloids not previously detected in the parental plants or cell cultures are formed.